Thresh -> RE: Wish List (1/2/2007 10:54:41 PM)
Gil, If I am in Paducah, and want to go to the area to where Memphis and the four forts are, I don't care about how far I "might be able to move", I care that I am spending more than a minute trying to get my mouse posistioned in such a way that the mover order will actually go through without clicking on another item within the area and nulling what I want to do. It should not be that hard to move a stack. [:@] Besides, whats the difference between setting a "Go To" order, and having a newly mustered Infantry unit in Topeka sent to "Join" the Army of Potomac in Annapolis? If Players want a stack of conatiners to move a long distance, I don't think they are to worried about how far it goes each turn, as long as it gets there they will be happy. Theres enough micromanagemen in the game already, my mouse should not be one of them. YMMV, Thresh quote:
ORIGINAL: Gil R. quote:
ORIGINAL: Thresh Unless I have missed it somehweres, a "Go To" command would be nice. I cannot say how many minutes I have spent after clicking on a container to march it, only to have to micromanage my mouse in weird ways (without clicking on something else in the area and thus ending my proposed move) in order to get said container to where I want it to go. It would be nice to click on a container in say, Paducah, click on goto, choose Memphis (I can't remember the district Memphis is in, sorry) click yes and be done with it. Thresh This idea, if implemented, would hurt the player: you need to see those arrows to get a sense of how far your units can get, and how likely they are to get there.