Summary of Operations 7/22/42 (Full Version)

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wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/22/42 (9/11/2007 6:01:52 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/22/42:

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air flights in the usual places (Canton Is, Pago Pago, Kwajalein). The KB remains at home.

U.S. Submarine Activity... Bonita attacked once again by Jap ASW TF at Kwajalein - one hit but no significant additional damage. Bonita is remaining on patrol. Sub S-43 on patrol at Sydney Is (near Canton) attacked by Japanese ASW TF - one direct hit, plus a second hit inflicting torpedo tube damage. S-43 is heavily damage and returning to Pearl Harbor.

South Pacific: Japanese recon flights and air bombing continues at Norfolk Is.

Australia: Jap recon flights continue over Geraldton. Operations report for 7/22 indicates Japanese airfield at Exmouth base is now a size 4. Possible threat to Allied shipping moving between Perth and points in Southeast Asia.

Air raids by both Japanese and Allied air forces continue in and around Daly Waters. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 6
B-17E Fortress x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
13 casualties reported

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
2 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 23
Ki-49 Helen x 73

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
74 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 6
Runway hits 33

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
5 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet


Malacca Straits: Japanese ASW task force activity - Dutch submarine O-16 heavily damaged (torpedo tubes) in an attack.

India: Unidentified Japanese sub sighted at Trincomalee. Allied aircraft based in and around Trincomalee have been dispatched on ASW patrol in an attempt to engage this sub.

No significant activity reported from Burma or China.

wneumann -> 7/23/42 Daily Ops Report and a question (9/12/2007 3:36:23 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/23/42

Central Pacific: U.S. subs report continued Jap carrier air patrols.

It would appear that Pillager has made Kwajalein, Pago Pago, and Canton Is into permanent bases for the main elements of the KB. A reasonable (though unconfirmed) estimate would be that each of these bases is supporting one Jap carrier TF (each TF possibly a two-CV carrier division with escorts).

This estimate does not account for the "baby-KB", though at least two and possibly three of its CVL/CVE's were damaged in the action off Exmouth (NW Australia) with the British CV's, nor does it include the Junyo and Hiyo (both of which should now be in service). It's likely that at least some of these are based in locations where they can operate either in the Pacific or Indian Ocean.

Only seven U.S. subs (to date) have been sunk in the Central Pacific by Japanese ASW forces (all at Kwajalein). Many subs have been hit and damaged - most received 30-35 sys damage or less and have returned to service fairly quickly. Just wait 'till I get torpedoes...

U.S. Submarine Activity today... Bonita attacked again by Jap ASW TF at Kwajalein - one hit but no significant additional damage. Bonita is still remaining on patrol with 15 or so sys damage. U.S. sub Sailfish hit 3 times by Jap ASW at Sydney Is. Sailfish is returning to Pearl Harbor with moderate (accumulated) damage.

Unidentified Jap submarine detected at French Frigate Shoals. U.S. ASW task force has been dispatched.

South Pacific: Southern shipping route (Panama City - Wellington) reporting quiet. Current weather conditions along the shipping route Overcast and forecast to continue so.

Australia: Jap recon flights continue in SW Australia - Geraldton and Kalgoorlie. Heavy Japanese air bombing of airfield facilities at Daly Waters - AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 23
Ki-49 Helen x 73

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 13

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
15 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
5 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet


India/Burma: Most sectors reporting quiet. Unidentified Jap submarine(s) sighted at Trincomalee, possibly damaged. A small ASW task force is being dispatched to Trincomalee from Colombo.

China: Japanese ground forces launch bombardment attack on Chinese forces at Changsha. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 89019 troops, 462 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1921
26th, 39th, 40th, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts
Defending force 25262 troops, 93 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 797
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Allied ground losses:
175 casualties reported
Guns lost 8


Finally, a question on Auto Victory....

I've been researching this but could not locate an answer. Does the WitP game program automatically end the game when it detects an Auto Victory condition or does the game program allow player(s) to continue the game beyond the point where an Auto Victory occurs?

alfrake -> RE: 7/23/42 Daily Ops Report and a question (9/12/2007 8:37:45 AM)

Do you think he is going to take (or try to take) Daly Waters? Is his bombing doing anything significant there?

Alfred -> RE: 7/23/42 Daily Ops Report and a question (9/12/2007 12:18:09 PM)


After an auto victory, you are given the option to continue.


wneumann -> RE: 7/23/42 Daily Ops Report and a question (9/13/2007 6:25:14 AM)

Alfred... Thanks for the info. I was curious about the auto victory as it's fairly likely to happen in this PBEM, couldn't find anything about how the WitP game program handled it. Looked in the manual and around the strings in here and didn't see anything. Not to repeat my earlier discussion on the subject but I'm way more inclined to stick with my game plan and play this PBEM out for the long haul (to 1945) rather than go for a "hail mary" attack sometime in Dec '42 (which more likely than not would be unsuccessful).

Alfrake... Two part answer to whether Pillager is going for Daly Waters. (1) Yes, if he can pull it off. (2) Yes, if he thinks taking Daly Waters is to his advantage.

My point of view on this is that a Japanese attack (and probable capture) of Daly Waters would not entirely be to the Allies' disadvantage. There are 4 full Japanese divisions in NW Australia - the farther they can be drawn into the interior (beyond the range of an easy supply line, not to mention much of his air support) the better. The best Allied scenario in NW Australia at this time is to make this area into a quagmire for Japanese forces. I'd rather see these four divisions (along with their supporting troops and air) stuck in NW Australia to the greatest extent possible as Pillager will not have them to use elsewhere.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/23/42 (9/13/2007 6:42:08 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/23/42

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols reported in the usual locations. Contact has been lost with the Japanese sub detected at French Frigate Shoals on 7/22, U.S. ASW task force is still enroute. All other sectors reporting quiet.

South Pacific: Jap air bombing raid on Norfolk Is - AAR follows. Other sectors quiet.

Day Air attack on Norfolk Island , at 60,123

Japanese aircraft (all originating from base at Noumea)
A6M2 Zero x 8
G4M1 Betty x 9

No Japanese losses

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 11000 feet
3 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 11000 feet


Australia: Both U.S. and Japanese air bombing raids in the Daly Waters area. Also, Jap air recon and bombing attack at Geraldton. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89 (just N of Daly Waters)

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 9

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 11
Ki-49 Helen x 59

No Japanese losses

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 11

Aircraft Attacking:
11 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
18 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
19 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Geraldton , at 8,94

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 17
G4M1 Betty x 15

No Japanese losses

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 6

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 6000 feet
6 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 6000 feet


India: Japanese submarine detected at Trincomalee on 7/22 now identified as the I-154. British ASW task force still enroute to Trincomalee to engage the I-154 (which has remained in Trincomalee).

Burma: Japanese air bombardment (ground attack) on the Chinese 22nd Division holding positions along the Burma Road immediately N of Lashio. Chinese forces report light casualties.

China: Japanese ground attack continues at Changsha. AAR follows. Increase in Japanese air bombing activity of Chinese ground forces holding front line positions at Changsha and on the flank NW of Changsha.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 88980 troops, 458 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1927
26th, 39th, 40th, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts
Defending force 24946 troops, 82 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 789
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Japanese max assault: 1837 - adjusted assault: 494
Allied max defense: 748 - adjusted defense: 344
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 8)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 7

Japanese ground losses:
926 casualties reported
Guns lost 9

Allied ground losses:
487 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Alfred -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/23/42 (9/13/2007 9:14:42 AM)


IIRC, continuation after an auto victory is referred to in the notes accompanying one of the post 1.5 patches.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/25/42 (9/14/2007 2:07:26 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/25/42

Most sectors reporting quiet.

Sigint: The following excerpt from the daily sigint report (for 7/25) indicates the command assignment of this LCU may have been changed from HQ Home Defense Forces to an undetermined theater HQ - this unit possibly under orders to depart the Japanese home islands for operations in the South Pacific.

68th Construction Battalion is loaded on AP Harada Maru, moving to Efate.

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines reporting routine Jap carrier air patrols at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, Canton Is. All other sectors reporting quiet.

South Pacific: Jap air raids continue over Norfolk Is.

Australia: Japanese air recon flights and a bombing raid (airfield attack) Geraldton. Moderate damage reported. Two fighter squadrons are being transferred via Perth enroute to Geraldton to engage Jap aircraft operating there.

Heavy Jap bombing raid (airfield attack) reported at Daly Waters - substantial damage to airfield facilities, also moderate casualties.

India: Jap submarine I-154 remains at Trincomalee. British ASW TF still enroute to engage it. Another Jap submarine (unidentified) was detected at Colombo.

Burma: Jap ground attack air raids continue on Chinese 22nd Division holding positions outside (north of) Lashio. No report of casualties.

China: Japanese ground bombardment attack against Chinese forces at Changsha. Daily sigint report for 7/25 indicates Japanese 34th Division is enroute to reinforce the offensive against Changsha.

wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/25/42 (9/14/2007 2:08:43 AM)

Alfred, didn't look through notes for the patches.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/26/42 (9/15/2007 4:40:07 PM)

Summary of Operations 7/26/42

North Pacific: Amchitka Is occupied by U.S. forces. A convoy carrying 58 RCT and 13K supply arrived at Amchitka and is now disembarking. A second convoy with engineers and additional supply is enroute to Amchitka and due to arrive within 2 or 3 days.

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols quiet over Canton Is and Kwajalein. U.S. submarine Guardfish took a direct hit in a Jap surface ASW attack at Canton Is - Guardfish is returning to Pearl Harbor with moderate to heavy damage.

South Pacific: Jap air bombing raids continue at Norfolk Is.

Australia: Recon mission over Darwin was flown by a Dutch F-5A aircraft - mission was successful and returned with significant information on Japanese activity in Darwin. Pillager appears to be using Darwin as a primary base for the eastern Indian Ocean area. Data received from the recon mission (along with other recent info) on Jap activity in Darwin includes the following.

Current port size = 3, airfield size = 5. Three Jap engineer units (5 Engineer Rgt, 42 & 44 Road Construction Bns) known to be operating in Darwin.
Total of 10 Japanese LCU (20700 troops, 60 guns, 83 AFV) reported in Darwin. Other Jap ground units known to be in Darwin within the last month include HQ 14th Army, 5 Mortar Bn, 17 Heavy FA Rgt. Jap ground units reported in Darwin prior to 7/1/42 include 5th & 18th Divisions, two tank regiments, HQ 3 Air Army & 21 Air Flotilla.
78 ships reported at anchor in the port at Darwin. Aircraft based at Darwin include 26 fighters, 26 auxiliary aircraft. However, no mention made of the numerous Jap bombers hitting Daly Waters.

Air bombing raids by both Allied and Japanese air forces in the Daly Waters area. Also Jap air bombing raid and recon at Geraldton. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 20
Ki-49 Helen x 67

Allied aircraft
no flights

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Wirraway: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
29 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 45

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
11 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
10 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
11 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
6 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Geraldton , at 8,94

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 16
G4M1 Betty x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
7 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 6000 feet
6 x G4M1 Betty bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 4
B-17E Fortress x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
27 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
2 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet


India: British ASW attack on Japanese sub RO-34 at Trincomalee. AAR follows.

Sub attack near Trincomalee at 13,25

Japanese Ships
SS RO-34, hits 20, on fire, heavy damage (including two direct hits, no report on sinking)

Allied Ships
PG Indus, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage (sunk)
PG Clive
MSW Khyber
MSW Romney
MSW Cromer
SC Nigella


Burma: 1st AVG fighter squadron flew fighter sweep against Japanese airfield at Magwe. Jap ground attack bombing raids continue on Chinese 22nd Division near Lashio. AAR's for both follow.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 11

Allied aircraft
P-40B Tomahawk x 24

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-40B Tomahawk: 1 damaged

Day Air attack on 22nd New Chinese Division, at 36,30

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 4
Ki-21-II Sally x 9

No Japanese losses

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet


China: Japanese ground bombardment continues against Chinese forces at Changsha.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/27/42 (9/16/2007 7:24:06 PM)

Summary of Operations 7/27/42

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols reported only from Pago Pago. No U.S. subs currently on patrol at either Canton Is or Kwajalein - new subs are enroute to both locations to relieve subs damaged in Jap ASW attacks. Damaged subs from Canton and Kwajalein are returning to Pearl Harbor with moderate levels of damage.

Report from Palmyra of a E14Y1 recon aircraft sighted - this plane likely from an undetected Jap submarine somewhere in the area.

South Pacific: Report of a Japanese TF attacking a small Allied transport task force in surface combat ESE of Wellington, NZ. The Allied TF also was attacked from the air by floatplanes (E8N & E13A1) from the Jap TF. AAR's and situation map follow.

Japanese air bombing attack also reported at Norfolk Is.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/27/42 (9/16/2007 7:34:41 PM)

Operations from 7/27/42 Part Deux:

South Pacific: AAR's from the Jap surface attack on the Allied transport TF off Wellington.

Night Time Surface Combat at 84,148

Japanese Ships
PG Aikoku Maru
PG Hokoku Maru

Allied Ships
DD Stewart, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AK Santa Teresa, Shell hits 2, on fire

Day Air attack on TF at 84,149

Japanese aircraft
E8N Dave x 5
E13A1 Jake x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK Santa Teresa, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
1 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet


Australia: Heavy Japanese air raids on Daly Waters continue - light casualties, heavy airfield damage, two hits on base supply.

Ground attack by U.S. B-17 bombers against Jap 14 Tank Rgt near Daly Waters - no losses or casualties reported on either side.

Indian Ocean: Dutch submarine O-16 reported sinking near Nicobar Is after being damaged from a Jap ASW attack while on patrol in the Malacca Straits. Japanese sub O-34 is confirmed sunk off Trincomalee.

China: Japanese ground bombardment continues against Chinese forces holding Changsha. Current situation map of China below.


Alfred -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/27/42 (9/17/2007 11:08:59 AM)


FYI, the notes to patch 1.3 elaborate on continuing the game after an auto victory.


wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/27/42 (9/18/2007 2:16:44 AM)

Thanks, alfred.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/28/42 (9/18/2007 2:39:11 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/28/42

CV Yorktown completed 7/42 upgrades. All U.S. carriers are now fully upgraded to 7/42 level.

Other than repairing battle damage on 8-10 submarines (from patrol activity in Central Pacific) and repairs on four U.S. battleships for remaining damage from 12/7/41 Pearl Harbor attack, shipyards on the U.S. west coast are mostly empty. West coast shipyards will be concentrating on completing damage repairs to BB's and submarines between now and the start of upgrades for 10/42.

North Pacific: A second convoy carrying 8th Seabees and 3K supply points arrived at Amchitka Is. Base construction at Amchitka will proceed once unloading is completed for this convoy and the convoy that arrived on 7/26. Garrison on Amchitka includes U.S. 58 RCT and 8th Seabees with 16K supply points currently on hand.

Although I have not actively looked at the North Pacific theater in any long-range plans, a gradual move westward thru the Aleutian chain is still being carried out. As LCU reinforcements for the North Pacific arrive, they are being used to push operational U.S. bases farther to the west. If I do decide to use the northern flank for any kind of offensive operations, the bases to do this are quietly being made available.

A current situation map of the Aleutians (7/28/42) is below.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/28/42 (9/18/2007 3:16:37 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/28/42 continued

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols reported at Pago Pago. U.S. subs are still enroute to Kwajalein and Canton Is. Minesweeping operations in progress at Washington Is - minefield detected, laid by Jap submarine(s).

South Pacific: Japanese task force in the area ESE of Wellington (NZ) launched another naval air attack with floatplanes against a small Allied transport TF. AAR follows. A British surface TF (BB Prince of Wales and 3 cruisers) has departed Wellington and now headed towards the vicinity of the Jap TF.

Day Air attack on TF at 78,144

Japanese aircraft
E8N Dave x 5
E13A1 Jake x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
E8N Dave: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
AK Steelmaker
MSW Whippoorwill
AK Darvel, Bomb hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
1 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet


Japanese air bombing raids and recon continue on Norfolk Is.

Australia: Japanese fighters based at Thursday Is launched a fighter sweep against the Allied airfield at Cooktown. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Cooktown , at 48,100

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 24

Allied aircraft
Kittyhawk I x 6
P-40E Warhawk x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Kittyhawk I: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
P-40E Warhawk: 2 damaged


Air bombing raids by U.S. B-17 bombers continue on Jap ground forces near Daly Waters. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 3
B-17E Fortress x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 7 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 1 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 2 destroyed, 6 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet
1 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 15000 feet


India: British ASW task force clearing Jap minefield at Colombo.

China: Japanese ground attacks on Chinese forces at Changsha and Kanhsien. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 87092 troops, 457 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1836
26th, 39th, 40th, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts
Defending force 24296 troops, 72 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 755
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Japanese max assault: 1792 - adjusted assault: 827
Allied max defense: 758 - adjusted defense: 550
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 7)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 6

Japanese ground losses:
1268 casualties reported
Guns lost 23

Allied ground losses:
453 casualties reported
Guns lost 23

Ground combat at Kanhsien

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4908 troops, 13 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 135
20 Mixed Brigade/B, Shanghai SNLF
Defending force 6343 troops, 16 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 234
63rd Chinese Corps

Japanese max assault: 128 - adjusted assault: 9
Allied max defense: 215 - adjusted defense: 83
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 7)

Japanese ground losses:
559 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
13 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

wneumann -> Patch 1.3 (9/18/2007 3:19:56 AM)

Alfred, I went out and checked. Don't have any documents on that patch.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/29/42 (9/19/2007 3:46:53 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/29/42

Central Pacific: U.S. minesweeping ops continue at Washington Is. DD Dewey sunk after hitting two mines.

South Pacific: Japanese surface TF intercepts and attacks Allied transport task force ESE of Wellington (NZ). AAR follows. Jap air bombing attack on Norfolk Is.

Day Air attack on TF at 80,143

Japanese aircraft
E8N Dave x 5
E13A1 Jake x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK Steelmaker, Bomb hits 3, on fire
AK Darvel
MSW Whippoorwill

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
1 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet


Australia: Japanese air bombing raid at Daly Waters - light casualties, moderate damage to airfield facilities reported.

India: Japanese surface TF attacks British transports carrying supply to Trincomalee. AAR follows.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Trincomalee at 13,25

Japanese Ships
CL Naka
DD Michishio
DD Kawakaze
DD Umikaze
DD Yugure
DD Ariake

Allied Ships
AK Asphalion
AK Autolycus
AK Dardanus, Shell hits 32, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AK Diomed, Shell hits 5, on fire


Burma: Jap fighter sweep against Imphal air base. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 17
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 3

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 5 damaged


Malacca Straits: Dutch submarine O-20 attacked by Jap ASW task force in the straits - torpedoes one PC, moderately damaged in the ASW attack. AAR follows.

ASW attack at 21,47

Japanese Ships
PC Takunan Maru #7
PC Shonon Maru #11
PC Shonon Maru #10
PG Toyotsu Maru
PG Kyo Maru #8
PC Hachijo

Allied Ships
SS O20

Sub attack at 21,47

Japanese Ships
PG Toyotsu Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PC Takunan Maru #7
PC Shonon Maru #11
PC Shonon Maru #10
PG Kyo Maru #8
PC Hachijo

Allied Ships
SS O20, hits 5


China: Japanese ground bombardment attack at Changsha. Light casualties to Chinese ground forces.

Alfred -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/29/42 (9/19/2007 12:51:02 PM)


I assume that you are patched to 1.806.  The readme file for this patch lists all the changes made in each patch.  Just scroll down to the v.1.3 heading.

Essentially, upon an auto victory, the victory screen allows you the option to end the game then or to continue.  If you continue, no more auto victories are possible and the scenario ends on the originally scheduled date.  In your situation that would be March 1946.


wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 7/29/42 (9/20/2007 12:39:07 AM)

Thanks Alfred. That looks pretty much what I'd like to do with this PBEM.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/30/42 (9/20/2007 12:52:56 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/30/42

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols reported at Pago Pago. Otherwise all sectors reporting quiet.

South Pacific: Jap surface task force ESE of Wellington attacks a small Allied transport TF. AAR's follow.

Night Time Surface Combat at 81,143

Japanese Ships
DD Chidori
DD Manazuru
PG Ukishima Maru

Allied Ships
MSW Whippoorwill, Shell hits 10, on fire, heavy damage (sunk)
AK Steelmaker, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
AK Darvel

Day Air attack on TF at 83,143

Japanese aircraft
E8N Dave x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK Darvel

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E8N Dave bombing at 2000 feet

Day Air attack on TF at 83,143

Japanese aircraft
E13A1 Jake x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
AK Darvel, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet
4 x E13A1 Jake bombing at 2000 feet

Day Time Surface Combat at 82,143

Japanese Ships
PG Aikoku Maru
PG Hokoku Maru

Allied Ships
AK Steelmaker, Shell hits 18, and is sunk


Australia: All sectors reporting quiet. No detected Japanese ground or air activity.

Malacca Straits: Jap ASW task force attacks Dutch sub O-20. AAR follows. O-20 is heavily damaged and returning to base at Trincomalee.

ASW attack at 21,47

Japanese Ships
PC Takunan Maru #7
PC Shonon Maru #11
PC Shonon Maru #10
PG Kyo Maru #8
PC Hachijo

Allied Ships
SS O20, hits 4, on fire


India: Minesweeping ops finished at Colombo.

Burma: Not a good day at the Imphal "Top Gun" fighter school vs a Jap fighter sweep. AAR's follow. Appears the pilots made it through the day (bailed out and lived to fight again), not so for the aircraft. A large group of Ki-43 Oscars with decent pilots made an appearance - this group flying from a base at Lashio.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 3

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 18

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 2
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 39

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 9 destroyed


China: Japanese ground bombardment attack at Changsha.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 7/31 & 8/1/42 (9/21/2007 3:11:22 AM)

Summary of Operations 7/31 - 8/01/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarine patrols once again in place at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, and Canton Is. Japanese carrier air patrols observed at all three locations.

U.S. sub Stingray torpedoes and sinks Japanese ML Kurokami on 8/1.

Jap CL Kuma hits mine laid by a U.S. sub flotilla at Truk.

U.S. ASW/minesweeping TF detects and sweeps Jap minefield at Palmyra on 7/31. DD Aylwin hits a mine and is heavily damaged.

South Pacific: Jap surface TF continues floatplane bombing attacks on both 7/31 & 8/1 against AK Darvel that was heavily damaged in surface combat and floatplane bombing attacks on 7/30. AK Darvel is still afloat but almost stationary.

Australia: Bombing attacks by both Japanese and Allied air forces continue in and near Daly Waters. U.S. B-17 bombers strike Jap 14 Tank Rgt outside Daly Waters on 7/31, ground attack by Jap bombers against Australian 4th Division in Daly Waters on 8/1. All air attacks resulted in light casualties to targeted ground units.

China: Jap ground bombardment attacks against Chinese forces in Changsha both 7/31 and 8/1. Japanese 41st Division and 1 Mortar Bn appeared in the front lines at Changsha on 7/31.

India/Burma: British minesweeping ops at Colombo completed 7/31.

Jap night bombing raids on Calcutta both 7/31 and 8/1 - no damage reported from either raid. Nearly all Jap bombers participating in both raids were hit by concentrated Allied anti-aircraft fire (5 flak regiments in Calcutta). AAR's follow.

Night Air attack on Calcutta , at 29,23 (7/31/42)

Japanese aircraft
Ki-21-II Sally x 11

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IF x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 2 destroyed, 7 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 11000 feet

Night Air attack on Calcutta , at 29,23 (8/1/42)

Japanese aircraft
Ki-21-II Sally x 4

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IF x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 4 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 11000 feet


RAF Liberator bombers execute daylight air strikes against air base facilities in Rangoon. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 8

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 6 damaged

Runway hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 24

Japanese aircraft losses
No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 9 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
39 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 6

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet


Situation map below is as of 8/1/42.


wneumann -> Plan Orange (history, not the game) (9/21/2007 3:48:18 AM)

I'm in the final stages of reading a rather interesting book about the history behind Plan Orange - the book covers the evolution of Plan Orange in its different variants from its initial version in 1907 through the Rainbow Plans (1 thru 5) developed shortly before 12/7/41.

What I found remarkable was how accurately the development of Plan Orange predicted the course of Allied strategy that was actually followed in 1941-45, particularly in the Central and North Pacific theaters. This despite the fact that Plan Orange could not (and did not) account for the changes in naval and air technology from 1907 through Pearl Harbor (aircraft, submarines, ship weapons and propulsion).      

Many of the issues and considerations faced in 1941-45 had actually been examined through the different variants of Plan Orange - anticipating Japanese advances in the western Pacific (including defense and fall of the Philippines) in the initial phase of a war, build up of U.S. forces behind a stronghold in the eastern Pacific, timing and (alternate) routes of advance for U.S. forces across the central Pacific during the second phase of the war (following the build up), requirements for logistics, selection & construction of bases during the U.S. counterattack, a third phase of the war where U.S. naval forces would blockade and attack Japanese sea transport of raw materials, etc to the (Japanese) home islands, and the idea of defeating Japan by starving it rather than by a direct invasion.

Oddly enough, none of the variants of Plan Orange anticipated a campaign or any major military operations in the South Pacific.  

Very interesting reading as far as how and why U.S. strategy developed the way it happened.

The book is "War Plan Orange  The U.S. Strategy to Defeat Japan 1907-1945"  Edward S. Miller  1991, U.S. Naval Institute Press

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/2/42 (9/23/2007 11:40:03 PM)

Summary of Operations 8/2/42

Central Pacific: Japanese naval bombardment TF hits Palmyra. AAR follows. Casualties and damage at Palmyra appear to be minor and nearly all of it quickly repaired.

Naval bombardment of Palmyra, at 110,90 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
A-24 Dauntless: 1 destroyed

25 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
Japanese Ships
CL Isuzu
CA Furutaka
CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 1
CA Ashigara

Allied ground losses:
162 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 5


Jap carrier aircraft patrols detected by U.S. subs at Canton Is and Pago Pago.

South Pacific: Japanese air bombing attack at Norfolk Is. No contacts reported with Jap surface TF operating ESE of Wellington.

Australia: Air bombing raids by both Japanese and Allied air forces in and near Daly Waters. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 6
B-17E Fortress x 6

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
12 casualties reported

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 12
G5N Liz x 20

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
118 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
20 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 11
Ki-49 Helen x 73

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
24 casualties reported

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 32

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
18 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet


China: Japanese ground offensive against Changsha. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 107634 troops, 556 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2236
26th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts, 1 Mortar Bn
Defending force 22579 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 672
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Japanese max assault: 2178 - adjusted assault: 1182
Allied max defense: 615 - adjusted defense: 442
Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 6)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 5

Japanese ground losses:
1356 casualties reported
Guns lost 12

Allied ground losses:
568 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/3/42 (9/25/2007 3:53:36 PM)

Summary of Operations: 8/3/42

Central Pacific: Japanese bombardment TF withdrawing from Palmyra was located and attacked by a group of seven B-17 bombers based on Johnston Is. No hits or damage reported on Jap warships. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on TF at 102,85

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 7

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 6 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Mikuma
CA Furutaka

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet


U.S. submarines continue reporting contacts with Japanese carrier aircraft patrols - Pago Pago, Kwajalein, Canton Is. Jap ASW TF activity at Kwajalein - AAR follows. Submarine Pollack received moderate damage and is returning to Pearl Harbor for repairs.

ASW attack near Kwajalein at 81,84

Japanese Ships
DD Karukaya
DD Sanae
DD Kuretake
DD Namikaze
DD Hokaze
DD Shiokaze
DD Okikaze
DD Hayate
DD Oite
DD Matsukaze
DD Uzuki

Allied Ships
SS Pollack, hits 4, on fire


South Pacific: Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) and bombing attack at Norfolk Is. A British/ANZAC fast surface TF force (BB Prince of Wales and 3 CL's) and CL Adelaide is now based at Wellington (NZ) to patrol and engage Jap surface raiders in the sea areas immediately east of New Zealand.

Australia: Air bombing attacks by both Allied and Japanese air forces continue in and near Daly Waters. AAR's below.

Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 35,89

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 6
B-17E Fortress x 12

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
75 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
6 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 14
G5N Liz x 22

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
86 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
10 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet
12 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13
Ki-49 Helen x 71

No Japanese losses

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 20

Aircraft Attacking:
18 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
17 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
14 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet


Burma: Japanese air raids reported at Chittagong and Asansol - most Jap aircraft participating in these raids shot down or damaged. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Asansol , at 30,22

Japanese aircraft
G3M Nell x 12

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M Nell: 4 destroyed, 4 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x G3M Nell bombing at 16000 feet
5 x G3M Nell bombing at 16000 feet

Day Air attack on Chittagong , at 31,25

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
G5N Liz: 6 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 10000 feet


China: Heavy Japanese air and ground bombardment against Chinese ground forces defending Changsha.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/4/42 (9/27/2007 6:19:31 AM)

Summary of Operations 8/4/42

Central Pacific: Contacts with Jap carrier air patrols reported by U.S. subs at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, Canton Is.

Port facilties at Christmas Is are being prepared for use as an advanced base for U.S. submarines operating in the Central and South Pacific. Facilities now in place for U.S. subs at Christmas Is include a size 4 port, two USN Base Force LCU's (117th & 119th) and AS Canopus stationed at Christmas Is, 43K supply and 13K fuel on hand (with more stocks enroute to Christmas Is from the U.S. West Coast). The new sub base at Christmas Is will increase turn-around of undamaged subs executing sub patrol missions from Kwajalein southward as well as provide an emergency base for damaged subs. Minelaying submarines will continue operating from Pearl Harbor, major repairs and upgrades of subs will continue to be done at Pearl Harbor and bases on the U.S. West Coast.

South Pacific: Jap air raids continue at Norfolk Is. Quiet along the southern shipping route between Wellington and Panama City.

Australia: Two TK (Erling Brovig & Soli) have arrived safely in Australian waters from Aden - the two ships carrying a combined 18,350 Oil points for production facilities in Australia.

Japanese air raids on Daly Waters airfield and 4th Australian Division - AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
21 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Aircraft Attacking:
15 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
Ki-49 Helen x 71

Allied aircraft
no flights

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Wirraway: 1 destroyed

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 18

Aircraft Attacking:
18 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet


Sigint reports Japanese 1 Tank Rgt has started moving overland southward from Katherine along the rail line towards Daly Waters.

Burma: Fighter sweep flown by RAF Hurricanes from Imphal against Jap airfield at Mandalay. AAR follows. Experience level of most RAF fighters operating from Imphal is in the mid to high 60's (minimum) - these squadrons seem to be progressing well from their initial minimum (or near-minimum) pilot experience levels.

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 9

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 48

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 damaged


China: Heavy Jap air raids and ground bombardment against Chinese ground troops in Changsha. Jap 13 Tank Rgt has appeared in the front lines at Changsha as a reinforcement to attacking Japanese ground forces.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/5/42 (9/27/2007 6:30:24 AM)

Summary of Operations 8/5/42

Central Pacific: Contacts with Jap carrier aircraft patrols reported by U.S. subs at Kwajalein, Pago Pago, Canton Is, and Saipan.

A transport convoy carrying 7th USN Seabees and 15K supply points is now disembarking at Laysan Is to begin construction of base facilties there. A second transport convoy with another Engineer LCU and additional supply is enroute to Laysan Is and will arrive there shortly.

South Pacific: Jap air raids continue at Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Japanese air attacks continue against base facilities at Daly Waters and 4th Australian Div. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on 4th Australian Division, at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 20

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
72 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
20 x G5N Liz bombing at 12000 feet

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
Ki-49 Helen x 69

Allied aircraft
no flights

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
26 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 12

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
7 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
7 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 10000 feet


Burma/India: Jap recon flights reported over Port Blair (Andaman Is) and Asansol. Otherwise, all sectors reporting quiet.

China: Japanese ground offensive against Chinese forces at Changsha supported by heavy air strikes. AAR of ground battle follows.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 108754 troops, 524 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 2221
26th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts,
1 Mortar Bn
Defending force 21699 troops, 20 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 612
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4
Japanese max assault: 2176 - adjusted assault: 1540
Allied max defense: 477 - adjusted defense: 272
Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 4)
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 4

Japanese ground losses:
1270 casualties reported
Guns lost 17
Vehicles lost 2

Allied ground losses:
1050 casualties reported
Guns lost 12

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/6/42 (9/28/2007 12:57:44 AM)

Summary of Operations 8/6/42

Central Pacific: Jap carrier air patrols sighted by U.S. subs at Canton Is and Pago Pago.

Sigint reports Jap 18th Reserve Coastal Artillery Rgt now on Canton Is. Original HQ assignment of 18 Artillery Rgt (on 12/7/41) was Home Defense Force, this unit now reassigned to a HQ in the Central Pacific theater and relocated to Canton Is.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) over Canton Is - no bombing raids reported. Shipping lanes from NZ to Panama City reporting no enemy activity.

Australia: Jap air bombing raids continue on 4th Australian Div and airfield facilities in Daly Waters. Light casualties and moderate damage reported.

Burma: RAF Liberator bombers execute two bombing raids against ships in port at Rangoon - BB's Ise & Hyuga spotted and bombed with minor or no damage to both ships. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 12
Hudson I x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 8 damaged
Hudson I: 4 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Hyuga, Bomb hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Hudson I bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Hudson I bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 22

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 6 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Ise, Bomb hits 1

Japanese ground losses:
63 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Port hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet


China: Changsha captured by Japanese ground forces. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Changsha

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 106744 troops, 502 guns, 79 vehicles, Assault Value = 2118
26th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 60th & 70th Infantry Divisions, 2 Mtn Gun Rgt, 6 & 15 FA Rgts, 1 Mortar Bn
Defending force 19583 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 492
10th & 32nd Chinese Corps, 27th Chinese Guerilla Corps, HQ 1st Group Army

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
Japanese max assault: 3796 - adjusted assault: 1284
Allied max defense: 288 - adjusted defense: 133
Japanese assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 2)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Changsha base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
1198 casualties reported
Guns lost 13
Vehicles lost 1

Allied ground losses:
990 casualties reported

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/7 - 8/8/42 (9/29/2007 2:13:23 AM)

Summary of Operations 8/7 - 8/8/42

Sigint reports Jap 17th Reserve Coastal Artillery Rgt now on Iwo Jima - 17 Artillery Rgt apparently transferred out of its original HQ assignment of Home Defense Force to execute this transfer.

Central Pacific: U.S. subs reporting the usual Jap carrier air patrols.

Unidentified Japanese sub reported at Palmyra on 8/8. An ASW task force (6 DD's) formed at Palmyra to attack the Jap sub, a minesweep TF also being formed at Palmyra to sweep any mines laid by this sub.

South Pacific: Japanese air attack at Norfolk Is. U.S. sub Argonaut lays minefield in Jap base at Pago Pago on 8/7.

TK District of Columbia arrived safely at Wellington (NZ) on 8/8 from the U.S. west coast with 10680 Oil points as cargo for factories in Australia. The District of Columbia managed to evade two Jap TF's while moving west across the southern shipping route from Panama City.

Other sectors in So Pac reporting quiet.

Australia: Usual Jap air raids against 4 Australian Div and airfield facilities at Daly Waters both 8/7 and 8/8. Light casualties and moderate damage reported.

India: Elements of HQ USAFFE (approx 50% TOE strength) arrived on 8/8 and now disembarking in Mangalore, India (it was transported from Australia). HQ USAFFE will undergo rebuilding to full TOE for possible command reassignment from SW Pacific to Southeast Asia. This change of command assignment for USAFFE HQ would be done in the event that one or more U.S. divisions (7th, 40th, and/or 41st) are transferred from the U.S. west coast to Southeast Asia to open up a second front there. In this scenario, Mac Arthur may be transferred from SW Pacific to take command of USAFFE. HQ USAFFE would then serve as a sub-HQ in the Southeast Asian theater to support U.S. ground and air forces in India/Burma.

China: All sectors reporting quiet except for Japanese air raids in some areas. No activity reported by Jap ground forces.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 8/9/42 (10/1/2007 5:08:01 AM)

Summary of Operations 8/9/42 - the Phoney War report

Central Pacific: Jap carrier aircraft patrols reported by U.S. subs in the usual locations - Pago Pago, Canton Is, Kwajalein.

U.S. submarine Porpoise heavily attacked twice by Jap ASW TF (ten DD's) at Kwajalein. Porpoise received heavy damage from the attacks and is returning to Pearl Harbor for repairs.

Contact lost with unidentified Jap submarine at Palmyra. A mine sweeping TF has detected and removed a small minefield in Palmyra laid by the Jap sub.

South Pacific: Jap air bombing raid on Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Jap air bombing raids continue at Daly Waters against airfield facilities and 4 Australian Div. Light damage and casualties.

Burma: Chinese Il-4 bombers attack ships in port at Rangoon - two more dents in BB Hyuga's deck armor. A few dozen more raids like this one and we can flatten the superstructure. If only Pillager will oblige....

China: Other than light Japanese air bombing raids on front-line positions, all sectors reporting quiet.

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