christof139 -> RE: Flags of our ... ACW State of Florida or Florida State Flag (2/21/2007 8:36:35 AM)
Hey guys, nice flags! Have you been checking them against the Flags.pcx file to make sure they're not already in the game. I think I recognize some of those ... (eg the 1st Arkansas, 12th Louisiana) Hi PixelPusher, Yes, some are in the game and some aren't. The particular ones I am interested in and what the intitial post in this thread questioned about, are the 2-white Illinois flags and the Ohio that I found and posted here. Some other flags not in the game are the 15-star SC Sovereign flag, the orange-starred East Tennessee and Kentucky flag, the 2nd Louisiana Cav. Regt. Flag., the 1861 Florida State flag, the Florida National or Secession flag, the Louisiana Port Hudson flag with the French tri-color in the canton, the 2nd variant of McCown's divisional flage, Lee's ANV HQ flag, the Chief Engineer ANV flag, the Red Bonnie Blue Flag, and the 2 flags used by the TX Regts. at Arkansas Post, I also stated in many descriptions of the flags I posted here whether or not they were already in the game. Peruse the flags and you will see this is so. HS (Hard Sarge) and some other people remarked they would like some more flags, so I posted some. You also stated you had an interestin doing this, so here are some that are not in the game. I also posted those that were in the game already, and mentioned this in their descriptions, becuase they look sharp, and would attract attention to the game. I hope you put these new ones in the game, and I will loo for some more Union flags. Chris