RE: Axis turn 9 (Full Version)

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SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:53:19 AM)


larryfulkerson -> Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 10:04:51 AM)

Here it is the Soviet 9th turn and the minimap moves movie from turns 5 thru 9:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 10:09:26 AM)

Here's some of the Soviet losses so far:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:21:18 PM)

Here's some moves in the Leningrad area:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:27:58 PM)

Here's some moves in the sw of Leningrad area:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:32:17 PM)

Here's some moves just north of Smolensk:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:36:44 PM)

The Germans gained some hexes in the Smolensk area:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:40:35 PM)

Here's some moves in the south of Smolensk area:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:44:17 PM)

Here's what it looks like north of Kiev:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:47:35 PM)

Here's some moves southeast of Kiev


larryfulkerson -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/21/2007 6:51:11 PM)

Here's what it looks like northeast of Odessa:


SMK-at-work -> RE: Soviet turn 9 (3/22/2007 1:06:21 AM)


Onkly 1 round of combat for me this turn - Soveit tank divisions had a field day among exhausted German infantry - I estimate 250-300 HRS's lost to limited counterattacks at Odessa, Kiev and along the Dneipr/Orsha/Vitebsk line west and sw of Smolensk.

But somehow I used up all my combat bounds despiteno more than 1 division attacked any Axis stack and the max usage showing was 2 bounds.

C'est la ToaW!![&o][&o]

So s lucky day for the bad guys!![8|]

Zort -> Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 4:26:06 AM)

I was lucky against SMK's attacks. He was almost in my artie. So to congratulate him on a good job, I got into his backfield near Smolensk and took out a bunch of artie. I also just about destroyed everything in Odessa, just a matter of time now.

Against Larry his line is really strong and I lost a bunch trying to bunch some holes. Have to hit his artie more. Did someone say that if you hit the art with air and the art defends against the air it then is not available to support? I did find a place where Larry didn't have anything in his line and pushed 2 inf divs and part of a pz div into it. Don't think he can close it.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 4:29:55 AM)

At least I can take some heart from your loss of 1200 HRS's in the turn - one more turn like that and you're out of accumulated replacements.

You haven't gotten into my backfield at Smolensk - you're between my 2 lines and the wing-three-quarters are about to come into play!! [:'(]

Zort -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 4:31:54 AM)

My question to SMK is about his losses. I have been able to do major damage to lots of units. I know if I lost 300 hrs in his attacks he has to have lost lots more. It's the equipment I am curious about. He has lots of rifle squads but should be really low on lots of the other items.

Larry keeps telling me that his guys aren't ready and he can't find enought to fill the line. I think his run away further defense is good but it's not all behind river lines. It's not 2 deep and I think that is what his real worry is.

I decided I had to rest lots of my divs. I have been lucky and my rail has almost caught up with most of my front in each game. Different areas though. I have had to decide to stop and rest a bit before I can launch a bunch of serious attacks and be ready to sustain the losses I know I will be getting.

SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 4:53:11 AM)

I'll post my losses tonight - IIRC I still have 20k rifle squads accumulated, but yes some of the heavy equipment is getting a bit scarce - mortars were by far and away the worst a turn or 2 ago but if you've munched a lot of artillery this turn that might have changed!

I have a couple of waves of small armies that have been rebuilt hanging around moscow & expect 1-2 more this turn, so my next line is taking shape already :)  Having rail up to 9000 REALLY makes it a lot easier!!

I think there's no point running if you can't establish a proper line where you run to - all that happens is that the otehr guy gets there without having had to fight and still finds it easy to punch through.  By forcing you to fight I am still losing space, but a bit more slowly, and you're losing a lot more troops.  Importantly of course is your supply state - fighting uses up a lot more supplies than advancing without much opposition.

Telumar -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 5:51:28 AM)



You haven't gotten into my backfield at Smolensk - you're between my 2 lines and the wing-three-quarters are about to come into play!! [:'(]

I have no clue, but sounds interesting - a screenie! Pleeeaaaase! [:)]

SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 6:54:34 AM)

See [8D]

SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:04:35 PM)

Screenies you want -screenies you get...pretty rough ones 'cos my artistic abilities aren't all that flash, but here goes....

2 combat rounds this turn -

Firstly Lenningrad. Buzz mad an audacious amphibious landing at the un-named urban hex west of Krondtadt - I'm going to have to be a bit more careful with my ports!!

However fortunately I had a Tank Corps and miscellaneous other units lying around doing nothing much [8D] and they were able to jump on the advancing German infantry with considerable effect. This happened in the 2nd round of combat, so only the 3 hexes indicated got thumped.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:10:37 PM)

Next the situatoin on the land bridge between Orsha and Vitebsk just west of Smolensk - the penetration to the north was mostly thown back, although some of it remains and there is no doubth hte Orsha-Vitebsk line will not last long.

However another line is being prepared before Smolensk.....hence the Axis may break through the intial line, only to be faced with another....a three-quarters line...:)

I have no idea why the colour has gone strange on this one.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:16:20 PM)

Anopther one with strange colour.
Just south of Orsha another 2 breakthroughs - the one mostly on this shot got hammered in 2 turns of combat - many axis reserves came forward in the first round, but got smacked in the 2nd.

However there's nothing much I can do south of Mogilev except throw a few divisions in the way to slow him down.

The army facing Mogilev will probably be surrounded but it will hopefully take a couple of turns to go down fighting and there's another line forming off the right of the map


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:19:31 PM)

Further south at Kiev - I was surprised how much of hte city he had taken - I thought I had a fairly good defence with infantry and armour and artilery and flak....[:(]

But again 2 rounds of counter attacks saw most of the Germans routed, although I lost the city and hence the 5% replacements - not so much reason to stand there now[:(]

The red circled hexes were "vacated" by the Axis, the yellow circled one got a good hammering too and several units retreated out of it but not all.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:24:02 PM)

And Odessa....Buzz thinks he almost captured it, but a Tank Corps says otherwise! [:D][:D]

Hidden in the city are 2 huge tank divisions and a motorised division - they might not have been much use as manouvre elements but when the unprotected Axis infantry comes to them they are pretty nasty.

Only 1 bound of combat was required to send the Germans and Romanians fleeing in panic. Again many units tried to reinforce the front line, but they too were swept up in the panic and several units shattered into component groups...

More reinforcements were ferried in last turn but none this turn - the next message shows why.....


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:28:07 PM)

And the last shot in our journey from north to south - another audacious amphibious landing, but again the brave Soviet forces were up to the task - troops from the Perekop Isthmus and a passing Tank Corp (yes, there actually was one close by on it's way south to the Crimea - bad timing Buzz!![8D]) raced to contain the Fsscists and did so with some ease in the end - abley supported by the Black Sea Fleet that sailed from Odessa after supporting the Tank Corps attack there - the fleet isn't visible in this shot but they were all in hte hex where the 1 destroyer is.

This landing was the reason no reinforcements made it to Odessa this turn - some of them did come here tho.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 1:46:34 PM)

It's past my bed time, but here's some of my losses before combat this turn - most stockpiles are building up well - I don't have many KV's and T34's in service, but have nearly 500 in reserve. Mortars have managed to start accumulating although artillery is still in short supply. Over 1000 Yak-1's means I don't have to be stingy with Air Superiority so much any more.....

And of course despite massive losses I still have nearly 30,000 Rifle squads accumulated, so Buzz can anticipate seeing lots more single divisions out front of my lines to slow him down that little bit each time! :)

Edit - in fact looking back to the figures I posted at T7 a page or 2 back, I've only lost 200 rifle squads from the stockpile, while on-hand numbers have risen 4000, and losses have been about 5000.....I'm not sure that math adds up properly with a replacement rate of about 1000/turn??[&:]

I currently have 93897 rifle squads in reserve, allocated of lost. 3 turns ago I had 57734...that's a difference of 36,000 rifle squads!![X(][X(][X(]

Not that I'm complaining...but I'm only supposed to get a bit less than 1000/turn, so where did the other 33,000 come from??!!


larryfulkerson -> Axis turn 10 (3/22/2007 9:30:05 PM)

Buzz invaded the Leningrad area with the 21st Inf Div.....which I think is a really good idea. This way I have to scramble to deal with the new German units behind my lines and he's in an excellent position to capture Leningrad already. I tell you, this guy Buzz is a genius.


SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/23/2007 12:23:44 AM)

Let's not get too carried away with the praise!! ;) 

But I think one has to keep an eye on ports when he's around - sneaky he is!!

where's your reserves Larry??!! :)

Zort -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/23/2007 12:46:35 AM)

Genius[&:] I just happened to find an open port. Takes me back to house rules and where you can invade. Anyhow Larry you taught me to not to leave ports open and SMK is teaching the value of hidden reserves.

SMK-at-work -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/23/2007 1:36:13 AM)

Buzz has caught me with ports 3 times in thisgame so far - once up north half way between Murmansk and Archangel, plus the 2 above - I'm a slow learner!! :(

However I do enjoy using tank corps when they've been sitting still for a few turns and are "in the green"......

Zort -> RE: Axis turn 10 (3/23/2007 2:00:21 AM)

Yea I almost went for archangel but decided that was just a little to gamey so I have decided to wait a bit and if it's left open.....[;)]

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