Warfare1 -> RE: *** World War II Documentaries *** (7/1/2007 4:04:14 AM)
ORIGINAL: Adam Parker Hi Warfare 1, The boxed version is superb value. This is a series that you'll watch over and again. Professionally made and edited (no King Tigers here breaking across France in 1940), there are 5 full episodes covering the war with Japan alone. Importantly. there's no waffle or repetition used my many latter series to fill time. World at War sets the benchmark till this day just as Ken Burns would later do with the 19th Century. I'd say the series' strength is its well spread focus across all combatants. There are episodes exploring the war experience and rise of Germany, Britain, USSR, Japan and the USA. It's focus on the East Front is as gripping as the Desert, the Atalntic, the Bombing Campaign, the West and the Pacific. Further, the boxed set is chock full of extra documentaries, if that was at all possible. First time around, I'd recommend watching each episode in order as its wholistic impact is astounding. The series then becomes a comfortable friend for re-watches of areas wishing to be studied. As for the Pacific, it's where I learned the cry "Banzai!". Thanks Adam for the reply. It does sound like a solid series to get, and although not every documentary can be wholly complete, it does sound like quite a feat to capture all of WWII.