Feinder -> RE: Aviation Support (11/7/2006 2:38:26 PM)
Yes. I was playing around with bases and it looks like I just need to add an INF unit or 2 to bring up the support level instead of overloading the base with ENG. Be advised that most INF/ARM/CD/ART units are actually -short- of support points by about 20%. If you pull up the LCU info screen, and it says they're over (and one of the above types), it's likely because they're stacked with an HQ unit which gives the excess support points. Some ENG units do have extra support (like conventional base forces), most "engineer" units (EAB, SeaBees, ConstBtn, EngRgts) do -not- have excess support (and are in fact, short themselves). Easiest way to make up support deficit at a base, is to dump an HQ unit there. Doesn't matter if it's a air, naval, or land HQ. You just want the support points (HQ are nothing but support points). you can also load an HQ onto 3 transports, and "spread the love" around a little bit (but the HQ bonuses are given to the stack with the primary (not /2, /3, /4) unit. -F-