djeezman -> noobee(3) railline and battletactic (8/21/2006 12:34:34 PM)
Hello everybody, Here are two more things; 1) As Allies I got pushed down to Singapore (1941-1942) but managed to bring an invasion fleet to the empty japanese bases near georgetown. Hoping to cut off the supplies of the Japs down the Malaysian peninsula and at the same time conquer the lost bases in North Malaysia in a fast tempo. BUT ! suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE there appears a Jap ARmy of 13000 troops in the first hex above the Malay/Thai border(Singhora). How is this possible ?? I have eradicated any Jap troop carriers in the Thai sea (+ screen of subs). The only thing I can imagine is that they came from railway line straight from Bangkok (I am a beginner, set to easy AND showing the enemy troops ..hey, it is a first time effort :0) ). But is this possible in the game ? 13000 troops per train moving over a distance of (what is it..) 7 hexes in one day ? I can tell you that in real life in 1941 with those few thai steamtrains it would not be possible^[:(] 2) More of an advise; If you are stuck in a landbattle and your attack value/troops are more or less evenly matched... it could linger on forever. Which tactic is better: Keep all your troops in the hex and allow them (and the opponent) to suffer more and more fatigue, or..take out a unit or two every three days to a hex behind to rest and recuperate and reenter the battle hex after the fatigue is reduced to a low value ? Which is the more effective/efficient approach ?[&:] Cheers