Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (Full Version)

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ravinhood -> Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/28/2006 11:15:45 PM)

I've seen two commericals so far one for golf and another for Call of Duty 3. Wow you use the controller in a different way than a mouse or gamepad. You swing it like a real golf club to hit the ball in the golf game. (though I'm pretty sure it would never model my hellacious slice that I have to aim at another fairway to my left to get the ball to land in the middle of the fairway I'm actually playing in. lol) Then in Call of Duty 3 you hold it like an actual rifle and point and shoot at the screen with it instead of jerking your mouse or gamepad around in a smaller space. Impressive. I haven't owned a console since Intellivision, but, if they have more games like this I might buy one. ;)

Fred98 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/28/2006 11:34:50 PM)

Do you move from "stand" to "kneel" to "prone"  under fire or do you just stand there?

How do you re-load?

How do you make your character move about the map?

Hertston -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/28/2006 11:38:39 PM)

I hate to admit this at my my age, but a Star Wars game swinging lightsabers would tempt me to buy one.   For the kiddie, obviously [sm=00000289.gif]

ravinhood -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/28/2006 11:43:03 PM)

Well the kid in the commerical was using his body in motion, but, that could just be immersion moreso than actual gameplay mechanics and of course the commerical doesn't show everything. I can only assume some things will have to be done with the controller to reload and such. I see him doing a lot of throwing of hands forward. They keep showing it often on Spike tv so I'll watch closer each time.

Oh hell yeah, real action Light Sabre battle would be awesome. Somehow the mouse and gamepad doesn't do it for me, but, to actually STANDUP (something many of us probably don't do often enough) and move our bodyparts at least our arms as in the golf swing it would be good for our health as well as a game. ;) They just showed a Ninjalike battle where you swing the controller(s) around like swords in a live action sword fight of the game. WOW that's 3 games now.

More edit: I just saw it again and the kid does kneel behind the couch and then looks over the top of it and begins shooting at the screen from a half kneeling position. Though it doesn't show the screen of the game while he is doing this, so, I can't be sure when he kneeled in the ad that he also kneeled in the game. He's certainly clicking the buttons on the what looks like a 6 slot extention cordlike controller. It's long and looks just like one of those surge protections.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 12:40:39 AM)

You guys need to get out more, where have you been hiding, that you find this all "news" hehe.

Yes, the games are VERY physical indeed.

For example, I have a 6'3" friend (very large over all), he slings heavy stuff around at work all the time. Not what you call a weak individual. One night after his purchase of a Wii and his arms were wrecked playing Boxing for too many hours :)

Wii sports is a lite entertainment title that basically trains you to employ the controller. Yes, sit up straight, sit with LOTS of free arm movement available, and defintely use the controller wrist straps.

I've played some of the games, and they truely are quite physical. I suspect you will soon discover that Wii players can be distinguished from PS3 and 360 players in that the Wii players are a lot less fat :)

David Heath -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 1:11:43 AM)

Hi Check out


Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 2:11:19 AM)

One of my favorite things to do when my older relatives come by is hand them an XBOX 360 controller and watch them try to play a racing game. Never fails that as they approach something unexpectedly like a sudden curve that they turn the controller instead of hitting the right buttons. It never ceases to be a bit humorous and they never seem to really learn their way out of it.

I suppose thats just further proof that the controls of the Wii are more natural. However, I still find it the silliest possible game system in the world. And I don't think any serious gamer are ever going to think otherwise. Though its clearly innovative and attractively priced, it may be the price that still gets serious gamers to try it anyway.

If I am going to start swinging like actual golf clubs and bats and tennis rackets and hopping all around my living room then quite honestly Id rather just go play tennis, or golf. I, and Id hope most people, arent so deprived as to not be able to actually do those things. Perhaps in the big cities of Tokyo and the like Tennis Courts aren't all that accessible.

I'm probably wrong here I guess. But I have no desire to do anything more than tinker with a Wii like I would a childs toy given at Christmas. It's nothing more than a gimmic to me that makes cheaper quality games temporarily appear more fun.

PS. I will admit its probably a good thing for all those fat teen couch potatoes that just play video games all day, but on the otherhand I think this just compounds the problem as a more effective babysitter than previous consoles, when the whole issue is that parents need to be more responsible parents in the first place and not rely on what MS, Sony, or Nintendo come up with to allow them to dismiss their responsibilities as parents more easily..

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 3:39:29 AM)

I dunno Veldor, a person can play tennis no fees. They can play tennis and 15 minutes later be playing golf and no fees again.

They can move on and enjoy a good boxing match, and not risk any brain injuries :)

And if they actually work up a little sweat and get some exercise great.

The only REAL aspect of the Wii that will impact the teen to young adult crowd, is the games don't involve blood gore violence and the like as much so, it's more simple silly fun games by the looks of things. I'd rather play Mario than run amok on the streets in my car running over people and simulating rape scenses when not running around shooting everything in sight.

Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 4:23:35 AM)

Why play a run of the mill racing game like Xcite Truck, with so-so graphics when you can play something uberc00l like Full Auto 2 on the XBOX 360 or PS3? Xcite Truck is one of the "premier" Wii titles yet I don't get it at all. You can get a racing wheel for other consoles who cares about motion control for something like a racing game? Alright its included but market data supports that console gamers by far spend the most money on accessories and games anyway. The exact reason you see so much of it in stores (and at the prices they are).

They won't even put screenshots up for the game at EBGAMES. Nor did the Wii site "show off" the graphics for the game. Graphics and Sound is what consoles are all about.

I simply think the Wii is way over hyped. The Truth is the motion gizmo is only going to be cool for a very few games, many or most of which the graphics are sub-par, and by the time anything better comes out the PS3 will have a motion controller for sure and possibly the XBOX 360 as well.

By comparison check out this screenshot from Full Auto 2:


Grotius -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 5:18:45 AM)

Well, I've only seen others playing with the Wii, but it looks like a blast to me. Besides, isn't "serious gamer" a contradiction in terms, like "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence"? I can't wait to get my hands on the Wii. :)

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:21:48 AM)

Veldor, you are of course not under 12, and clearly think closer to a teen than a 45 year old man hehe.

That's what this is about.

I didn't find anything thrilling about the screenshot.

And I actually like Mariokart grade graphics hehe. Maybe I am more like a kid I suppose :)

Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:56:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: Les_the_Sarge_9_1

Veldor, you are of course not under 12, and clearly think closer to a teen than a 45 year old man hehe.

That's what this is about.

I didn't find anything thrilling about the screenshot.

And I actually like Mariokart grade graphics hehe. Maybe I am more like a kid I suppose :)

Perhaps I like the screenshot more because I played the first one and know whats going on (ie. I can see a moving picture in my head). See games where everything around you is "REAL" I like. Where you can interact with everything. In RPG games it should be possible. In Shooters/Racing games it should be as well. As Ive pointed out before Ultima Online was the best MMPORG ever because you could walk up to that chessboard/checkerboard/etc. and not simply take it and put it into your backpack, but sit down and play it with someone else. Play a game within a game!

In Full Auto 2 everything is destructable. Thats the face of a building collapsing on the right, a Bridge being blown up ahead and a train spinning off onto the pavement all as two cars fight it out with arnaments. Never have I experienced a game where so much is going on around you. Even the first title pushed the limits of graphics as so much was going on. It felt very real which is harder to achieve given the non real setting.

***Let me put it to you guys this way.... Many moons ago I bought the very first Microsoft Force Feedback Joystick for $185.00 (No Typo). It was the coolest damn thing I'd ever put my hands on (still does far more than any consoles lame "vibrating" gamepads do). And yes it did the coolest lightsaber motion you'd ever felt/seen in your life. I had a blast with it with the likes of MechWarrior 4 and/or whatever other titles were current at the time. That price is almost as much as the whole Wii system (Course they rapidly came down in price after that).

But as cool as it was.. the thrill wore off really really quick and in the end had little to do with what games Id choose or like. Most of the games I did (like Mechwarrior 4) plenty of people played never knowing they were missing that part of the experience. I put it on a shelf, where it still sits, and I dont even use it to play new PC games now.

***I 100% agree the Wii is wickedly cool right now. Its something new how can it not be? But its shelf life is not going to be very long. You'll get bored with it faster than you can throw the controller accidentaly through a window (or purposefully after you realize its not nearly the experience they claim it to be). And be thinking how that money would have had you 3/4th of a way to a 360 or half the way to a PS3...

PS: Its just not the same in crappy resolution but you can get a better idea of what the game is all about by watching this trailer:

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 7:08:31 AM)

Hard to say on longevity of "thrill" though.

Look at us wargamers that like turns and hexes :)

Some people just will NOT ditch what they like occasionally hehe.

I was thinking of getting DDR just because 20 minute workout tv shows in the morning don't look as fun.

Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 7:19:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Les_the_Sarge_9_1

Hard to say on longevity of "thrill" though.

Look at us wargamers that like turns and hexes :)

Some people just will NOT ditch what they like occasionally hehe.

I was thinking of getting DDR just because 20 minute workout tv shows in the morning don't look as fun.

Doesnt look like the game will be released on 360 after all. So now I have to get a PS3 in addition. Just no reason left to also get a Wii beyond it being cheap.

Come on now, watching that trailer even in crappy rez ... if your a racing game fan at all (and its 50% of what traditional consoles were known for ... racers and shooters) then you cannot love that trailer/game..

Even NOT in HD that game is 2-3 times the graphics of the Wii and 4 times the adrenaline rush (woohoo!). The Wii racing games are just so tame in comparison. Like they were made for a 45yr old with a pacemaker. [:D]

JeF -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 8:30:24 AM)


a Star Wars game swinging lightsabers would tempt me to buy one.

Temptation is the path leading to the Dark Side. [;)]


Besides, isn't "serious gamer" a contradiction in terms, like "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence"?

Agreed. [:'(]

For me the Wii beat the others two hands down as a simple game console....
The price is right and as a family man I prefer to see my sons playing Mario Kart or Zelda than GTA or Gears of War.

Now I do agree with Veldor somehow : the WiiMote might just become boring as hell after a month or two. And all Wii owners will end up buying a couple of standard controllers. Now what it is for a business model ... [:D]

Finally, the most important thing about the Wii is that we still have choice. Wii takes a different path. Better ? Not for everyone for sure. But I'd hate to see all console makers doing the same thing, with the only difference being in poly count, HD screen resolution or price.



Charles2222 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 10:29:20 AM)

If any of you guys work IT for a living like I do, the Wii is obviously a nightmare. Having to hold something that size in your hand continuously? Those with something close to carpal tunnel need not apply. I have enough discomfort from just laying my hand on a mouse so long. There's obviously some benefit to an interface like that but especially for older folk like me, the benefit will be lost in it cutting down on your gaming time, as your body or wrists will wear out far quicker than your desire to play the game (imagine thinking to yourself that you want to keep playing, but your arm/wrist is about to fall off).

I'm not saying they will have comparable games to what we enjoy pc's for, but can you imagine playing SPWAW for 8 hours like that? I guess it would be nice to optionally use a mouse or one of those on a pc or console, but always having to use the same movements all the time will get very tiresome. It's not like there is an interface that won't mess up your body over time, but this seems to be the worst to me. If they don't have it already, people will be begging that they can play the controller games without the controller, to where if they want to at a certain point, they don't have to make big motions or have to hold a controller in each hand for the two-handed games.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 1:52:29 PM)

**playing Boxing for too many hours :) **

OMG they have a live action boxing game too??? I wished you hadn't told me that Les. :)

Also while Veldor and some others are seeing everything black with the Wii, I see the good in that is does require "physical" effort, thus yes you will tire quicker playing games and "take those breaks" you never take playing a PC or other console games. Plus, for me I also see it as getting some "quality exercise". ;) As for doing the same things in real life, ever try to play golf or tennis in a pouring rain or snow Veldor? My concerns are not "graphics" as you seem to harp on. I could care less if the graphics were 16 bit again. It's all about gameplay and challenge and fun to me. Graphics comes dead last.

Hey Les, does it have a "Bowling" game as well? ;) hehe Also, I clearly understand all novelty wears off after a certain time period, but, know what? It happens with pc games as well. Most particularly for me WWII wargames being same ole same ole and nobody making the type of game I want. Well Battlefront says they are attempting to with "Combat Missions Campaigns", but, signs show since they lost a very important person to the making of that game it may never see the light of day now. Steve at battlefront has a way of pissing people off....reminds me of someone I know very well. lol

Grotius -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 4:26:08 PM)

I dunno, my 60-year-old aunt was seen having fun with the Wii the other day. I think there's something to Nintendo's hope that it will reach a new audience with it. People find it intuitive. And I think it's a good thing if people actually get off the couch and move around a bit to play games.

Personally, I despise traditional console controllers. One of the few console games I like is "Guitar Hero 2" -- precisely because its controller is so fun. I haven't tired of that controller yet, and I've been playing that game for the better part of a year. I don't think I'll tire of the Wii either.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 5:07:55 PM)

Bad new Ravinhood it has bowling too. Had I think several sports.

And here's another blow. The game comes with the unit. It's the program they use to train you on the controller.

As for controllers, they do use a classic controller as well, you are not forced to swing your arms around as if you are 10 again all the time.

It seems all the complainers are dedicated to staying couch potatoes hehe. I am happy my son remains dedicated to being physical even with three consoles in his room.

I forfeited using my bike this year in favour of walking to destinations around town simply because I AM in front of my computer certainly not burning enough fat routinely.

UndercoverNotChickenSalad -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:00:02 PM)

DDR is an excellent cardio machine.  It has a workout mode so you can count the calories. Besides that its a lot of fun.

I had no idea about this wii dealio. I'll check it out.

Marc von Martial -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:15:13 PM)

Actually, after having seen the COD3 screenshots of the wii I'm pretty positive I'll get one. Not to shabby, also consideting the overall price of the console.

ravinhood -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:40:05 PM)

What is the price btw?

Marc von Martial -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 6:47:35 PM)

245€ was the best I found. Don't know about the US.

Kung Karl -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 7:35:48 PM)

I think it is 250$ for the US residents.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/29/2006 10:16:39 PM)

From what I was told before launch, the price was to be 250 bucks, and not 251 bucks, as that was the price limit Nintendo was enforcing ie sell it for 250 or we'll be having a discussion on the matter.

Now, you might say, but a store can sell it for what it wants, it's theirs after all. And yes that is true, and I guess Nintendo can refuse to see you having any available to sell for whatever you choose hehe.

250 in US is a bit more in Canadian funds of course.

I heard a lot of stores though were enforcing bundles ie you want a Wii you are also buying a couple of games as well.

watchtower -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/30/2006 1:06:16 AM)

Those videos on the Wii website of people playing it are quite a laugh, the golf one's are funny. I want one looks a right giggle.

Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/30/2006 2:58:25 AM)

I know I am alone here, but what I particularly find sad is that it takes something like the Wii to get people off the couch in the first place.

I should probably point out I am in good physical shape and not anywhere near overweight. I don't eat as healthy as I should, but I eat healthier than most. I don't go out of my way to stay active or get excercise but again I am somehow healthier and more physically fit than most.

So when I come home I play games, especially non-PC games in order to relax, not to bounce off the walls.

If winter is your excuse for staying put on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand and a beer in the other then perhaps the Wii is your best bet. Maybe they can make some late night Wii infomercials.

But seriously, if getting some physical activity from playing the Wii is what excites you too it, then you really should re-evaluate your life and perhaps simply get out more. I doubt any doctor would seriously recommend it as an appropriate form of excercise. But hey, if I were Nintendo, Id probably run that in my add too "4 out of 5 Doctors recommend you play the Wii at least 1-2 hrs a day!"

Now let me add obviously graphics aren't everything, as I wouldn't prefer 2D Hex wargames if such were the case, but when it comes to first-person experiences, graphics certainly add to the realism and immersiveness that the game can provide. Just as good surround sound or other effects can in many of those games. I admit to not having seen anything but a few Wii games, but those I did did not impress me or were available on other platforms anyway.

I may still decide to buy a Wii, but if I do it will have nothing to do with its excercising benefits.

Veldor -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/30/2006 5:04:48 AM)

WAIT! I take it all back. After seeing this video I absolutely MUST get a Wii now.

Console Fishing! Now we can fish even in the winter! Maybe I can even use the Wii controller to virtually cook, prepare, and eat my fish too (Using a simulating fork eating motion).

Hmm. I wonder if they will make any "Mature" titles for the Wii. I just thought of a couple other motions you can simulate. That might increase sales.

Honestly these games are as "campy" as they come. If you have kids I can't see how you couldn't buy it for them. If your trying to get your girl into gaming..Might not hurt. But otherwise choosing Zelda over Oblivion is a bit like choosing a Saturday Morning He-man Cartoon over the LOTR Movie.

Of course not one of us here has a Wii yet so we are all equally full of crap..

I'll shut up now. bye.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/30/2006 5:17:34 AM)

In as much as I think the PS3 ala computer wannabe is intriguing, one or more simple truths though do tend to spoil the parade for the PS3.

First off the PS2 statistically is number 3 in the history books for sales. Beat out by the Gamecube and the NES. Not like it is the numerically most liked option.

We have seen sales of the Wii currently going out so fast, that the PS3 will be lucky if it ever had any real chance of competing in sales whether or not Sony manages to catch up with the demand for theirs. The demand might never have had any real chance.

The PS3 apparently is having trouble getting past half of the games sold for the Wii, thus, for all their lack of classy graphics the Wii titles are still attracting faster sales.

Sony is getting a major soaking to the tune of 1.3 BILLION in loses to market the PS3 so far, the Wii has on the other hand made around 190 million so far. Nintendo might have a good idea being the one making their product I suppose.

Anyone remember the Betamax by any chance for that matter. It was better than vhs, but Sony also back then would not share the tech. Shot themselves in the foot then and you know, they can always do it again if they try hard enough.

Nintendo KNOWS it can't compete in the 18-25 market, so what, they OWN the kid and older adult markets. It appears there is no problem selling for a profit to those demographics.

The Wii can't compete with the PS3, but it should be pointed out, the WII never even tried. The Wii is not only not competition, it's a totally different market.
And it appears the media love it. It was the focus of an entire show of the Colbert Report. The media seems to really like the Wii.

Charles2222 -> RE: Wow I'm Impressed with Wii (11/30/2006 9:41:26 AM)

The difference between a 60yr old aunt playing it out of curiousity and someone playing it because it's their main hobby, is quite a major difference. In my case, as I said, it's worse than that, because I'm at a computer terminal about 95% of every day. My main recreation is through the pc, but when your work is constantly doing that as well, those wrists get very worn out and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that more movement and larger size of the instrument lead to more problems than need be. If you spend an entire waking day behind a computer, you have no idea what I'm talking about. It's something that wears on you over a much greater time period.

I doubt the games are good enough to where it would be too much a problem for the casual player, but those controls scare me away, even if I did have the least attachment to console games.

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