Local Yokel -> RE: AE Air Issues and Air OOB Issues (11/6/2009 1:58:37 PM)
Guadalcanal scenario, patches up to date. Early on I appointed Lt Sasai Junichi to command S-1 detachment of the Tainan Ku (seemed historically appropriate). During current turn (14 Sep 42) I decided to draw some reinforcement a/c and pilots. First I drew additional a/c to bring the unit's strength to 18, then began to draw additional pilots. As I was doing so, and when the pilot total reached 16, Lt Sasai was displaced by LtJG Hirano - before me very eyes! What's more, Lt Sasai appears to have take a fast trip to Yasukuni, as he no longer appears in the list of available leaders, so that I cannot re-appoint him. I've attached a screenie to show the 'before' and 'after' of this. Scarcely a game breaking issue, but why on earth should the code connected with drawing pilots have the effect of replacing the existing leader with another, and moreover one of inferior rank? [&:] [image]local://upfiles/23929/B10177F56BD74F108211CA7706D23A30.jpg[/image] <edit> Reloaded and went about it a different way. This time I drew the additional pilots I required, then additional a/c. This time Lt Sasai remained in charge. Curioser and curioser. </edit>