Erik Rutins -> RE: What happend with the Phisycal orders?? (1/5/2007 4:57:40 AM)
Hi everyone, We've been working furiously behind the scenes on this. We also thought things were ready to go when we posted the option to order and left for Christmas. Due to a number of screw-ups on DR's side, they were not ready to go as we were told. In fairness, these are the kinds of things that can happen when a new process like "on demand printed manuals" is inaugurated, but we regret the additional delays and are as frustrated by them as you are. We're now told that January 9th will be the absolute final date, beyond which there will be no further delays. I'm passing that along here. We're also working on an arrangement for those of you who ordered faster shipping options in good faith that the physical orders would be shipping soon. Stay tuned for more info on that. Regards, - Erik