jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/20/2006 8:03:32 AM)
Moving over to Lee. The AOP of, I'm guessing, 90,000 men has moved over to Cumberland. Their intentions are unclear. Since Jackson has split up from the ANV Lee is left with only 55,000 men. (Similar to the Chancellorsville scenario, eh? [;)]) and is quite vulnerable to this enemy force. However I feel quite safe because the ANV is within the protection of Fredericksburg's Forts. However if the AOP makes any movements onto my territory I'll have to fight back at some point and may have to bring Jackson back up. I've used up most of my resources on a special case. I've upgraded one of my highest quality units with Sharpshooters, Brigade Artillery, and the very expensive but high-end Whitworth Rifles. These rifles are very expensive(75 money!) but very deadly. They are purchasable when my Diplomacy hits 3 for England, which it has. This may be a silly way to waste my money but I find it essential to create Elite units who will be golden marks in my ranks. I'm naming it the 11th Infantry "Wasp" [image]local://upfiles/23024/B20BA05546D5489386FBC6DD84F6443E.jpg[/image]