JAMiAM -> RE: Printed Manual? (8/17/2006 6:42:08 PM)
ORIGINAL: GreenDestiny I don't know… But they always say that it would cost them too much to have a printed manual for their games. But then I see games like Hearts of Iron II Doomsday and Civilization IV Warlords come out with a 150 page manual for their games that are 20 to 30 dollars that makes me wonder if they are really telling the truth. Economies of scale. Smaller print runs are more expensive on a per unit basis than larger print runs. When you are reasonably assured of shipping (including simply moving product into the retail sector) several hundred thousand units, in a relatively short time, you can get the print costs down far more than you can if you are looking to ship 50,000 over a several year "lifetime" of the product. It's just one of the ugly economic realities of operating in a long-term, niche market, rather than a short life cycled, mass market.