Barbarossa 41 (HGr Mitte) for DG meets PG3D (Full Version)

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Dumnorix -> Barbarossa 41 (HGr Mitte) for DG meets PG3D (7/15/2007 5:42:01 PM)

The new Multiplayer-scn Barbarossa 41 (Armygroup Center) comes in the beginning of september 2007.
Here are first impressions:
The large map in the beginning of my work. (after 2 days in work !)

View 2 (Brest Litovsk with fortress - The fortress receives still another original appearance!)


Basis: the topographic maps from the 20's.

Example Matrix-map

Overview of the processes

Or one of the detailed maps (over 40).

Original pictures of all officers - here by the example 14th Mechanized corps.
and original tankstrenght and types.

and here by the example of german units.


Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/15/2007 6:13:03 PM)

Hi Dumnorix,

will the barbarossa map be complete textured at the end or is this the final map?

is this now a second project after CS meets PG3D or is your mod for DG now?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/15/2007 6:33:20 PM)

Hallo Wittmann

will the barbarossa map be complete textured at the end or is this the final map?

No - this map my Minsk map is to then follow, which is enough to 40 km east the Dnepr. In addition this is already finished (thanks of the HPS series "Minsk 44"!) In addition I can extend then still to the east (thanks of the HPS series "Smolensk 41 + Moscow 41") the so-called Brest map go however only to 50 km east to the line Baranowitschi/Pinsk.
Nein - an diese Karte soll sich dann meine Minsk-Karte anschließen, welche bis 40 km östlich des Dnepr reicht. Außerdem ist diese schon fertig (Dank der HPS-Serie "Minsk 44" !)
Außerdem kann ich dann immer noch nach Osten erweitern (Dank der HPS-Serie "Smolensk 41 + Moskau 41" ) Die sogenannte Brest Karte geht aber nur bis 50 km östlich der Linie Baranowitschi / Pinsk.


is this now a second project after CS meets PG3D or is your mod for DG now?

My whole Mod runs now with the Divided Ground engine.


Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/15/2007 8:21:10 PM)

OK very nice!

do we need DG V.1.04 or which version?

but on this map it isn´t possible to make an attack from Best L. to the west and then to the north to Janow, right?

Do you have a release date for your mod? I think it is much work to make the WF mod to the DG mod :)

Can you give some more information about your work?

How many percent is it finished (if you can say this in percent? ;) )

How many maps will it have in the final version? Do you have a Berlin map?

can you play szenarios from 1939 to 1945/46 or only to 44?

How much will your mod cost?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/16/2007 2:18:50 AM)

Hallo Wittmann


do we need DG V.1.04 or which version?

DG version 1.01


but on this map it isn´t possible to make an attack from Best L. to the west and then to the north to Janow, right?

I do not understand this question correctly. Why an attack to the west? An attack of the Soviets was at the most planned at the Suwalki Zipfel, in addition we have the case of defense against the Germans!
Diese Frage verstehe ich nicht richtig. Warum einen Angriff nach Westen ? Ein Angriff der Sowjets war höchstens am Suwalki-Zipfel geplant, außerdem haben wir den Verteidigungsfall gegen die Deutschen !


Do you have a release date for your mod?

That must ask you the Mr. von Matrix, those agitate themselves for the moment however not - have only the sales of its "mad" "new" total version in the head.
Das mußt Du die Herren von Matrix fragen, die rühren sich im Moment aber nicht - haben nur den Verkauf ihrer "tollen" "neuen" Gesamtversion im Kopf.


I think it is much work to make the WF mod to the DG mod

It is not difficult at all - I used about 1 hour for changing over - one must only the code system know.
Es ist überhaupt nicht schwierig - ich habe etwa 1 Stunde zum Umstellen gebraucht - man muß nur das Code-System kennen.


Can you give some more information about your work?

Read more in this Forum !!!
Here are a list of all my Global Muliplayer Scenarios:

Ready to play !
• Battle around Mlawa (Fall Weiss) 1939 with 40 turns (4 days) map: 92x92km
• Gazala 1942 with 120 turns (12 days) map: 250x160km
• Operation Uranus 1942 (+Stalingrad /+Wintergewitter) with 300 turns (30 days) map: 250x300km
• Bridgehead by Kanev 1943 with 90 turns (9 days) map: 108x158km
• Normandy 1944 in two time versions 250 and 750 turns (25 / 75 days) map: 170x160km
• Operation Marked Garden 1944 with 120 turns (12days) map: 58x120km
• Ardennenoffensive 44 (Battle of the Bulge)

In work !
• Fall Weiss 39 map: 450x500km
• Fall Gelb – Battle of France 40 with 140 turns (14 days) map: 360x220km
• Barbarossa 41 with 240 turns (24 days) map: 600x350km
• Smolensk 41 with 170 turns (17 days) map: 370x220km
• Crete 41
• Sicily 43 map: 350x220km
• Korsun 44 with 240 turns (24 days) map: 210x220km
• Battle of Kursk 43
• Battle of Moskau 41
• Operation Compass 40
• Kharkow 42
• Rzhev 42
• Salerno 43
• Anzio 44
• Tobruk 41
• El Alamein 42
• Minsk 44
• Operation Konrad 45 (Budapest 45)

In plan !

• The attack on Berlin 45
• Torch 42

Here are a list of all my Linked Campaigns:

Ready to play !

• 1st german tankdivision in Fall Weiss 1st sept to 6th sept 39 and Fall Gelb 10th may 40 to 28th june 40 (all other days are in work)
You can play 7 days = 7 scn in the demo !!!

In work !

• 18th german tankdivision in Barbarossa 41 35 scenarios
• DAK with all North Afrika-scenarios 41 to 43

In plan !

• US Patton-Campaign,
• UK Montgomery-Campaign,
• A russian Army-Campaign,
• A hypothetical german core-unit campaign likes Panzergeneral II (PG3D)with all the original scenarios (Chiechano, Lillehammer, Sedan...etc)


How many percent is it finished (if you can say this in percent

The scenarios were presented, are finished all.
Die Szenarien die vorgestellt wurden, sind alle fertig.


How many maps will it have in the final version? Do you have a Berlin map?

Read more in this Forum !!! Yes I have a Berlin- map.


can you play szenarios from 1939 to 1945/46 or only to 44?

36 - 45


How much will your mod cost?

That would be also a decision of matrix. I think 20,-€ would be OK ONE.
Das wäre auch eine Entscheidung von Matrix.
Ich denke 20,-€ wären OK.


Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/17/2007 5:21:34 PM)

Bunker system south Siemiatycze 22nd june 1941 (17th ArtMgBtl)

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/19/2007 12:17:25 AM)

Parts of 22nd russian Tank division south of Brest

benpark -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/19/2007 1:02:50 AM)

I just tried the download. It doesn't work with the new Matrix version. Any plans to make it work with this new version?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/19/2007 11:23:48 AM)

and the bridge of Koden (southern of Brest)
from: "Geschichte der 3. Panzer-Division Berlin-Brandenburg 1935 - 1945 - Günther Richter, Hrsg. Traditionsverband der 3. Panzer-Division, Berlin 1967" S. 212.

Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 11:19:47 AM)


>I do not understand this question correctly. Why an attack to the west? An attack of the Soviets was at the most planned at the Suwalki Zipfel, in >addition we have the case of defense against the Germans!
>Diese Frage verstehe ich nicht richtig. Warum einen Angriff nach Westen ? Ein Angriff der Sowjets war höchstens am Suwalki-Zipfel geplant, außerdem >haben wir den Verteidigungsfall gegen die Deutschen !
I mean you can´t do what you want because the map isn´t complete textured.
Ich meine du hast nicht die komplette freiheit alles zu machen was du willst, da im SW die karte nicht komplett texturiert ist.
Ich weiß es ist viel arbeit aber könntest du die karte vielleicht komplett zuende texturieren?

>The scenarios were presented, are finished all.
>Die Szenarien die vorgestellt wurden, sind alle fertig.
But how many percent is your mod finished?
Aber wie viel prozent sind das vom fertigen Spiel?

Will your mod have prototypes like kugelblitz or E-series for own szenarios?
Beinhaltet dein mod auch prototypen wie den kugelblitz oder die e-serie für eigene szenarien?

Is it fixed that matrix will be the publisher? And if not how can we get the mod in september?
Ist es jetzt fest das matrix deinen mod vertreibt? Und wenn nicht wie können wir dein projekt dann im september bekommen?

is it possible to add some pictures of the stalingrad szenario? Specially about the 371. ID ;)
Ist es möglich vielleicht ein paar bilder von dem stalingradszenario zu adden? Speziell über die 371. ID? ;)

I know vista has problems with the old CS. Is it possible to build a fix for vista?
Ich weiß das vista mit der alten serie viele probleme macht meinste du kannst da einen fix erstellen mit dem man auch unter vista dein projekt spielen kann?

do you plan a introvideo?
Planst du ein intro zu erstellen?


Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 12:09:21 PM)


I mean you can´t do what you want because the map isn´t complete textured.
Ich meine du hast nicht die komplette freiheit alles zu machen was du willst, da im SW die karte nicht komplett texturiert ist.
Ich weiß es ist viel arbeit aber könntest du die karte vielleicht komplett zuende texturieren?

Naturally the map will be finished (600 x 400 km), that is now only the cutout after the first days work.
Natürlich wird die Karte fertig sein (600 x 400 km), das ist ja jetzt nur der Ausschnitt nach den ersten Tagen Arbeit.
Bin jetzt schon viel weiter mit der Karte.

But how many percent is your mod finished?
Aber wie viel prozent sind das vom fertigen Spiel?

That would be then 100 %.
Das wären dann 100 %.

Will your mod have prototypes like kugelblitz or E-series for own szenarios?
Beinhaltet dein mod auch prototypen wie den kugelblitz oder die e-serie für eigene szenarien?


Is it fixed that matrix will be the publisher? And if not how can we get the mod in september?
Ist es jetzt fest das matrix deinen mod vertreibt? Und wenn nicht wie können wir dein projekt dann im september bekommen?

That is everything because of matrix, if would agitate themselves, could everything already starting from September to the purchase by on-line ones be available.
Das liegt alles an Matrix, wenn die sich rühren würden, könnte alles schon ab September zum Kauf per Online verfügbar sein.

is it possible to add some pictures of the stalingrad szenario? Specially about the 371. ID ;)
Ist es möglich vielleicht ein paar bilder von dem stalingradszenario zu adden? Speziell über die 371. ID? ;)

Defense position of the Romanians northwest Stalingrad
Verteidigungsstellung der Rumänen nordwestlich Stalingrad

I know vista has problems with the old CS. Is it possible to build a fix for vista?
Ich weiß das vista mit der alten serie viele probleme macht meinste du kannst da einen fix erstellen mit dem man auch unter vista dein projekt spielen kann?

That can make I not, would have matrix team there.
Das kann ich nicht, müsste da Matrix-Team machen.

do you plan a introvideo?
Planst du ein intro zu erstellen?

For the moment I use the PG3D-Video. I have however a friend with the Bavarian broadcast, which me to at the end of September a sensational Intro will provide, with original film material and animations.
Im Moment benutze ich das PG3D-Video. Ich habe aber einen Freund beim bayrichen Rundfunk, welcher mir bis Ende September ein sensationelles Intro erstellen wird, mit Originalfilm-material und Animationen.


Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 4:29:31 PM)

September sound very good! But has your mod the torch and the berlin map included? Or is it possible to wait for patches/addons to play this battles?
September klingt gut aber beinhaltet dein projekt dann auch schon die Torch und die berlin szenarios?

Very nice stalingradmap!!! Is the 371. ID included with commander?
Echt klasse Stalingradkarte!!! Ist dort die 371. ID mit Kommandeur vertreten?

Can´t wait to see this intro and the complete game ;)
Kanns kaum erwarten das intro und das spiel zu testen!

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 5:26:33 PM)


September sound very good! But has your mod the torch and the berlin map included? Or is it possible to wait for patches/addons to play this battles?
September klingt gut aber beinhaltet dein projekt dann auch schon die Torch und die berlin szenarios?

Very nice stalingradmap!!! Is the 371. ID included with commander?
Echt klasse Stalingradkarte!!! Ist dort die 371. ID mit Kommandeur vertreten?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 5:27:02 PM)


September sound very good! But has your mod the torch and the berlin map included? Or is it possible to wait for patches/addons to play this battles?
September klingt gut aber beinhaltet dein projekt dann auch schon die Torch und die berlin szenarios?


Very nice stalingradmap!!! Is the 371. ID included with commander?
Echt klasse Stalingradkarte!!! Ist dort die 371. ID mit Kommandeur vertreten?


benpark -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 8:44:34 PM)

Is this mod planned for the new Matrix version of the CS? If not, why?

If Matrix doesn't take this mod on for sale, what then? There must be quite a few permissions involved with the Osprey pictures and the PzGeneral artwork. Is this going to be possible to sort out?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/21/2007 9:03:54 PM)


Osprey pictures

What do you mean with this ???


PzGeneral artwork

Only individual trees and houses, and/or smaller details were again joined. No of PG3D(US=PGII) prefabricated templates were used. The units were produced all of me and of PAT from Beirut.
The majority of the area diagram is inspired from PG3D, however of basicup again was created.


Hertston -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/22/2007 12:02:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: benpark

I just tried the download. It doesn't work with the new Matrix version. Any plans to make it work with this new version?

It wouldn't; it's a Divided Ground mod, not an EF2/CS one. I must admit, with the Matrix CS now available and far more people still playing the old EF2 than ever did DG, I really can't see a market either.

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/22/2007 1:20:32 AM)


It wouldn't; it's a Divided Ground mod, not an EF2/CS one. I must admit, with the Matrix CS now available and far more people still playing the old EF2 than ever did DG, I really can't see a market either.

Servus Tribus Cornovii,
who released you from Tintagel Castle?

DG meets PG3D contains all features of WF, EFII, RS. Over 300 new units (altogether 960) in 30 nations are present . In addition 5 different terrain variants (Western Europe, Mediterrain, Desert, Asia, Russia)
and substantially more terrain variants and features than in the new matrix summary.
I use only the DG engine, since this is developed in the CS series furthest.

Optimally would be natural, if the Mod would come for the new matrix product, changing of DG over would be optimal would naturally be possible in less than 2 hours for me. I cracked all codes of the plays EF, Wf EFII, RS and DG in the last 5 years.

In addition so the extremely historical campaigns and region scenarios could be offered to the new matrix purchase generation unfortunately had I again and again to determine, who the scenarios and campaigns participated in those American and British federations are good, in Eastern Europe however very big military-historical errors to emerge. Particularly the map material and the units presuppose a study of many years ,like German and Soviet literature and sources.

H.Balck (Tribus Hermundurii)

Halsey -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/22/2007 3:42:53 PM)

Very nice.[8D]

I am sure it has taken a very long time to make these scenarios.

Please list your download links more often.
It is a pain to backtrack them in past threads.[;)]

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/27/2007 2:35:22 PM)

18th german tank division (Group Guderian) in the forest of Pratulin - 22nd june 41
from: "Die Truppengeschichte der 18. Panzer-Division 1940 - 1943 (mit 18. Artillerie-Division 1943 - 1944 und Heeres-Artillerie-Brigade 88 1944 - 1945)Wolfgang Paul, Preußischer Militärverlag, Reutlingen 1989, 435 Seiten", S.20.

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/27/2007 6:58:37 PM)

Following the Brest Litovsk map eastward the maps Minsk and Smolensk come
Minsk-map (Raw version !)
Smolensk-map (Raw version !)

jbunnelle -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/27/2007 7:02:25 PM)

Sorry, I'm confused. So is this going to be freely distributed or marketed via Matrix? For an "official" release involving MG, you'd definitely need to clear use of that terrain with whatever corporate entity currently holds the rights to the old SSI catalog. It might not have been from a template but anyone can glance at it and instantly spot PG2 (PG3D). Even patching together bits into something original still violates copyright, at least in this regard. Just wanted to warn you because it might mean a major graphical overhaul for a Matrix-affiliated release.

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/27/2007 7:12:59 PM)

It should actually become a free Addon to the new matrix Campaign series. Money to cost is only the large Multiplayer-scenarios.
The project is however probably stopped, since matrix has no more interest.


Jason Petho -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/27/2007 7:32:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dumnorix

It should actually become a free Addon to the new matrix Campaign series. Money to cost is only the large Multiplayer-scenarios.
The project is however probably stopped, since matrix has no more interest.


Did Wyatt talk to you?

Jason Petho

Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/28/2007 1:48:32 AM)

Hi Dummorix,

what do you mean with stopped? Your plans to take matrix as publisher or your work on this project?

Are you sure that matrix isn´t interestet in your mod?

What is your plan NOW? I hope you will still release this project in september :) possible without a publisher ?!

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/28/2007 2:07:21 AM)

Hallo Wittmann
Die haben sich nicht mehr bei mir gemeldet. Außerdem können sie wohl auch nicht meine neuen Ideen umsetzen. Ehrlich gesagt glaube ich nicht mehr, das Matrix die exe-codes besitzt. Die wollten halt nur schnelles Geld machen mit dem Neuverkauf der Gesamtversion. Der Mod wird wohl in Deutschland bleiben. da wo er hingehört - zu kreativen Moddern und elitären Spielern. Ich bin ziemlich enttäuscht von den angeblichen Zusagen von Matrix. Die wollen 0 Geld für meine Sache ausgeben, wollen aber feste verdienen.

Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/28/2007 2:37:07 AM)

und was heißt das nun für die Zukunft? In wie fern wird sich dein mod jetzt verändern? Ich hoffe doch das du nicht aus diesem grund aufgeben willst.Auch ohne matrix wird es viele geben die dein projekt haben wollen ;) Ist denn viel dabei was du mit dem exe-code ändern willst?

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/28/2007 11:37:35 AM)

Hier mal meine Ideen, welche auch Matrix bekommen hat.


Witti44 -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (7/28/2007 3:21:52 PM)

Wenn man das alles umsetzen könnte wäre das echt ein gigantisches Spiel!!! Also matrix wäre schön blöd wenn sie sich das durch die lappen gehen lassen würden! Auch viele fans der PG serie würden da zuschlagen! Also ein minus werden sie auf gar keinen fall machen! Was machst du wenn matrix endgültig ablehnt?

Ach meinste es wäre möglich deine Grafiken auf 32 bit umzuspeichern? Denke mal jeder spielt nur noch auf 32 bit. Einige sogar schon auf 64 ;)

Dumnorix -> RE: Barabarossa 41 for DG meets PG3D (8/1/2007 3:04:50 PM)

45th infantry division 22 june 41 4:00 in the west of Brest (Fortress)

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