James Ward -> RE: Explain this please? (8/16/2007 9:36:28 PM)
ORIGINAL: gdpsnake The AI must cheat or something. I started a campaign in 1776 and now on turn 3, the American AI has no less than 33 militia units on the board that I can see. He has not taken ANY towns or won ANY battles so how did he possibly get this many MILITIA units (DOES NOT COUNT REGULARS!) I started the game as the American and found 6 militia at start and 80 influence points which at a cost of 6 means about 13 militia can be bought. I know this because I bought some Indians and EVERY town they come to has 1 or 2 militias in them. He also has 3 armies of 6 militias (I can see them). I counted them all, 33! So what gives here?! Cheating AI or what?! He also has an army of 11,000, 6,000 and 4,000 with about 80 cannons total just near New York. I know I never had that many men by turn three playing as the American. Anybody else notice? Apparently the AI gets a little 'extra' influence at the start of the game. It seems like every town has a militia unit in it. That is why you almost HAVE to fight battles in tactical mode as the British, at least early on. Those 40,000 man miitia armies will just whittle you down. It does get better though. Eventually a lot of the militia goes home or gets chewed up in combat and surrenders. It can be a tense ride though.