RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (Full Version)

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wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/25/2007 1:42:03 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/20/42

Update on Allied carrier status: CV Saratoga completed both 3/42 & 6/42 upgrades. Air group on CV Wasp converts from TBD to TBF torpedo bombers.

Central Pacific: Jap submarine (unidentified) still patrolling at Johnston Is. Contact lost with Jap sub reported approaching Fanning Is on 5/19 - U.S. ASW TF arrived at Fanning Is.

Continued reports of contacts between U.S. subs and Jap carrier aircraft patrols - Val DB (Kwajalein), Kate TB (Canton Is & Pago Pago).

South Pacific: Japanese ground forces on New Caledonia capture hex at La Foa - continue overland advance south towards Noumea. Situation map follows.


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/25/2007 1:57:08 AM)

Operations Report for 5/20/42, part deux

Other developments: Jap ML Ento torpedoed and sunk at Kwajalein by U.S. sub Flying Fish. Dutch air recon squadron VkAfdeling-2 arrived by transport ship in Los Angeles - this air unit will convert its 12 aircraft to F-5A's before redeploying again from the U.S. west coast.

Australia: Two Jap air bombing raids on Daly Waters - one (ground attack) against 4 Australian Division inflicting moderate personnel casualties, the second air attack on airfield facilities at Daly Waters with light damage reported. No activity by Japanese ground forces in NW Australia reported or detected.

China: Most sectors remain quiet at this time. Movement of Japanese ground forces indicate they may be targeting Red Chinese forces (all statiic units) holding Honan base in northern China.

Burma and India: Japanese air bombing (airfield attack) at Myitkyina. No reported Jap ground activity on the front in Burma.

Japanese carrier TF's in the Indian Ocean passed by Colombo without attacking, no action occurred from either side. Current situation map follows. Appears that Jap TF's may be patrolling the area SE of Ceylon in search of Allied ship traffic from Australia - Allied transports shown on the map below are all moving to the N or NW and should evade Jap detection.


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/25/2007 2:13:26 AM)

Report of current Allied BB status as of 6/20/42

Old U.S. battleships in Pearl Harbor in various stages of repair and upgrade - priority on these ships relatively low as these ships are in reserve with no plans to deploy them from the West Coast or use them in combat operations.

BB Maryland & Tennessee fully repaired and completed 4/42 upgrades.
Main repair effort is on BB's Arizona and California - both at Los Angeles completing repair, then to begin 4/42 upgrade.

BB's West Virginia (only one remaining at Pearl) & Pennsylvania - secondary repair priority at present for both these ships, repair effort will be accelerated once repair and upgrade done on Arizona & California.

BB Colorado completed 4/42 upgrade.
BB's Idaho, New Mexico & Mississippi at anchor in San Diego
BB North Carolina enroute to the U.S. west coast - North Carolina will eventally be deployed as escort BB with a carrier TF.

British BB Status:

Warspite is returning from Panama City to the U.S. west coast. Considered unsafe to deploy to Australia considering current situation. Will be placed in reserve on the U.S. west coast along with old U.S. battleships.

Prince of Wales & Repulse in Australian waters as part of surface combat TF - this TF now enroute to Melbourne.

BB's Resolution & Revenge in Aden - at anchor in reserve status until further notice.


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/27/2007 8:06:32 PM)

Summary of Operations 6/21/42

Central Pacific: Submarines report Kate TB air patrols over Canton Is, Val DB aircraft patrolling at Kwajalein. ASW/Mine Warfare task force is still enroute to Johnston Is. All other sectors in the Central Pacific theatre reporting quiet.

South Pacific: No change in the situation at Noumea. Movement of single-ship transport TF's moving both east and west-bound across the "Antarctic Circle" route between Wellington (NZ) and Panama City proceeding normally without Japanese interference.

Plans are underway to move HQ Asiatic Fleet from Australia to the U.S. via Wellington & Panama City to rebuild its support elements to full strength in the U.S. and then redeploy back to South Pacific. Current strength of HQ Asiatic Fleet is 60-70 support squads - at this time the unit does not have a significant role to play in the Australia/NZ area. Supply required to rebuild HQ Asiatic Fleet from replacements is better taken from supply points in the U.S. rather than supply point stocks on hand in Australia which are more urgently needed for combat units and operations.

Australia: Two Japanese air raids on Daly Waters - one a ground attack on U.S. 4 Marine Rgt, the second strike an airfield attack. Light casualties and damage reported. No detected movement of Japanese land forces southward from Katherine. All other sectors in Australia & New Zealand reporting quiet.

Indian Ocean: Japanese carrier force is now east of Ceylon - aircraft from this force attacked and torpedoed a lone TK. AAR and situation map follow. Appears that the Jap carrier force is running out of air ops - might be a nice tactical opportunity for a counterattack if only a couple U.S. CV's in the vicinity of this right now.

Day Air attack on TF at 8,32

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 28
D3A2 Val x 1
B5N2 Kate x 1

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
TK Empire Celt, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
1 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet



wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/27/2007 8:16:28 PM)

More Operations from 6/21/42

India: Japanese night air bombing raid on Calcutta - no significant damage reported but half their bombers hit by flak. Five AA regiments are currently on station in Calcutta. AAR follows.

Night Air attack on Calcutta , at 29,23

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
G5N Liz: 5 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
10 x G5N Liz bombing at 23765 feet


Burma: Jap air bombing continues at Myitkyina, targets seem to vary day-by-day. This bombing strike a ground attack on Chinese 200 Division - no casualties reported. Chinese and RAF bomber squadrons continue night bombing attacks against Japanese bases in Burma.

China: Japanese ground offensive begins against Communist Chinese positions at Yenan. AAR follows. Red Chinese LCU's in Yenan are all static - the bad news may be the Japs take Yenan, the good news is the Red Chinese LCU's could become mobile in the process.

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15874 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 489
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 52189 troops, 210 guns, 84 vehicles, Assault Value = 1183
35th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/27/2007 9:28:56 PM)

Summary of Operations 6/22/42

A report of Japanese AP Heiwa Maru sinking near Marcus Is was picked up by Allied intelligence.

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines report Jap carrier aircraft patrols continue over Canton Is and Kwajalein.

Operations report indicates Japanese have information that the U.S. 111 RCT is stationed at Midway. Actual U.S. ground combat forces currently at Midway include two RCT's (one of them being the 111th) and two U.S. Marine CD units.

U.S. ASW/Minesweeping TF arrived at Johnston Is, spotted and engaged Japanese sub I-4. AAR follows. It does not appear the sub I-4 had been minelaying at Johnston. However, the TF will proceed with minesweeping operations at Johnston Is before returning to Pearl as a precaution.

ASW attack near Johnston Island at 104,78

Japanese Ships
SS I-4, hits 9, heavy damage

Allied Ships
PC Reliance
DMS Perry
DMS Dorsey
DMS Lamberton
DMS Boggs
DMS Trevor
DMS Zane
DMS Hopkins
DMS Long
DMS Hovey
DMS Southard


South Pacific: No report.

Australia: Japanese air raid at Daly Waters (ground attack) against U.S. 31 RCT - moderate casualties reported. Sigint report received indicating the Jap 3rd Mortar Bn has moved from Wyndham and is now in Katherine. Still no detected movement of Japanese ground forces southward from Katherine.

Indian Ocean: Japanese carrier TF's east of Ceylon and reported moving eastward by a Sunderland on naval air patrol. Aircraft from these TF attacked TK Empire Celt again - no hits. AAR follows. Looks like the Jap carriers are definately out of air ops.

Burma: Japanese air attack on Myitkyina airfield - light damage reported.

China: Japanese ground offensive continues at Yenan, also ground attacks against forward Chinese positions between Ichang and Changsha. AAR's and situation map follows.

Ground combat at Yenan (all Jap LCU's participating in this attack moved northward from Sian to attack Yenan)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 52242 troops, 207 guns, 83 vehicles, Assault Value = 1237
35th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 20603 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 488
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 6
Japanese max assault: 1093 - adjusted assault: 413
Allied max defense: 529 - adjusted defense: 434
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 6)

Japanese ground losses:
720 casualties reported
Guns lost 10

Allied ground losses:
645 casualties reported
Guns lost 16

Ground combat at 46,35 (Jap 116th Division moved SE from Ichang to execute this attack)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 22038 troops, 104 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 499
116th Infantry Division
Defending force 3655 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 99
75th Chinese Corps, 8th Chinese Guerrilla Corps/A

Ground combat at 46,36 (Jap 60th Division had not been detected by previous Allied intel before this attack)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 15472 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
60th Infantry Division
Defending force 184 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 9
50th Chinese Guerilla Corps/A

Japanese max assault: 313 - adjusted assault: 618
Allied max defense: 8 - adjusted defense: 4
Japanese assault odds: 154 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported

Allied ground losses:
25 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15294 troops, 64 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 469
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 56200 troops, 192 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 1179
35th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts



wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/28/2007 7:44:15 PM)

Overview of upgrade status for other U.S. ship types as of 6/22/42:

Available upgrades for Allied non-capital warships (CA, CL, DD, SS, etc) are being done as quickly as possible with the primary goal of adding radar and increased anti-aircraft armament. For CA, CL & DD, the main goal of these upgrades is increasing utility of these ships as escorts in Air Combat TF's, both to detect incoming Japanese air strikes and as flak cover for carriers. Other capabilities gained through these upgrades are useful but of secondary importance at the current time.    

Upgrades have been completed or now in progress for nearly all U.S. cruisers (both CA & CL) and destroyers - these ships are being rotated into ports to do upgrades as follows

1) After completing repair for minor system damage (refit).
2) After completing repair for combat damage.
3) Ships currently inactive (at anchor) are being sent to U.S. West Coast bases for upgrade as they can be spared from front line service.

All U.S. submarines except Argonaut have been upgraded to their current level. Primary goal for submarine upgrades is acquisition of radar - hopefully increase capability of subs to detect targets. Even if most U.S. subs cannot effectively attack targets (due to high torpedo dud rate), improved target detection by these subs still provide intelligence on Jap naval and transport movements.     

Upgrades of U.S. submarines are being done per the same process as being followed for surface warships. No upgrades are planned for the Argonaut (its upgrade set to 'No') in order to retain the Argonaut's minelaying capability.

It has been noticed that upgrades are being done to some transports and auxiliary type ships. These upgrades are being allowed as they automatically occur and as these ships become inactive and are at anchor in a port.  

The overall goal of Allied ship upgrade policies is to have the maximum capability for as many ships as possible at the point of time in this PBEM when major Allied offensive operations begin. The method to be followed in applying ship upgrades is to

1) Upgrade most critical warships first (CV's and their escorting warships). Priority levels after critical warships - other surface warships and submarines, then auxiliary ships, followed by transports and other non-combat ships. CV upgrade includes upgrade of aircraft types in air groups aboard a CV for purposes of this policy.  

2) Keeping the maximum number of ships in active service as possible.

3) Timing ship upgrades to coincide with repair of combat damage or a ship refit (repair minor system damage) as much as possible.

4) When a ship has two or more upgrades available within a short period of time, get these ships into port to perform both (or all) of these upgrades at the same time.

5) Upgrade individual ships when they are inactive - ship is not assigned to a TF, or it is not expected that the ship will be needed in a TF for the time period required to complete the upgrade. 


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/31/2007 1:42:23 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/23/42

803 Engineer Aviation Bn has rebuilt to full TOE strength - elements of this unit had been evacuated from Bataan by submarine transport before its fall to Japanese forces. 803 EAB is in San Francisco and currently attached to HQ Southwest Pacific. Future deployment of 803 EAB from San Francisco has not be determined at this time.

Other LCU's evacuated to the U.S. West Coast and rebuilding from elements to full TOE strength include

7 Marine Defense Bn (evac from Pago Pago)
2 Philippine Rgt & 120 USN Base Force (both evac from the Philippines)

Central Pacific: No major activity reported. Reports of Jap carrier aircraft patrols sighted by U.S. submarines at Kwajalein and Pago Pago.

South Pacific: No change in the situation at Noumea. Sigint reports movement of Japanese 25 Engineer Rgt from Port Moresby to Koumac (New Caledonia). Otherwise, all other sectors in South Pacific reporting quiet - no significant Japanese activity observed.

Australia: Two Japanese air attacks reported at Daly Waters - one airfield attack and a ground attack against 4 Australian Division - light casualties and damage from both attacks. Sigint reports movement of Jap 14 Tank Rgt from Darwin to Katherine. All other sectors in Australia reporting quiet with no major Japanese activity observed.

Indian Ocean: Jap carriers remain SE of Ceylon - separate naval air strikes on three transports. AAR's and situation map follow.

Day Air attack on TF at 10,28

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 27
D3A2 Val x 1
B5N2 Kate x 1

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
TK Empire Celt, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x B5N2 Kate bombing at 5000 feet
1 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet

Day Air attack on TF at 15,27

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 2
D3A2 Val x 1
B5N2 Kate x 1

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK Both

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet
1 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet

Day Air attack on TF at 15,27

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 2
D3A2 Val x 17
B5N2 Kate x 1

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
TK Empire Steel, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
1 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet
4 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet
4 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet
4 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet
4 x D3A2 Val bombing at 2000 feet


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/31/2007 1:49:02 AM)

6/23/42 Operations Report - part deux

India: Minesweeping operations continue at Bombay, shipping diverted to Karachi until sweeping ops completed.

Burma: Japanese air attack on Myitkyina airfield - light damage reported. All other sectors in Burma remain quiet.

China: Japanese 37th Division reported arriving at Yenan to reinforce forces attacking there (37 Division was previously at Sian). Jap ground attack also reported W of Ichang. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at 46,35

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 22072 troops, 105 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 501
116th Infantry Division
Defending force 3668 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 102
75th Chinese Corps, 8th Chinese Guerrilla Corps/A

Japanese max assault: 471 - adjusted assault: 336
Allied max defense: 97 - adjusted defense: 10
Japanese assault odds: 33 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
264 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
53 casualties reported

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15404 troops, 67 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 475
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 75922 troops, 286 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 1613
35th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

Japanese ground losses:
32 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (7/31/2007 2:47:19 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/24/42

Central Pacific: U.S. subs report Japanese carrier air patrols at the usual venues - Kwajalein, Canton Is, Pago Pago. All sectors in Central Pacific otherwise reporting quiet.

South Pacific: Kure 7 SNLF arrived at Noumea reinforcing Japanese ground forces attacking there. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Noumea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1949 troops, 16 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 114
86 Naval Guard, Kure 7 SNLF
Defending force 1760 troops, 14 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
BICNM Infantry Bn

Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported


Australia: Jap air raid reported at Daly Waters - no reports of losses or damage on either side. All other sectors in Australia and NZ reporting quiet.

Indian Ocean: TK Empire Steel sinks from damage taken in Jap carrier strikes on 6/23. Japanese carrier TF's moving east heading towards Malacca Straits.

Burma: Jap bombing raid (airfield attack) on Myitkyina. Also two fighter sweeps by Japanese aircraft over Imphal - only one RAF fighter squadron was activated on CAP at the time of the attacks. Five Hurricane II fighters shot down (four other RAF & AVG fighter squadrons were at Imphal but on "stand down"). AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 6

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 18
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 16

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 4

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed


China: Japanese ground bombardment attacks at Yenan and hex 46,33 (west of Ichang). AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 68205 troops, 291 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 1620
35th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 19956 troops, 69 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 479
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack (note: Jap 58 Division moved into this hex from Ichang)

Attacking force 15432 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8395 troops, 23 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 250
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Allied ground losses:
16 casualties reported

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15418 troops, 67 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 477
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 76111 troops, 291 guns, 81 vehicles, Assault Value = 1620
35th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/1/2007 2:03:59 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/25/42

Central Pacific: U.S. subs report continued Japanese carrier aircraft patrols at Kwajalein and Pago Pago. Otherwise all sectors quiet.

South Pacific: Japanese ground assault on Noumea. AAR follows. Sigint reports Jap 11th AA Regiment is in Lunga - this unit apparently re-assigned from HQ Home Defense Force and deployed to the South Pacific theater.

Ground combat at Noumea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1975 troops, 16 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 117
86 Naval Guard, Kure 7 SNLF
Defending force 1713 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 36
BICNM Infantry Bn

Japanese ground losses:
4 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Allied ground losses:
1 casualties reported
Guns lost 1


Australia: Japanese air raids on Tennant Creek and Daly Waters (two attacks). No damage or casualties from the Tennant Creek raid. Light casualties to 4 Australian Div and minor airfield damage from Jap raids on Daly Waters.

Sigint reports following Japanese troop movements in NW Australia - this intel along with troop movements observed earlier points toward a possible Japanese ground offensive from Katherine towards Daly Waters.

Jap 2nd Infantry Division now in Katherine (moved from Derby), HQ 14th Army moving from Wyndham to Darwin

HQ Anzac Forces now located in Tennant Creek and has drawn ample supply (70K supply points) via the rail line from Southern Australia, this improving the supply situation greatly. 3rd Australian Division also reached Tennant Creek and regrouping there. 2 Australian Cavalry Division is approaching Tennant Creek from the south. Several air base units and two U.S. P-40 fighter squadrons also in Tennant Creek.

Indian Ocean: Contract lost with Japanese carrier TF's. However, unidentified ships (TFs) have been spotted this game turn in Rangoon.

India/Burma: Minesweeping operations at Bombay finished - port is clear again. Japanese air raid reported at Chittagong, seven Ki-21 Sally bombers hit by flak, no damage reported on the ground. Other sectors reporting quiet.

China: Japanese ground attacks continue at Yenan and several other locations. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 68379 troops, 292 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 1630
35th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 19932 troops, 70 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 479
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Allied ground losses:
42 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15452 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8288 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 247
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Allied ground losses:
24 casualties reported

Ground combat at 46,37

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 5723 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 158
70th Infantry Division
Defending force 8 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1
50th Chinese Guerilla Corps/B

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/4/2007 6:42:45 PM)

Summary of Operations: 6/26/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarine Flying Fish at Kwajalein torpedoed a Jap AK and then received moderate damage in a Japanese ASW attack. The Flying Fish is returning to Pearl Harbor and in no danger of sinking.

Jap carrier aircraft patrols (Kates & Vals) continue to be observed by U.S. submarine patrols at Pago Pago and Kwajalein.

South Pacific: Japanese ground attack on Noumea. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Noumea

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 3920 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 116
86 Naval Guard, Kure 7 SNLF
Defending force 1715 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 36
BICNM Infantry Bn

Japanese max assault: 93 - adjusted assault: 78
Allied max defense: 35 - adjusted defense: 75
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

Japanese ground losses:
152 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Allied ground losses:
11 casualties reported


Jap H8K Emily aircraft reported flying recon missions over Penhryn Island. This situation will continue to be monitored. No Allied air or ground forces are currently based at Penhryn. Penhryn Island is located in the "no-man's land" area between Allied and Japanese front line bases.

A Japanese move on Penhryn Island is not a major loss to the Allied cause and would at most create a base for them to operate naval patrol aircraft to monitor the local sea area. With very few Allied ships moving into or through this area, this might represent a minor disruption to Allied shipping between the U.S. and Australia/NZ in a few instances. If Pillager want to continue over-extending farther to the south, fine. Put another Jap LCU or two and some aircraft into a cul-de-sac from which they may never emerge.

Australia/NZ: All sectors reporting quiet. No Japanese air or ground activity reported or detected.

Burma: Japanese air raid on Myitkyina. AAR follows - including the AAR as an example of typical recent Japanese air activity over Myitkyina.

Day Air attack on Myitkyina , at 36,28

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 12
Ki-51 Sonia x 14

No Japanese losses

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 10

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing at 2000 feet
2 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing at 2000 feet


China: Ground combat continues at Yenan and other locations - AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 76525 troops, 294 guns, 81 vehicles, Assault Value = 2119
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 19955 troops, 69 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 480
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese max assault: 1544 - adjusted assault: 407
Allied max defense: 511 - adjusted defense: 210
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 6)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 5

Japanese ground losses:
793 casualties reported
Guns lost 11
Vehicles lost 1

Allied ground losses:
836 casualties reported
Guns lost 24

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15418 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 341
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8241 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 245
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Ground combat at 46,37

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 5705 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 157
70th Infantry Division
Defending force 8 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1
50th Chinese Guerilla Corps/B

Japanese max assault: 151 - adjusted assault: 153
Allied max defense: 0 - adjusted defense: 1
Japanese assault odds: 153 to 1

Allied ground losses:
3 casualties reported

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 14609 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 458
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 95796 troops, 373 guns, 84 vehicles, Assault Value = 2006
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/5/2007 5:40:39 PM)

Summary of Operations 6/27/42

Central Pacific: A submarine minelaying TF of five U.S. subs reached Kwajalein and dropped a small minefield there. After the minefield was laid, assigned mission of subs in this TF was changed to Sub Patrol. The TF also dispersed into single subs, each sub now moving independently to its own patrol destination. Be thankful I have only one Argonaut....

U.S. submarines continue to observe Jap carrier aircraft patrols at Kwajalein, Canton, and Pago Pago.

South Pacific: Jap recon flights (H8K Emily) once again at Penhryn Is. Japanese 18 Naval Guard Bn has reached Noumea (moving overland from Koumac on the northern end of New Caledonia), reinforcing Jap ground forces attacking there. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Noumea

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1693 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 36
BICNM Infantry Bn
Defending force 5100 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 149
18 & 86 Naval Guard, Kure 7 SNLF


Australia/NZ: Japanese air bombing attacks continue at Daly Waters. AAR's follow - including these as an example of recent Jap air activity over Daly Waters. Casualties and damage shown in the AAR's are slightly greater than what is normally occurring on a daily basis.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13
Ki-49 Helen x 29

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
70 casualties reported

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
11 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 14
G5N Liz x 25
Ki-49 Helen x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 4
Runway hits 2

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet
8 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
10 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet
4 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 15000 feet


Burma: Japanese air activity over Myitkyina - AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Myitkyina , at 36,28

Japanese aircraft
Ki-51 Sonia x 14

No Japanese losses

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing at 2000 feet
2 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing at 2000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 21

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 23
P-40B Tomahawk x 12

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 destroyed, 9 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 2

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 20
P-40B Tomahawk x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged


China: Japanese ground attack on Chinese Communist forces at Yenan - AAR follows. All other sectors in China relatively quiet.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 74387 troops, 270 guns, 78 vehicles, Assault Value = 2014
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 18826 troops, 30 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 461
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 5
Japanese max assault: 1283 - adjusted assault: 556
Allied max defense: 432 - adjusted defense: 563
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 5)

Japanese ground losses:
427 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Allied ground losses:
443 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/6/2007 6:10:25 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/28/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarine Tuna at Kwajalein torpedoes and sinks Japanese ML. Five small Jap minelayers have now been confirmed sunk by U.S. subs at Kwajalein, with an unknown number of others damaged. At this point, I can only assume Pillager is using these ships to augment Japanese ASW and minesweeping ops at Kwajalein. The Jap ML sunk at Kwajalein may or may not represent a big part of Japanese ML capabilities, but it surely cannot help Pillager's cause when he starts looking for minelayers.

Speaking of mines... U.S. sub Tuna also reports observing Japanese minesweeping ops at Kwajalein.

Japanese carrier aircraft patrols continue to be observed by U.S. subs at Saipan (Vals), Kwajalein, and Pago Pago. Some of these could be land-based (if I'm correct, the Japs do have several land-based Kate & Val squadrons in their OOB), but they cannot all be.

South Pacific: Jap recon (H8K Emily) continues over Penryhn Is. It is possible that Pillager may have added Penhryn to the routine Jap long-range recon flights being flown on a daily basis over U.S. bases in the Central Pacific area - now including Palmyra, Midway, Johnston Is.

Noumea captured by Japanese forces. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Noumea

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 5125 troops, 32 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 148
18 & 86 Naval Guard, Kure 7 SNLF
Defending force 1724 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
BICNM Infantry Bn

Japanese max assault: 232 - adjusted assault: 226
Allied max defense: 36 - adjusted defense: 33
Japanese assault odds: 6 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Noumea base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
134 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
1319 casualties reported
Guns lost 7


Also noticed the fall of Noumea resulted in a considerable shift in victory point levels, especially a big drop on the Allied side. I had been trying to keep the Japanese VP advantage to under 4:1, this no longer being the case.

Thoughts appreciated from any readers as to exactly how bad off the Allied cause is at this point of the PBEM. I an nowhere near considering the PBEM a lost cause, even to the point of possibly continuing beyond a Jap auto victory in early '43. Most of the Allied forces are still intact and battleworthy, still have something to work with as long as Allied forces are not foolishly expended.


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/6/2007 6:19:00 AM)

Operations of 6/28/42, part deux:

Australia: Japanese air bombing raids continue on Daly Waters - two strikes reported, one ground attack on 4 Australian Division, the second strike an airfield attack. Light damage and casualties reported.

Putting a display here on the Australian 3rd Division - its status rebuilding after facing the brunt of heavy bombardment (air & naval) and the ground assault at Darwin. 3 Division is pulled back out of the front line to Tennant Creek where 70K supply is available along with support from HQ ANZAC Command.

Any estimates from readers as to how long this unit will take to regroup (given where it is and the current situation) would be appreciated.


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/6/2007 6:29:43 AM)

More Operations from 6/28/42, moving right along...

One last report from Australia: Sigint reports Jap 44 Road Construction Bn in Darwin (obviously fixing potholes).

Burma: Japanese fighter sweeps at Imphal. AAR's follow. Imphal has become the "Allied Fighter Pilot Academy" of Southeast Asia - training with live ammo (and live opponents). Pilot and aircraft losses have stayed relatively light, the gain in experience level could outweigh the losses to pilots and aircraft.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 21

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 24

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 2 destroyed, 7 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 17

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed, 10 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 18

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 13

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 4 damaged


China: Ground combat continues at Yenan. AAR and current situation map of China follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 9822 troops, 19 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 451
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 94842 troops, 363 guns, 84 vehicles, Assault Value = 1963
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade,
2 & 8 Engineer Rgts


wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/7/2007 6:14:06 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/29/42. All in all, a quiet day.

With the situation being relatively quiet in most sectors, I've taken the opportunity to examine leaders commanding various units with particular attention to front-line air squadrons and ground combat units. Command (leader) changes have been made in many of these units to upgrade, and in some instances re-assign command of a unit to a leader best qualified to command the type of unit - i.e. command of a fighter squadron given to an air leader best qualified to command a fighter unit, etc. Leader changes and upgrades will gradually be done to units in rear areas as they ship out to the front line service.

Central Pacific: U.S. submarine Tuna at Kwajalein torpedoed Jap AK (heavy damage, on fire). Tuna was attacked by Japanese surface ships escorting the AK and hit once (minor damage to fuel tanks). No report of the Jap AK sinking - the Tuna is remaining on patrol at Kwajalein until relieved (in 1-2 days) by another sub.

Jap minesweeping ops continue at Kwajalein. Reports continue from U.S. subs of Jap carrier aircraft patrols at Kwajalein, Canton, and Pago Pago.

South Pacific: Jap air recon (Emily) continues over Penhryn Is.

Australia: Three Japanese air raids on Daly Waters - two ground attacks (on 4 Australian Div & 23 AIF Brigade), one attack on airfield facilities. Light casualties and damage reported.

Australian 23 AIF Brigade just reached Daly Waters after being cut off by the Japanese capture of Katherine - it had been holding positions west of Katherine along the Katherine-Wyndham road at the time Katherine fell. 23 AIF Brigade reached Daly Waters at full strength and in battleworthy condition. Two other Allied ground units (Sparrow Force & 109 RAN Base Force) were also cut off with 23 Brigade and are following it into Daly Waters. Sparrow Force and 109 Base Force are both down to cadre strength and will be sent on to the rear area for rebuilding.

India/Burma: No significant activity reported. Dutch submarine K-XVI patrolling the Malacca Straits attacked and heavily damaged a Jap AK.

China: Ground bombardments by both Chinese and Japanese forces at Yenan - light casualties on both sides. Light activity in other sectors of China.

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/8/2007 4:26:37 AM)

Summary of Operations 6/30/42

Central Pacific: U.S. subs report observing Jap carrier air patrols at Kwajalein and Pago Pago. Otherwise, all sectors reporting quiet.

South Pacific: PT-46 engaged by a small Japanese surface TF at Papeete. AAR follows. Jap recon (Emily) aircraft also reported over Penhryn Is.

Day Time Surface Combat, near Papaete at 111,130

Japanese Ships
DD Chidori
DD Manazuru, Shell hits 3
PG Ukishima Maru, Shell hits 5, on fire

Allied Ships
PT PT-46, Shell hits 1


Australia/NZ: Japanese air raids (ground attack) against 4 Australian Division and 23 AIF Brigade at Daly Waters - moderate casualties to both units. No activity by Japanese ground forces observed in NW Australia.

India: Japanese minefield detected at Colombo - minesweeping operations underway.

China: Light activity by ground forces. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 87756 troops, 361 guns, 5 vehicles, Assault Value = 1991
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 18531 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 456
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15452 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8162 troops, 19 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 240
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 10003 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 456
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 95236 troops, 361 guns, 85 vehicles, Assault Value = 1991
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

Japanese ground losses:
11 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

Ground combat at 44,38

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4641 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 106
19 Mixed Brigade/A, 5 RF Gun Bn
Defending force 105 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 8
50 Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Japanese max assault: 95 - adjusted assault: 12
Allied max defense: 7 - adjusted defense: 1
Japanese assault odds: 12 to 1

Allied ground losses:
19 casualties reported

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

wneumann -> RE: wneumann vs Jolly Pillager- the Allied perspective (8/9/2007 5:35:51 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/1/42

Very quiet day throughout - no combat activity or detected Japanese movements in many sectors.

Central Pacific: U.S. sub Sculpin on patrol at Wake torpedoes and sinks Jap PC Fumi Maru #3.

Sighting of an unidentified Japanese sub reported by SBD-3 patrol aircraft just east of Palmyra - sub is heading west towards Palmyra. The ASW/mine sweeping task force based at Fanning Is has been alerted and is proceeding to Palmyra to intercept & attack the Jap sub, then perform mine sweeping ops if required.

Reports of continuing Japanese carrier air patrols sighted at Kwajalein, Canton Is, and Pago Pago - patrols particularly heavy at Kwajalein.

South Pacific: Japanese minesweeping ops detected at Efate. Emily recon aircraft continue flying over Penhryn Is.

Australia/NZ: No reported Japanese air or ground activity in any sector.

India: Minesweeping operations at Colombo - PG Lawrence struck a mine and was heavily damaged. No other activity reported.

China: Light ground activity (bombardment attacks) at Yenan and hex 46,33 - light Japanese casualties, no reported losses to Chinese forces.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/2/42 (8/11/2007 2:50:53 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/2/42

Another quiet day in most sectors.

Central Pacific: ASW/Minesweeping TF dispatched from Fanning Is arrived at Palmyra. The TF did not locate Japanese sub that was reported east of Palmyra on 7/2, but did detect a small mine field apparently laid by the Jap submarine. The minefield was swept and the TF departed Palmyra to return to its base at Fanning Is.

U.S. submarine Narwhal at Kwajalein torpedoed and sank another small Jap ML - this is the sixth ML sunk at Kwajalein by U.S. subs.

Japanese carrier aircraft patrols continue to be observed at Kwajalein and Pago Pago by U.S. subs. Air patrols numerous at Kwajalein (both Kates and Vals).

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet. Allied transport TF traffic moving in both directions along the "Antarctic Circle" route between Panama City and Wellington. Ships are moving in dispersed 1-2 ship TF's with replenishment TF's stationed at several points along this route to refuel shorter range ships needing fuel.

Australia/NZ: Japanese air bombing raids resume at Daly Waters - ground attacks on 4 Australian Div and 23 AIF Brigade. Moderate casualties reported at 4 Division, light casualties at 23 Brigade. Cadre of Sparrow Force Bn reached Daly Waters after being cut off west of Katherine when it was captured by Japanese forces- it had been withdrawing eastward along the Katherine-Wyndham road towards 23 AIF Brigade at the time Katherine fell. Sparrow Force had been defending Wyndham and was badly chewed up in that battle and also pursued by Japanese forces during its retreat from Wyndham. Sparrow Force will be dispatched to Southern Australia for rebuilding. Another Australian ground unit (109 RAN Base Force) that was withdrawing along with Sparrow Force is still moving southward to Daly Waters and will arrive shortly - 109 Base Force is also at cadre strength.

Malaya: Report received of Japanese AK (Akagane Maru) sinking at Singapore.

India/Burma: All sectors reporting quiet - Allied night bombing raids continue on various Japanese targets in Burma.

China: Japanese ground attack on Chinese Communist forces at Yenan, light ground action at hex 46,33. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 95770 troops, 367 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 2012
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 18749 troops, 35 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 458
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4
Japanese max assault: 1952 - adjusted assault: 1567
Allied max defense: 482 - adjusted defense: 436
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 4)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 4

Japanese ground losses:
990 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Allied ground losses:
1211 casualties reported
Guns lost 17

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15412 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8092 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 237
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 9696 troops, 15 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 435
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 94424 troops, 357 guns, 81 vehicles, Assault Value = 1943
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/3/42 (8/11/2007 3:08:42 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/3/42

Central Pacific: U.S. ASW/Minesweeping task force detected a Japanese minefield at Fanning Is on its return from Palmyra. Minesweeping ops to clear this minefield are underway.

U.S. submarine Narwhal at Kwajalein attacked by Japanese ASW TF and received moderate damage. Narwhal is returning to Pearl Harbor for repairs.

U.S. subs continue observing Japanese carrier aircraft patrols at Kwajalein, Canton Is, and Pago Pago.

Sigint report received indicating 67 Construction Bn is enroute to Kwajalein - 67 Battalion having been re-assigned from HQ Home Defense Force for this deployment.

Australia/NZ: Japanese air bombing raids resume at Daly Waters - ground attacks on 4 Australian Div and 23 AIF Brigade. Moderate casualties reported from both units.

2 Australian Cavalry Division has reached Tennant Creek. Progress continues with 3 Australian Division at Tennant Creek restoring disrupted elements of this unit to battleworthy condition.

Sigint report received that Japanese 5 Mortar Bn is now in Darwin - unit was previously reported in Singapore.

Burma: Japanese fighter sweeps at Imphal - AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 2

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 22
P-40B Tomahawk x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 18

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 22
P-40B Tomahawk x 12

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed, 10 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 18

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 15
P-40B Tomahawk x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 6 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 destroyed, 10 damaged
P-40B Tomahawk: 4 damaged


China: Japanese ground attack continues at Yenan, lighter action at hex 46,33. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 94710 troops, 356 guns, 83 vehicles, Assault Value = 1960
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 17353 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 438
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3
Japanese max assault: 1829 - adjusted assault: 760
Allied max defense: 416 - adjusted defense: 224
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 3)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 3

Japanese ground losses:
974 casualties reported
Guns lost 11
Vehicles lost 3

Allied ground losses:
642 casualties reported
Guns lost 8

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15404 troops, 59 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 8048 troops, 17 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 237
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 9382 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 404
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 93168 troops, 344 guns, 78 vehicles, Assault Value = 1882
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/4/42 (8/11/2007 5:49:39 PM)

Summary of Operations 7/4/42

Another fairly quiet day in most sectors. CV Lexington completed 3/42 and 6/42 upgrades and once again available for front line service.

Central Pacific: Sighting of an unidentified Japanese sub reported by SBD-3 patrol aircraft near Midway. An ASW/mine sweeping task force is being dispatched from Pearl Harbor to Midway to intercept & attack the Jap sub and/or perform mine sweeping ops as required.

Report has been received confirming sinking of Japanese sub I-4 near Kwajalein. The I-4 is the 14th Japanese sub reported to be confirmed sunk in this WitP campaign.

U.S. subs at Kwajalein and Canton Is report continued Jap carrier aircraft patrols.

Australia/NZ: No Japanese air or ground activity reported. Sigint reports HQ Japanese 17th Army is now at Port Moresby - this is the first time information on this HQ has appeared in intel reports.

Burma: Night air raids on Magwe airfield by RAF light bombers - AAR's follow.

Night Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 29

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
11 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Blenheim IV bombing at 15000 feet
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 15000 feet
12 x Blenheim IV bombing at 15000 feet
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 15000 feet

Night Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 4

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 4 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 12000 feet

Night Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 11

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 15000 feet
5 x Blenheim IV bombing at 6000 feet


China: Japanese ground attacks continue against Chinese Communist forces at Yenan, also light action at hex 46,33. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 93383 troops, 351 guns, 79 vehicles, Assault Value = 1889
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 16261 troops, 13 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 402
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese max assault: 3300 - adjusted assault: 738
Allied max defense: 329 - adjusted defense: 161
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 3)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Japanese ground losses:
1260 casualties reported
Guns lost 9
Vehicles lost 1

Allied ground losses:
919 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15412 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 7968 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 235
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Allied ground losses:
8 casualties reported

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 4561 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 391
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 91252 troops, 325 guns, 77 vehicles, Assault Value = 1781
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/5/42 (8/12/2007 8:31:01 PM)

Summary of Operations 7/5/42

Still a quiet day in many sectors, though not in all.... U.S. CV Hornet entered shipyard in San Francisco to undergo 7/42 upgrade. Hornet is being replaced by CV Saratoga. Escorts in the carrier TF containing the Hornet (now Saratoga) was reinforced with BB North Carolina and three additional DD, bringing this TF up to 15 ships.

Central Pacific: Mine sweeping operations completed at Fanning Is. U.S. subs continue reporting contacts with Japanese carrier aircraft on patrol at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, and Canton Is - could be significant that the KB is still "at home" for now given the situation to be described later that is now occurring in the far southern reaches of the Pacific.

Pillager has been increasing the Japanese ASW effort at Kwajalein as shown in the AAR below.

ASW attack near Kwajalein at 81,84

Japanese Ships
MSW Tama Maru No. 2
MSW Seki Maru #3
MSW Rikusen Maru
MSW Kaiyo Maru #3
MSW Hinode Maru #18
MSW Hinode Maru #17
MSW Asahi Maru No. 2
DD Shigure
PC Ch 11
PG Hakkaisan Maru
PG Fukui Maru
DD Akizuki

Allied Ships
SS Tuna


Australia/NZ: Heavy Japanese air bombing raid (ground attack) against 4 Australian Division. Heavy casualties reported. AAR follows. Still no action or movement by enemy ground forces reported in NW Australia.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13
G5N Liz x 15
Ki-49 Helen x 38

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
143 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
13 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet


Indian Ocean area (roughly): Dutch submarine K-XVI torpedoes and heavily damages a Japanese AK in the Malacca Straits, then meets up with a Jap ASW TF as shown in the AAR below. The K-XVI was moderately damaged and now returning to base at Trincomalee. Would appear that Pillager is doing a crack down on Allied subs.

ASW attack at 21,47

Japanese Ships
DD Kiji
DD Sagi
DD Kikuzuki
DD Shirayuki
DD Shirakumo
DD Inazuma
DD Hibiki
DD Ariake
DD Yugure
DD Umikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Michishio

Allied Ships
SS KXVI, hits 1


China: Heavy ground combat continues between Japanese and Communist Chinese forces at Yenan - AAR's follow. Japanese attackers at Yenan now reinforced with 68th Division. Also lighter action continues at hex 46,33.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 91431 troops, 323 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 2129
35th, 36th, 37th, 68th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 15049 troops, 7 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 390
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese max assault: 2908 - adjusted assault: 642
Allied max defense: 320 - adjusted defense: 163
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Japanese ground losses:
1342 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Allied ground losses:
579 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 15432 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 343
58th Infantry Division
Defending force 7840 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 232
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Ground combat at Yenan

Allied Bombardment attack
35th, 36th, 37th, 68th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Attacking force 4469 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 373
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions
Defending force 104343 troops, 369 guns, 78 vehicles, Assault Value = 2002

wneumann -> South Pacific shipping route - 7/5/42 (8/12/2007 8:57:48 PM)

South Pacific shipping route 7/5/42

Several entries appeared in the 7/5/42 Operations Report indicating that Allied shipping along the "Antartic Circle" route between Panama City and Wellington (NZ) had been spotted by Japanese E13A1 scout planes. A situation map follows along with entries from the 7/5 Operations Report.

E13A1 Jake sighting report: 2 Allied ships at 102,148 , Speed 6 , Moving East
E13A1 Jake sighting report: 1 Allied ship at 105,148 , Speed 7 , Moving East
E13A1 Jake has spotted Siaoe at 105,148

Allied TF shown in the situation map below represent 1-2 ship Transport TF's moving in both directions between Panama City and Australia/NZ. With no significant operational Allied bases in this area of the Pacific, these ships are moving completely unescorted. Dispersal of all merchant shipping is mandatory in this area to reduce the effects of Japanese interception (if that was to occur), although this tactic does increase the probablity of Japanese detecting ships due to there being more TF's to spot.

Ships currently moving through or heading towards this area include

TK's (westbound) carrying fuel points and oil cargo to Australia
A small number of empty AK's and TK's returning (eastbound) to the U.S. west coast

A group of nine small, long-range AK's transporting elements of HQ Asiatic Fleet (eastbound) to the U.S. for rebuilding to its full TOE. The nine AK's were divided into smaller 1-2 ship TF's (six TF in all) - departure of these TF from Wellington were staggered with TF's leaving at 48-hour intervals. The lead TF of this group (2 AK) has already passed through the area and now off-map to the east. Two other TF (four AK total) are now passing eastward through the map area. The remaining 3 AK (in two TF's) are off-map to the west. These TF have been moving eastward at various speeds.

From other current situation reports for 7/5, it appears that Japanese carrier(s) are still in Pago Pago, Canton Is, and Kwajalein. However, these reports do not entirely eliminate the possiblity of at least one Jap CV in or approaching the situation map area. It should be noted that E13A1 scout planes operate from most Japanese CA classes - indicating at least one Jap CA in the area. The CA(s) can be operating independently as scouts, or as escort ships in a carrier TF. Future events will bear this out.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/6/42 (8/17/2007 1:42:51 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/6/42

This has to be the shortest AAR of any game turn in this PBEM to date.

Central Pacific: Unidentified Jap submarine near Palmyra - ASW/Minesweep TF enroute to Palmyra to investigate and attack sighting.

Sightings of Jap carrier aircraft on patrol by U.S. subs reported at Kwajalein, Saipan, Canton Is. No Jap aircraft sightings at Pago Pago - did a carrier sortie from there to interdict Allied shipping on the Panama City-Wellington "Antarctic Circle" route?

Dutch 4 Naval Base Force arrived at Washington Is (in the Line Is chain) to start construction of a base there. 4 Naval Base Force had originally been earmarked to garrison Rarotanga prior to the fall of Pago Pago - it was moved on to Panama City and from there to the Line Islands.

South Pacific: Japanese amphibious landing reported at Gardner Is (located W of Canton Is in the Phoenix Is chain).

Continued reports from ships on the Panama City to Wellington shipping route - multiple ships sighted by E13A1 scout planes. Situation map follows.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/6/42 (8/17/2007 1:47:36 AM)

More Operations from 7/7/42

Australia: 109 RAN Base Force reached Daly Waters after being cut off W of Katherine. The unit is down to cadre strength and will continue moving south for rebuilding in Southern Australia. All other sectors in Australia/NZ reporting quiet.

Indian Ocean: Japanese ASW TF sweep continues in the Malacca Straits - still trying to get the Dutch K-XVI.

Burma: Light RAF night bomber raids at Magwe - no reported damage or aircraft losses.

China: Light ground action at hex 46,33.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/7/42 (8/17/2007 2:11:03 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/7/42

Central Pacific: U.S. ASW/Minesweep TF spotted and attacked Japanese sub I-6 at Palmyra - two hits reported on the I-6 which is also reported on fire. An A-24 bomber on patrol from Palmyra reported spotting an oil slick. A second Jap sub has also been detected at Palmyra - this sub has not been identified or engaged.

Australia: Japanese air raid (ground attack) on 4 Australian Division at Daly Waters. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
G5N Liz x 17
Ki-49 Helen x 43

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
82 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
13 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet


China: Yenan falls to Japanese ground forces. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Yenan

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 102614 troops, 376 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 2025
35th, 36th, 37th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt, 13 Independent Brigade,
2 & 8 Engineer Rgts
Defending force 14393 troops, 7 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 374
115th, 120th & 129th Communist Divisions

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0
Japanese max assault: 3518 - adjusted assault: 936
Allied max defense: 337 - adjusted defense: 343
Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Yenan base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
1288 casualties reported
Guns lost 11
Vehicles lost 2


South Pacific: Surface naval combat at hex 109,148 along the Panama City - Wellington shipping route. AAR and situation map follow.

More sightings of Japanese scout planes by Allied transports in the southern shipping route area - this time the aircraft were identified as E8N. It should be noted that E8N scout planes operate from some Japanese CA classes, also from ships in 14-in Japanese BB classes (Kongo, Ise, Fuso). No sign of Japanese carriers in the area as of this time.

Day Time Surface Combat at 109,148

Japanese Ships
CL Kashii
DD Tomozuru
PG Kaiun Maru

Allied Ships
PG Oahu, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage



wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/8/42 (8/18/2007 5:19:48 PM)

Summary of Operations 7/8/42

Central Pacific: U.S. minesweeping ops at Midway Is. Heavy Jap ASW attack on U.S. submarine Tuna at Kwajalein - Tuna took one direct hit and heavily damaged. Tuna is proceeding back to Pearl Harbor.

U.S. subs report Japanese carrier air patrols at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, and Canton Is. The sighting of Jap carrier planes at Pago Pago may indicate that carrier(s) remained at Pago Pago and did not sortie (for the moment) to attack Allied shipping lanes to the south.

South Pacific: Two sightings by E13A1 scout planes on Allied transports along the southern shipping route. Weather forecast in this area for 7/9 remains Overcast.

E13A1 Jake sighting report: 1 Allied ship at 113,147 , Speed 12 , Moving East
E13A1 Jake sighting report: 1 Allied ship at 114,146 , Speed 13 , Moving Northeast

Australia: Two Japanese air raids (both ground attack) on Allied units at Daly Waters. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 11
G5N Liz x 9
Ki-49 Helen x 19

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
28 casualties reported

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet

Day Air attack on 31st US Regimental Combat Team, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 4
G5N Liz x 6
Ki-49 Helen x 23

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
64 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet


China: Japanese ground forces begin moving against Chinese positions west of Ichang along direct route to Chungking - AAR's follow.

Ground combat at 47,32

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 14430 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 870
13th Infantry Division, 11 & 14 Independent Brigades
Defending force 18768 troops, 39 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 631
18th, 67th, & 85th Chinese Corps

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 23243 troops, 80 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 749
58th Infantry Division, 1 & 10 Independent Brigades
Defending force 7660 troops, 17 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 226
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C


All other sectors reporting quiet - no major Japanese activity detected.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/9/42 (8/19/2007 12:37:10 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/9/42

Most sectors reporting little or no activity.

Central Pacific: U.S. ASW/Minesweep TF engages Japanese sub I-31 at Midway Is. The I-31 received seven hits, no report of heavy damage or sinking.

It appears that Pillager has re-directed Japanese sub activity in the Central Pacific area from Hawaii and shipping lanes between Pearl Harbor & the U.S. west coast to "front line" positions (Midway, Johnston, and the Line Islands). Plans are being activated to permanently locate ASW and Minesweep naval forces in the Line Islands - five MSW's are already in the Line Is, this force is being increased with a number of DD's. An AD and AE have also been sent with the DD's - these are projected to be based at Christmas Is. Substantial fuel point stocks to support these ships are already on hand at all established bases in the Line Island chain (Palmyra, Christmas, and Fanning Is).

Reports of Jap carrier aircraft sightings from U.S. subs at Canton Is and Pago Pago. With the return of U.S. submarine Tuna to Pearl Harbor after damage from ASW attack on 7/8, no activity by Jap carrier aircraft was reported at Kwajalein. Two U.S. subs are enroute to Kwajalein and due to arrive shortly.

South Pacific: No reports of Japanese scout aircraft sightings from Allied ships along the Panama City - Wellington shipping route. Weather forecast for this area on 7/10 is Clear.

Australia: Japanese ground attack air strike against 4 Australian Division at Daly Waters - light casualties reported.

China: Japanese ground attacks against Chinese positions south of Honan. AAR's and situation map follow.

Ground combat at 47,32

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 14394 troops, 30 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 871
13th Infantry Division, 11 & 14 Independent Brigades
Defending force 18686 troops, 39 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 629
18th, 67th & 85th Chinese Corps

Ground combat at 46,33

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 30939 troops, 100 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 746
58th Infantry Division, 1 & 10 Independent Brigades
Defending force 7656 troops, 16 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 225
1st Chinese Cavalry Corps, 8th Chinese Guerilla Corps/C

Japanese max assault: 701 - adjusted assault: 923
Allied max defense: 198 - adjusted defense: 19
Japanese assault odds: 48 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
79 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
292 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!


wneumann -> News from the Home Front... Four LCM's conduct amphibious warfare maneuvers in Iowa corn field (8/19/2007 1:09:59 AM)

Interesting piece of game mechanics here (seriously!) ....

While looking at the Base Information Display for the "United States" (for no particular reason), I inadvertantly hit the "Create Barges" button in the display. Lo and behold... I became the proud owner of four LCM's on amphibious maneuvers in an Iowa corn field.

Anyone see this happen before? Not that these LCM's have a critically decisive role in the Allied war effort... but is there any chance of getting these poor guys to water?

I could put some of my engineers to work digging a canal from Des Moines to L.A.

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