RE: New terrain mod, work in progress... (Full Version)

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Vic -> RE: New terrain mod, work in progress... (11/17/2007 6:56:33 PM)


And if that is not satisfactoy i would overrule the plains predef by sprite too so the winter landscape just does not show.

PDiFolco -> RE: New terrain mod, work in progress... (11/17/2007 8:27:33 PM)

Well it doesn't look very good - see the screen (but don't look at the date, I've made a real early winter ![:D])
Removing the event visual effect altogether is possible but we lose a nice game feature... [:(]


NickGen -> RE: New terrain mod, work in progress... (11/17/2007 8:34:23 PM)

Ok, thanks all for your reply...i have to make some new terrain tileset for winter, but, It is also possible to change the transitions drawn with an event ?
I do not think....
I think I understood what you wanted to explain ... If pdiFolco wanted me translate well in french, so that I am on ...

Vic -> RE: New terrain mod, work in progress... (11/17/2007 11:58:40 PM)


Yes i see.

I would set the sprite of plains also to your green grass so no single winter color shows through.

That would mean your masterfile would be fully compatible with all scenarios.

Yes no nice winter colours with your set, but you cant have it all. Maybe a next new scenario could be specifically build with your graphics and possible winter wheater... tom weber (tweber) might be interested for his WaW scenario for example.

Kind regards,

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