Post War West-Germany Addon (Full Version)

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Legionaer -> Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 5:04:18 PM)


here is a first Screenshot of my work. It shows units from 1991. I hope the Addon is ready for play testing at October.



Jason Petho -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 5:16:03 PM)

Now this is just cool!

Looks like it is using Divided Ground as a base though.

Jason Petho

Jason Petho -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 5:34:37 PM)

Which other countries will you be adding?

What time frames are you going to use?

Very exciting, this is!

Jason Petho

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 6:11:23 PM)

Thanks Jason,

i hope many of the members will enjoy it.

Yes, yor´re right, it´s Divided Ground 2.0! I began under the Warshaw Pact-folder a GDR (East German NVA=Nationale Volksarmee) Addon, but at first i will finish the BW-Addon. The time frame for the BW is 1956-1999, for the NVA 1948-1990.

A Lebanon War Mod from 1982-1985 is also under construction, but at this time at a break.


andym -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 9:36:56 PM)

Oooooooooooooooooo,ive just seen this!It looks the dogs danglies!Excuse me for being thick,but what is the Divided Ground bit?Is it a Mod for the campaign series?

Jason Petho -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 9:51:09 PM)



Oooooooooooooooooo,ive just seen this!It looks the dogs danglies!Excuse me for being thick,but what is the Divided Ground bit?Is it a Mod for the campaign series?

Divided Ground was the last of the Campaign Series and focused on the Arab-Israeli Wars.

There is plans to release a Matrix version of this, with significant additions in the future (I'm not giving any dates as we all know how bad I am at that!)

Definitely something to be excited about though!!!

Jason Petho

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/2/2007 10:08:21 PM)



It looks the dogs danglies!

Please help me, but what means ... dogs danglies! [&:]


andym -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/3/2007 12:57:02 AM)

Ermmmmmm,Dogs danglies,how do i put it politely?Dogs Testicles= VERY VERY good![:D][:D][:D][:D]

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/3/2007 3:13:28 PM)

Hi Andy,

now i understand it ... a little bit more [;)] The countries has their own sayings ... not always easy! [:D][:D][:D]


eastwindrain -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/5/2007 2:16:14 PM)

If anyone is looking to pick up a copy of Divided Ground try e-bay first or Amazon ( second hand section ).
They sell at around £5 or $10 each, use "Talonsoft" as seach phase.

Huib -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/5/2007 4:42:23 PM)

It would be really nice if Matrix would adopt and release DG as well. Stefan's work looks great and what Warhorse made for Korea in the DG engine is nothing less than superb.


junk2drive -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/5/2007 5:52:05 PM)

I'll add to Huib's post that the Vietnam mod for DG is great as well.

I'm looking forward to Stefan's mods and a Matrix edition of DG.

To try my hand at scen making, I took Warhorse's Korea mod, chopped one of the maps, put some Chinese troops with DPRK T34s vs some US troops with Pershings. I was trying for a Soviet USA feel.

I bought my DG from NWS. I have bought from them before and would rather deal with someone I know, that stands behind the product. I got a new copy of the game with the brief paper manual. It works fine on my Win XP SP2 computer and I know that if it didn't, NWS would work with me to find a solution or return/credit.

sztartur2 -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/13/2007 11:16:47 PM)


The graphics on the picture look really good!

As an experience SPMBT player I have a few questions about the mod though...
1. Is there a way thermal images can be included? This device changed the ballance on the battlefield dramatically, it cannot be omitted from the 80ies and onwards!! Without it it the game is simply not even closely realistic. (I have a feeling the software does not support this, I very much hope Matrix will take this into account!!!) This way units cannot be blinded with smoke.
2. Are there ground surveillance radar vehicles?
3. Is there UAV in the OOB?
4. Radar Equipped AAD units? Not to be blinded with smole.
... and many more.

Good luck with your mod!


Jason Petho -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/13/2007 11:26:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: sztartur

As an experience SPMBT player I have a few questions about the mod though...
1. Is there a way thermal images can be included? This device changed the ballance on the battlefield dramatically, it cannot be omitted from the 80ies and onwards!! Without it it the game is simply not even closely realistic. (I have a feeling the software does not support this, I very much hope Matrix will take this into account!!!) This way units cannot be blinded with smoke.
2. Are there ground surveillance radar vehicles?
3. Is there UAV in the OOB?
4. Radar Equipped AAD units? Not to be blinded with smole.
... and many more.

Some good suggestions. Not sure how some of it could be implemented. Here's hoping though!

Jason Petho

sztartur2 -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/14/2007 12:07:20 AM)

It would be very nice to have a good grand tactical-almost operational modern era wargame. And you could enlist seasoned SPMBT and SP2 players to test it :).

BTW one thing more. In DG you can fire a missile by a vehicle that has previously moved in the same turn. Fireing a missile should take the whole turn or simply it should not be allowed to do so if a vehicle moved previously in the same turn. (It is like that in all modern SP games.). A self propelled ATGM vehicle including APCs/IFVs with ATGM excel in defense and this restriction brings that into the game as well. Same thing with ATGMs fired by tanks.

And also do not forget the ATGM defense systems on present era vehicles like ARENA or VIRSS.


Jason Petho -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/14/2007 12:54:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: sztartur
BTW one thing more. In DG you can fire a missile by a vehicle that has previously moved in the same turn. Fireing a missile should take the whole turn or simply it should not be allowed to do so if a vehicle moved previously in the same turn. (It is like that in all modern SP games.). A self propelled ATGM vehicle including APCs/IFVs with ATGM excel in defense and this restriction brings that into the game as well. Same thing with ATGMs fired by tanks.

I believe the missile systems were move/fire capable in DG was due to the inferred turn length of 6 minutes.

Jason Petho

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (8/14/2007 4:54:12 PM)


it´s a pleasure that you are interested by my BW-Addon. I spent a LOT of time with the oob´s, because the german Army has a very complicated oob system, called "Heeresstruktur". I have finished the Armoured-, Armoured Infantry-, Tank destroyer- and Armoured Cavalry oob´s. At the moment all is in german language, but i think i will translate all in english!


ORIGINAL: sztartur

As an experience SPMBT player I have a few questions about the mod though...
1. Is there a way thermal images can be included? This device changed the ballance on the battlefield dramatically, it cannot be omitted from the 80ies and onwards!! Without it it the game is simply not even closely realistic. (I have a feeling the software does not support this, I very much hope Matrix will take this into account!!!) This way units cannot be blinded with smoke.
2. Are there ground surveillance radar vehicles?
3. Is there UAV in the OOB?
4. Radar Equipped AAD units? Not to be blinded with smole.
... and many more.

I agree with Jason, that would be great features for a realistic feeling. But radar equipped units are - until today - not a part of the Addon, because they have no effects for the gameplay. The BW had/ has a UAV unit and it is planned in an update.

All the best,

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (9/30/2007 12:53:20 PM)


if the things stays good the Addon is ready in 2-3 weeks. I´m working on the last details. A translation in english will follow later, so the first version of the Addon is in german.

When the time comes i search two Beta-Tester. (Six eyes see more than two [:D]) You should have the Divided Ground 2.0 Version! If you are interested please send me a message.


junk2drive -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (9/30/2007 5:17:56 PM)

PM sent. Looking forward to seeing your work. With 8 eyes (trifocals [:D] )

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/1/2007 4:26:45 PM)

Guys, thank you very much.

The search is finished.

I want two, now i´m proud that four guys will help me. Warhorse, junk2drive, Major Anton and at least Jason Petho ... thank you all. You will get the Files in the next week.


Warhorse -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/4/2007 12:49:56 AM)

No problem, glad to help out wherever I can!!


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 3:41:10 PM)


thank you for spending your time. It´s a pleasure to get your comments and ideas.

Jason, do you have the files? Didn´t get an answer or something. Could you please send me a short message?


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:29:34 PM)

Here are a few new screenshots from the "November `89" scenario [:D]

Hope you enjoy them.

The powerful 2x35mm armed Gepard AntiAircraft Tank.

Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:36:31 PM)

A Jaeger platoon, specialists for fights in closed areas likes houses, woods.


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:37:54 PM)

A powerful Leopard 1 A4 MTB.


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:40:13 PM)

Same model as a Command tank with Commander inside, in german called Führungsfahrzeug.


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:43:21 PM)

The M48 as the german upgraded A2 GA2 version with a 105mm main gun.


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:50:57 PM)

A Marder 1 A1 IFV (in german Schützenpanzer), equipped with a 20mm MK and a Milan AT Missile.


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:52:44 PM)

A Milan AT Missile team (in german PanzerAbwehrLenkFlugKörper).


Legionaer -> RE: Post War West-Germany Addon (10/17/2007 4:57:07 PM)

Panzergrenadier platoon, very effective against enemy vehicles with their Panzerfaust 3.


And last [X(] - i changed the Base files.

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