JD Walter -> RE: Initial Questions (8/4/2007 3:54:02 AM)
19. 20.2, Naval Missions - Return (Observation): According to the rules, the return mission does not cost a naval asset point. However, one point is charged for each ship on patrol given a return mission on the naval orders screen in the strategic phase. 20. 20.2, Naval Missions - Patrol (Observation): Although assigned to go to the Baltic, SMS ships placed on patrol out of Wilhelmshaven sail to the North Sea. It is advisable to rebase the HSF to Rostock or Stettin if you wish to use it in the Baltic 1914-15. Be advised British ships on patrol in the North Sea can intercept any SMS ships in Wilhelmshaven, no matter what mission or sea zone they are assigned. 21. 16.0, Build Forces (Observation): There is a fixed limit ("countersheet") of corps each country may field. For example, Germany may only ever have 4 cavalry corps active at any one time. One of these must be destroyed (or disbanded) before another can be built. 22. 16.0, Build Forces - Disbandment (Observation): Reinforcements may not be disbanded the same turn they are received. This includes HQ's which are renamed that strategic phase. Observed with CP HQ "Bulow #2". 23. 20.2, Naval Missions (Observation): Damaged ships on patrol may not be reassigned a return or a rebase mission. They may be repaired during the strategic phase on the naval screen. However, they will carry out their still-assigned mission in the subsequent Naval Phase, at whatever damage level they are at. Against a competent British player, this will result in most damaged German ships being sunk in the Naval Movement Phase following their repair, if they are based at Wilhelmshaven. Only running out of naval asset points (so that they no longer can sail) will prevent this.