Twotribes -> RE: War cycle every 110 - 150 years (5/3/2007 12:35:33 AM)
Iraq is a JUST war. Saddam Hussein signed a cease fire AFTER he start6ed a war. He failed utterly for 12 years to live up to it. That ALONE makes it just. Add in that with him still in power and sanctions lifted ( thanks to certain nations which shall remain nameless) he would have returned to mass production of chemical and Biological weapons, he would have returned to working on the nuclear weapon he wanted and he would have been free to rearm, reequip and make overtures to any and all terrorist groups to further his desire to punish the USA. But hey thats just me, you go ahead and support a mass murderer that routinely slaughtered his neighbors and his own people. THAT is historical FACT, no fiction, no conspiracy at all. Iraq WAS defensive in nature. We had a choice, wait till Saddam was ready to strike and hope we could retaliate ( given the response from certain people and Countries on 9/11 it is doubtful EVEN that would have satisfied some Countries)after who knows how many were killed by one of his weapons. OR go in when he absolutely refused to comply with his own agreements that ended the shooting war 12 years before. Grenada was another justified action. As was Panama. I must assume that you are/were opposed to the offensive action France took a couple years ago against the Ivory Coast ( I believe thats the country) when they machine gunned a large crowd of unarmed civilians in retaliation for a bomb being dropped on their compound as supposed "peace keepers"? You must have been opposed to Bosnia intervention, Kosovo too? Any action taken against Serbia of course, according to you was a "bad" deal also right? How about Afghanistan? That Government REFUSED to kick out or turn over a known criminal, mass murderer. Was that too an "unjust war?" I am surprised you mentioned Viet Nam. Unless of course you supported the North? The same thing that happened to South Viet Nam is now being tried on a free and independent Iraq, by the same crowd. As for WW2, If only the US had just sold metal and oil to Japan, we never would have been attacked at all and would have had no "right" to fight in Europe or the Pacific, according to your criteria. Same with WW1, except for as dubious claim of Germany attacking civilian ships ( which of course WERE carrying war supplies) the US had no buisiness in that European war. And Korea? Why that was simply the North trying to reunite the Country, and we stuck our noses where it didnt belong, using your logic anyway. And Desert Storm? Please? We had no business there either... I mean why was it our business if Iraq swallowed up Kuwait and threatened Saudia Arabia and the other small Gulf Countries? We had no "moral" right to oppose Iraq after all. That war was ALL about Oil. Countries wage war because of Politics. They want something or feel threatened. No other reason. By your definition, NO war EVER is justified, not even if your the defender. Better to simply surrender and hope the aggressor is humane.