RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (Full Version)

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comander -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/28/2006 6:32:12 PM)

i like the  1st CAS size at 28,030 it big  but no Artillery why i give one to each DIV just in case they  run in to any thing  biger then a DIV .    US have lost one off his forts on the NVA side  the river good work  JR.

YohanTM2 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/7/2007 9:18:01 PM)

Ok guys, enough time has been spent in winter bivouacs. Time to get this AAR going again.

jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 6:43:43 AM)

Turn 42

Events 1/3


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 6:53:23 AM)

Events 2/3


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 6:58:58 AM)

Events 3/3

This horrible and bloody siege at Cairo is almost over. The garrison of the city is left at 1,000 men.

Battle is avoided once again in Grafton. The Union army suffers tremendously from being cut off. They have no where to run and they'll simply die off from attrition.

Raid of supplies was successful against AOI, although I doubt it was of any significance.

I finished 2 Arsenals and 3 Mints which is great. My Economy has grown quite strong.

Diplomacy is still lacking. USA Support for Europeans increases while mine stays at an all time low.

I pleased some of my governors and increased the ratings of two of my corps which helps.

My Runners also picked up some weapons. I finished my third Runner this turn so I send them out to get 40 Weapons, 40 Money and 30 Money.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:04:49 AM)

In the West my siege continues. Reinforcements have finally arrived and my force is now at 40,000 men strong at an average quality of 3. The Union Army of Illinois has moved itself very close to my force. A Union Division of 10,000 men is also nearby in the north west. It's highly likely they are planning on attacking so they can save the city but I believe I can hold them. Once I take this darn city I'll move onto Jefferson City which will put the state of Missouri in Confederate hands.

The 4th Corps of 30,000 men moved to Lexington, just missing the AOI. I'm moving them over to Frankfort in which I will start a siege next turn. Once I capture Frankfort, Kentucky will be mine. There is quite honestly nothing left to stop me except this small and ragged Illinois army.

Further south in New Orleans one of my Ironclads are almost done. Once it finishes I'll upgrade it's guns and be ready for a counter-attack against the Union fleet. I have another Ironclad being built but that will take 8 turns which is simply too long to wait for. In preparation of my counter-attack in the sea I want to assure victory so I've begun upgrading two of my Ship's cannons to Dahlgrens.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:13:46 AM)

In the East the Union Armies are reduced to approx 75,000 men. Only the AOI managed to escape, it's pitiful seeing what they are reduced to. I believe the AOT of 70,000 men can handle this pathetic excuse for an army alone so I am reforming Longstreet with Lee at York. At 65,000 men I'm thinking of moving them onto Washington for the inevitable siege.

Hardee's Division of 13,000 men will begin the siege of Harrisburg which is the major city of Iron Production for the Union. Just besieging this city will stop the flow of the main source of Iron therefore putting the Union economy in disarray. He has no doubt noticed this and put a large garrison of about 10,000 men within the city. I don't expect to take it anytime soon. After I begin the siege I will entrench and let my siege cannons do the work.

There is quite literally NOTHING in my way from ravaging the North except their Garrisons. The AOP is no longer a valid threat and will eventually be destroyed.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:25:44 AM)

For this turn I'm really changing around my Economy. I'm pretty much done with constructing anymore buildings so I am focusing most of my cities from Labor to Money. If I ever do need to build new buildings I have quite a large stockpile of 200 Labor.

I take advantage of this and max out my Diplomacy spendings for all foreign nations. This should eventually help me to achieve victory in the shorter run. Unless the Union can pull off something drastically effective, this war is almost over.

To finish it off I need more spaces in South Carolina so I build a Plantation in Charleston. Also to meet the need of my Governor in Louisiana and increase my Tactics Research I build a War College in New Orleans.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:29:00 AM)



jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/8/2007 7:34:57 AM)

Ending the turn I have two upgrades. For my first batch of choices I choose Sharpshooter Training which will increase the damage of my Elite Units equipped with the Sharpshooter attribute.

Next for a Naval Upgrade I only have the choice of Blockade Operations which simply lessens the chance of my Runners being destroyed.

That's the end of this turn. As usual I set my raider to destroy supplies. My Second Raider should be done next turn.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (1/24/2007 8:42:46 PM)

ShootMe hasn't been online for awhile now. I'm not sure where he is, I'm guessing he's busy with college.

It's rather disturbing he just disappears without telling me anything but I hope we can continue our AARs once he returns.

sirduke_slith -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (3/2/2007 3:04:54 AM)

I assuming since you guys haven't posted in a while that you aren't continuing the AAR, that is too bad they were very enjoyable to read.  Thanks for all the effort!

Font de Llop -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (3/8/2007 12:27:51 PM)

Is this true? So bad, this great story have to end... with the Glory of the South!
Surely, I'll play the game thanks this ARR. This has given me a amazing impression.

Good work JonReb! (although I don't have experience [:'(])

Widell -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (4/9/2007 10:45:06 PM)

Sorry to see the AAR end - Had a great time reading it, and it also sold me a copy of the game.....

jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (3/5/2008 8:22:32 AM)

Wow, like a year later and nostalgia brings me back to this AAR. I'm sad we could never finish it, but it seems some other excellent AARs are still out there.

Widell -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (3/5/2008 11:55:15 AM)

Hmm - Since my PBEM of ACW seems to be on hold (See the AAR at the ACW forum: I might be game for PBEM of FOF. It's been a while since I played the game, and I never tried PBEM. Let me know if you´re up to a slow paced PBEM....with AAR's to go of course.

skrewball -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (3/22/2008 1:45:03 PM)

Bravo! I just finished reading your AAR. Too bad it wasn't finished. It's a shame that there aren't more in this Forum. I'm mainly a WitP player, so I guess I'm spoiled when it comes to Forum activity. [:)]

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