-> RE: Theme of our next game (1/23/2007 5:54:32 AM)
A wargame with an scenario editor that allows to create any campaign/battle pre-WW1 and that allows the player to play campaigns and battles (like For Liberty does) for sure would have a large audience, and a long live. You might want to consider having a basic engine, and then releasing various expansions / scenario packs for it. The buyer can buy whatever expansions he wants, all of which would work with the installed game engine, with each one adding whatever special rules are needed for the period being covered. It seems to me that this would save a good deal of reprograming for each game, save some space on the users hard drive, and add a good deal of flexibility. I'm familiar with this approach, because it is basically what is done by "The Sims", a game which my daughter owns, and for which I find myself buying a seemingly unending series of expansions. [:)] [:D] It seems to work for Maxis, and I assume it also would work (though probably on a more modest scale) for Hussar. On a second subject, I have now come to the conclusion that my first choice for the next game is The Wars of Dracula (Hungarian-Turkish wars), perhaps coupled with the Wars of the Roses (from about the same time period), or possibly the English Civil War. Of course I may be a minority of one, and will I almost certainly buy whatever game you do produce, but I do think it would be really interesting to see those conflicts covered.