AmiralLaurent -> RE: Strategies in the Pacific (9/6/2006 8:12:12 PM)
What I find interesting in this book (it is a copy of one of the 'Green Books' of the History Branch of US Army) is that it shows Pacific logistics were far more complicated (and so allowed much less operations) than in WITP. For example, the 'shipping crisis' described in fall 1942. By this date, I suspect most Allied players have hundred of AP/AK just doing nothing in port. Of course (before fanboys tell it) it's exactly the same with Japan, shipping capacity is not a problem. Japan has in the game enough ships to carry at the same time the whole Southern Area Army, supplies and fuel to supply it, and bring resources/oil to Japan. So, while the book is interesting to read, the world he describes has not much to do with WITP.