Hard Sarge -> RE: Wish List (12/27/2006 3:48:33 AM)
ORIGINAL: Feltan quote:
ORIGINAL: Hard Sarge I don't know, I don't follow I have no trouble with the Union, the war is over before 62 is done when I play from the Union side trying to be polite and all, but most of the complaints, seems to be that the Union is beating there head against a wall, and then complain, that it is not fair that they can't beat a hole in the wall there is no reason for the CSA to be making more troops then the Union does, that is your fault, you can take away anything the CSA has if you want it (Fredericksburg, Richmound, Tenn-Miss-River areas, wait till you can take them, before you try to take them you do not have to take something to take it away from the other side maybe I have played the game too much Indeed, maybe you have. Being a hard-charging aggressive and successful player should have rewards in the game; however, such tactics should not be a substitute for the reality of the time. If you predicate game balance on your style of play, then the opposing AI would have to be monumentally skewed from that reality to offer a challange. Regards, Feltan you ever read Liddel Hart ?, or any of the others of his type ? and as the Chinese master stated, the perfect battle is the one that is not fought other then Alexsander, not many Generals could fight the battle on the enemies own battlefield and win