Question about Movement (Full Version)

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genie144 -> Question about Movement (2/15/2007 7:00:22 PM)

So I am playing as the colonials, and moved to setup a combined assault on the british that had just relanded and captured Boston. I move a medium army (3-5 green dots) into a surrrounding territory in order to combine with my much larger army (4-9 green dots) (don't remember exactly). The british launch a dragoon unit from boston. My small army meets and kills. Small army is waiting for large army to meet to combine. The british then send out the entire army sans a regiment or two. They run into my small army and beat them to a draw. My small army moves away to lick its wounds, the british follow. Same thing happens, beat my army to a draw, my army retreats. The british follow. Same thing happens, retreats back to original territory. Is then soundly beat and scattered to the winds. Then my large army shows up. More green dots than the orange dots of the british. And after the first battle is soundly defeated and scattered.

My question is two fold. How is the AI allowed to chase my army across the map? And secondly, how come my larger army in better condition (color of dots) was scattered after 1 battle whle my smaller army survived 3 total battles before being scattered?

Just to avoid some confusion - this was 1 turn. So the question I guess is how is the AI allowed to "follow" my army.


Pocus -> RE: Question about Movement (2/15/2007 8:53:40 PM)

same as you, it was on interception against your smaller army and as long as you was detected was allowed to move toward you.

genie144 -> RE: Question about Movement (2/15/2007 10:49:27 PM)

Hmmm,  I will have to figure out when I get my computer back up and running if I can reload the saved turn.  For some reason I was thinking the army was split off from a garrison of New York that turn.

I hadn't thought about that, thank you Pocus.  I have to say, that although I am not a huge fan of the game, the AI is amazing.  That is really the only reason I play it.  I don't have a bunch of time to dedicate to gaming anymore, but something about not being able to beat a game bothers me.  :)


jimkehn -> RE: Question about Movement (2/16/2007 4:07:41 AM)

I won't say you won't be able to beat the AI. But I can guarantee one thing.
You'll have fun trying.

Pocus -> RE: Question about Movement (2/16/2007 6:16:05 PM)

Great thanks for your words, it pays back the hours of sweat trying to make something of this stupid mass of electrons [:D]  (and I think I can do better for the ACW game)

saintsup -> RE: Question about Movement (2/16/2007 11:15:34 PM)



it was on interception against your smaller army and as long as you was detected was allowed to move toward you.

How do you do that ?

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Question about Movement (2/16/2007 11:43:31 PM)

Just pick up your stack and place upon the stack that you want to intercept. You'll see something that says 'general x will attempt to intercept general y'.

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