herwin -> RE: Admiral's Edition Air War Thread (3/28/2008 12:19:34 AM)
ORIGINAL: Rainer Interesting. How do you know, are you part of the AE team now? Sorry, I misunderstood your question. Let me rephrase my answers. First the game already does some recon during air strikes. Second, air recon has historically not been escorted, for a whole lot of reasons. I did the original concept for a air recon system, so I have a little background here. Allowing players to escort recon would be unhistorical. Better, now? There are basically three types of air recon--surveillance, mapping, and investigation of specific points. Surveillance means flying out and checking out the traffic. You do it in patrol aircraft and it's rather difficult to escort a long range patrol aircraft for very long. Mapping is similar--you're recording what you see. A bit easier to escort, except that the mapping aircraft flies really high. To do a point reconnaisance, you fly in, take a look around, and fly out. Stealth and surprise is very important, and escorts are not very useful. Another thing you want to do is to avoid giving the enemy an idea about what you're interested in. That means maskerovka. If you were to escort your recon flights, that would be so many sorties that you might as well fight it out. 'Nuff said.