RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (Full Version)

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jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/8/2006 11:03:22 PM)

Situation in the Mid-west is getting desperate. The union is converging all units here now and it has gotten messy. I'm going to try and keep up the pursuit with the AOP. However I am sending out two divisions to take care of Todd and the enemy Army (Now reduced to a battered division) coming up from the south.

The loss at Knoxville has cost me some Lorenz. I can't accept this, I hope in my pursuit I manage to get them back.

On the side my brigades that were in the south, I'm going to bring them up to reinforce the ANV or AOT.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/8/2006 11:06:17 PM)

In the west the Indian cavalry and Buckner have rejoined the AOT. I'm going to send the AOT up to Bowling Green to see what damage they can cause.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/8/2006 11:16:40 PM)

It's all clear in the east. Only a small corps is sitting in Maryland, so I'm not worried about it. It's the west where the action is taking place, and I need to take down as many of the enemy as I can.

Now for my economy. I'm raising my diplomacy spendings since I can now afford it. Hopefully it will get me something.

To make my navy happy, me happy, and the Texan Governor happy, I'm building a Naval college in Galveston.

Savannah needs more building slots so I'm building a Plantation here.

That's it for now. I want to save up the rest of the resources for later.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/8/2006 11:17:10 PM)


It's not as bad as it looks.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/8/2006 11:19:06 PM)

That's the end of the turn. For this Naval upgrade I'm getting Reinforced Hull. This will increase my Naval Units' defense.

No raids or promotions.

This is getting really tricky with all the forces scattered around, let's hope I do some decisive damage next turn.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:02:28 AM)

Turn 16

Events 1/2


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:08:02 AM)

Events 2/2

Ok, I'll skip the battle reports for now and talk about it in a sec.

I lost in a naval battle this turn, 8 ships sunk. The big problem with this is one of my Ironclads was completely destroyed. This is Very annoying. I had finally gotten my second ironclad, was ready to upgrade the next one this turn, and I might of actually won with that upgrade. Ugh, I'm not sure what to do with my naval forces right now so I'll move onto it later.

Finished a Mint and RR Station which should prove useful. There you go, my Ironclad disbands.

Moving onto Diplomacy it's starting to rise. +1 to England diplomacy, at last! There is also some unrest in a few of my provinces, but they are small and unimportant so I'm not worried about it.

I got a few measly resources with my runners. However because of my increased Diplomacy it is starting to get better. I have a chance at 25 Weapons and 15 Money, so I'll take it.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:17:25 AM)

Starting with the Western theatre. A battle was avoided here, but it seems a small enemy force is now left alone in Central Mississippi. I'm going to attack him to try and wipe it out.

I've also sent over the Corps Container to the AOT, under the command of Early. This will help with my organization and command efficiency.

In New Orleans my Fleet is in a bad position. As you know one of my Ironclads was destroyed last turn which is very frustrating. However, I'm going to gamble and upgrade my last Ironclad with a Dahlgren Rifle and wait to be attacked again.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:26:42 AM)

Sporadic fights throughout the Mid-west. I have almost destroyed the retreating division from the south, killing more than 8,000 men. I am going to try and completely destroy him next turn with Rodes division.

Garnett also missed Todd. I'm going to continue the pursuit with him as well, I don't want anyone getting away.

The AOP has retreated to Kentucky. I'm going to continue the pursuit with Lee. He can't make it all the way so I'm going to send him to the Appalachia to prepare for another attack.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:28:01 AM)

Here's an overview:


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:32:00 AM)

I'll leave my diplomacy as it is. I hope they get some more support.

In Charleston, SC, I'm building a Horse Farm to make my governor happy.

In Little Rock alone I'm going to start building a Mint for money, a War College for tactic research, and a new Camp for reinforcements.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:34:34 AM)

Ending the turn, I have two new upgrades.

I'm choosing Artillery Discipline to increase my Artillery's damage.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 1:36:13 AM)

For the next upgrade I choose Invalid Corps. This will increase my camps' reinforcements +%33! This should be a significant improvement.

I set my Raiders to try and steal weapons and destroy supplies.

And that's the end of the turn. I have a strange feeling in my gut something will go wrong, but I have to take chances.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 4:35:59 PM)

Turn 17

Events 1/2


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 4:44:47 PM)

Events 2/2

A lot of battles were avoided this turn. Only one small battle in Charlotte where surprisingly that beat up division beat me. Oh well, I don't care to pursue them any longer. That division is now at brigade strength.

There was even a smaller small battle at Appalachia .. Nooo!! Timmy died!

Finished a Mine and Aresnal which is always good. Also Hill has arrived. I'm going to try and get him over to the AOT.

Disease hit Garnett's division believe it or not.. It's not too bad, my disposition is still normal I just lost a few men.

Also notice I am now getting 5,000 reinforcements every turn now! That's approx +1000 men from that upgrade and that bonus will keep rising as I build more camps.

Diplomacy is doing about the same. However England has now gone down to 0 with the USA, which is good. Isham Harris now supports Engineering Research which is a +5 to it's research each turn. My runners were successful and get me some money and weapons. It's too bad, there is absolutely nothing to grab this turn..


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 4:59:50 PM)

EDIT: Changing my strategy from earlier. I thought it through a little more, I guess that's the benefit of having more time. [;)]

Starting in the east. The enemy Corps of 35,000 men is coming down across Virginia from Washington into my rear. I have to try to stop him from reinforcing the armies in the west or whatever his plan may be.

I'm sending up the 9th Division and 6th Division from the south by Rail to the Shenandoah. On the side they might run into that retreating division (Rather brigade, by now) and hopefully destroy it this time.

I had a division within the forts at Fredericksburg so I'm bringing them out as well and putting them under Hill's command. I'm then bringing up the Corps Container, bringing them over to the Shenandoah to join the other two divisions, and calling this the 4th Corps at about 30,000 men.

Garnett's Division of 10,000 men are cut off. I'm guessing it is highly likely this enemy corps will take advantage of this lone division and try to destroy it. I'm moving them over to Parkersburg.

Finally I've decided to bring up the ANV back to the Eastern Theatre and abandon the pursuit of the AOP for now. I want to try and destroy this corps. If I do this I can cause further trouble and be wide open to Union soil. I'm moving the ANV to Grafton to try and intercept the Corps in case they go after Garnett. If it is successful it is highly probably I will do a lot of damage to them if not destroy them. I will then have a wide open front to Union Territory.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:05:32 PM)

Now for the west. A big battle was avoided in Bowling Green with the AOT and the now depleted AOP of 50,000. Both forces are still in Bowling Green, waiting.

However, the Union has a force of Approx 100,000 men by a river nearby and 10,000 men near Lexington. I have no doubt he is going to try and overwhelm the AOT and defeat it so I'm bringing the AOT back to Cumberland. If I am successful in the East I don't think I will have to worry about these two armies joining up for a joint operation again the AOT. They look too beat up, anyway.

On the side I'm sending two cavalry brigades to try and defeat that cavalry in Sparta/

My Fleet in New Orleans is still safe, not sure what to do with them since they don't stand a chance against the Union navy.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:18:19 PM)

Now for my economy. First I must admit a big mistake on my part: I have been building up Mints, Factories, Mines, etc. However I have forgotten you can only pick Money or Labor, Iron or Horses. So I have been building random resources all over the country and hardly in the right places. Now I've learned from my mistake I'll be more careful.

My diplomacy is working a little so I'm going to leave it as it is.

In Little Rock I'm building an RR Station to further increase my railroad transportation efficiency and make the Governor of Arkansas happy.

In Selma I'm building a Factory to increase my Labor. I'm also building a Plantation to increase my economy here and get more building slots.

In Chattanooga I'm building a Mine to further increase the Iron production here.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:18:39 PM)



jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:20:53 PM)

For anyone interested in the stats, here they are:

This is the Strength of both sides. USA is light green.

I am actually at an advantage here believe it or not. I've caused a lot of casualties to the enemy and mine have simply been raising from all the reinforcements.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:22:04 PM)

Here are the Casualties:

Red is the USA. As you can see I have a rather large advantage here as well. The Union has been losing a huge amount of his troops while I've only lost a fraction of that.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:23:30 PM)

VP and National Will isn't important right now so I'm skipping to Quality.

I also have an advantage here. My quality is literately off the chart.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:24:35 PM)

Now for weapons. USA is Pink.

Believe it or not I am at an advantage in this section as well! I have an advantage in every single possible way against the Union, so I have to take advantage of it.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/9/2006 5:27:59 PM)

That ends the turn. I set my raiders to destroy supplies. No upgrades or promotions.

Next turn should be interesting.

Unfortunately guys we have to wait until Monday. ShootMe is away for the weekend. I don't know about you but I will find it hard for me to stay sane. [:'(]


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 4:35:07 AM)

Turn 18

At last!

Events 1/2


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 4:35:25 AM)

Events 2/2

Victory in the east! I was successful in my maneuvers and gave the enemy corps a beating.

My raiders were successful with their supplies and have no doubt caused some further damage to the AOP.

Another Camp finished, raising my reinforcements to 6,000 per turn. One of my Laboratory's also finished so my logistics research has increased.

Two new generals, Pickett and Paxton, have arrived. I could always use skilled brigade commanders in the ANV so I'm sending them over.

Disease hit one of my garrisons; I'm glad. I wouldn't want it hitting one of my larger armies.

Diplomacy is rising. Britain sent me some firearms and my trade level is increasing. European Support increases to 1 which is good news.

The Governor of Tennessee seems to be happy with my army's presence. No problem, it was nothing. [;)]

My Runners still have nothing to grab at. Hopefully that will change soon.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 4:47:50 AM)

Things remain the same in the West. The AOT is now at 100,000 strong but has yet to see combat.

I'm expecting the AOP to try and head back east, there is nothing I currently plan to do about this.

To cause some trouble I'm sending Van Dorn's division of 12,000 men to cause some trouble in Missouri. Missouri somewhat dislikes the Union so I want to see if I can force him to hate them further and join my cause. By force, or not.

I've decided to leave my navy where it is until I can focus my resources on it. There is no possible chance they can even contest with the Union navy so I'll have to build it up slowly.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 4:53:54 AM)

In the east I'm going to push on. I'm going to form up the new 4th Corps at Shenandoah and send have them temporarily join the ANV to head north. Once I have the ANV capture Cumberland I'll send them deeper into the north to cause damage.

I'm sending the ANV to Franklin, then Cumberland. This Corps is simply a bother in the way I'll attempt to crush but will not put my focus on it. My focus is now Union territory.

I'm sending Garnett's Division to Ohio River to try and capture Wheeling. It will take a siege and I have no artillery so it will take a long time. The AOP is surely to return so I'll have to be careful.

I'm setting my forces in the east to Normal Supply to focus reinforcements on them for the upcoming sieges and to better supply them. This affects my economy a little so I'll have to fix that. I've also upgraded a lot of my weapons for the ANV especially their artillery, along with a few attributes for high-quality units.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 5:05:22 AM)

My economy is taking a big blow but I have no choice. I have a huge opportunity to cause damage in the East and I want it in full throttle.

I'm not going to build anything so I can save up valuable resources for later.


jonreb31 -> RE: JonReb(CSA) v ShootMe(USA): Glory of the South! (12/11/2006 5:06:10 AM)



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