hpramboeck -> RE: GoA and Windows Vista (7/27/2007 12:08:40 PM)
Hi all, following the thread, I would like to mention that I do not have any problem whatsoever running the game on Vista Home Premium, and never had to switch over to admin mode or change settings. Actually, I do not even get the game freeze at the year-end turn (sound on / sound off). I do not have any other applications open while running the game, although Internet Security is up. No installation of any additional gaming tools etc. So I wonder if we are really talking about a Vista problem??? Besides, congratulatons on a superb game. Took a day to get used to the different mechanics in game-play, but after digging it I found out that exactly these differences give me the extra kick. WWI is a different conflict to portray due the static warfare, but this one finely and nicely covers all aspects on operational level. Regards hp