jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:13:46 AM)
In the East the Union Armies are reduced to approx 75,000 men. Only the AOI managed to escape, it's pitiful seeing what they are reduced to. I believe the AOT of 70,000 men can handle this pathetic excuse for an army alone so I am reforming Longstreet with Lee at York. At 65,000 men I'm thinking of moving them onto Washington for the inevitable siege. Hardee's Division of 13,000 men will begin the siege of Harrisburg which is the major city of Iron Production for the Union. Just besieging this city will stop the flow of the main source of Iron therefore putting the Union economy in disarray. He has no doubt noticed this and put a large garrison of about 10,000 men within the city. I don't expect to take it anytime soon. After I begin the siege I will entrench and let my siege cannons do the work. There is quite literally NOTHING in my way from ravaging the North except their Garrisons. The AOP is no longer a valid threat and will eventually be destroyed. [image]local://upfiles/23024/AE707A3920564715916DC81B25072F40.jpg[/image]