alaric318 -> RE: beta 6 First impressions (10/21/2007 10:21:27 PM)
greetings there, better artillery for 1 over 0 and trenches system that allow some casualties, so, trenches for 5 max over 6, favor the attacker is a must to some degree as the defender allways are to have some advantage and artillery points reserve for barrages i think it is way more expensive than trenches, some 2-1 or 3-1 for each industry point expenditure, so for me at least i find no problem with make artillery slighty more lethal, great game, the exhausted levels and morale system pleased me very much, kind of warfare damage to nations at a pace that be more time on war and suffer casualties, i pleased these type of systems much as in real war and battles, trough all times there are very few cases that some nation fight to the last man, nations have a "casualty tolerance", limited and it is very well featured on the game, best regards, murat30.