movies (Full Version)

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freeboy -> movies (2/15/2007 3:30:04 AM)

I just watched The Patriot, next will see the Last Of the Mohicans, nothing like some movies set in these time frames to get the blood flowing.. an aside just finished my first"easy" settings revolutionary campiegn win, pretty easy after you figure out the poor Brits are so slow. I am sure the harder levels will be, well harder!

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: movies (2/15/2007 5:14:02 AM)

Both are good movies. I enjoyed both.[:)]

korrigan -> RE: movies (2/15/2007 10:45:09 AM)

IMHO, you should also check:

1) The Crossing (Washy and the Continental army, superb!)

2) Barry Lindon

3) Revolution

smallie1 -> RE: movies (2/15/2007 2:50:52 PM)

OK, not movies, but I highly recommend books by Allan Eckert: Wilderness Empire and Wilderness War. They both cover activites by the indians and the settlers, with neither necessarily being heros or villians. They were what they were. The first covers up to the defeat of the French in the French & Indian wars, the second from that point through the revolution.

The two are part of a 6 part series covering the expansion into the Northwest territories. The books are in historical narrative form, very well researched. The author claims every action actually occurred, with the dialouge being built from assumption. It may sound like it could be hokey, but it works.

The scene in Last of... where the massacre occurs as the British are leaving Fort William & Henry (right fort?) seems to be taken directly from the books (well, the movie added Daniel Day Lewis), which if the author is right, is pretty close to how it happened

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