carnifex -> RE: Interface feedback (12/6/2007 4:44:37 AM)
Ok, here's more ideas: Double-clicking a unit in the Selected Area should have the same effect as when you do it on the map. Please, please reverse the text flow. I've been chatting online forever and I've played a bajillion games which have chat boxes where the chat flows upwards, so please don't make me read things upside down, especially when I expand the text area. I am constantly moving the text area slider to the wrong end looking for the 'latest' news. Speaking of text, "resolving trade requests" is a little vague. I'd to know who wants to and who was denied, etc. And that Diplomatic Reactions screen, that should have a select all function for nearly all these windows. Also, selecting minors to support or withdraw is counter-intuitative. You don't actually click the minor even though they're right there up on top with a checkbox, you click the countries list below and that turns on the checkbox. I bet lots of people are clicking on Holland and watching their check mark disappear har har. When you're adding factors to a corps/fleet counter, there should be info on how many max factors that container can contain.