WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (Full Version)

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pad152 -> WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/7/2007 8:29:03 PM)

WITP Admiral Edition Wish List

1. Improved AI

Japan AI - just goes dumb after the first 4 or 5 months and does little or nothing
- Some variable on the places it invades
- Stops sending Ships/TF’s to supply useless far away bases
- Escorts ships/TF’s to resupply/reinforce forward bases
- Use Mines to defend forward bases
- Use Subs to mine enemy harbors
- Use MTBs, Miget Subs to defend forward bases

Allied AI – just throws away its forces piece meal
- Retake Wake (or at lease tries)
- Stop sending tankers to supply useless far away bases
- Stop sending ships/TFs right past active Japanese airbases
- Uses sub more effectively in more places
- Use Subs to mine enemy ports/harbors
- Use PT boats to defend forward bases

2. Ships
- Give Japan more MTB’s (60-80) that it uses for forward base defense

3. Respawn
- Respawn PT boats, Barges, MTB’s, Miget subs, landing craft, MSW, Japan should never run out of MTB’s Barges, MSWs if it still has production.

4. Production
- Put the player in control of production, so if the player wants to produce old model
aircraft they stay in production and not over ridden by the AI. (either the AI is in control or the player, not both).
- A production screen that shows a list of each city and what it is producing, show which cities have production on/off
- Fix aircraft engine production, it currently makes no sense
- Production Summary Screen the show the need and what is produced for oil, supplies, resources, etc, along with totals (account sheet - balance)

5. Spotting
- Reduce spotting by about 50% (you can’t even hide a sub in WITP, make it closer to WPO). Stop the allies from seeing all Japanese cities, troops and what they produce

6. Combat
- Sub to Sub combat
- Ship/TF intercept

7. Editor
- Have aircraft art use the same method as ships, where each aircraft type can have it’s own graphic bmp file
- Respawn flag (true/false) to set which ships will respawn
- Debug tool like (wiptchk) to verifiy edited scenarios/campaigns

saj42 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 12:26:13 AM)

There have been 'wish list' and 'enhancement' sticky threads in this forum for years.
The announcement today said something like development has been going on for nearly a year (probably since Joe Wilkerson joined the team) - so I think a wish list now is a bit late [;)]

p.s. I think a couple of your wishes are already included [:D]

Terminus -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 12:28:58 AM)

Nearly a year? Try nearly two years![:D]

TheElf -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 1:50:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Nearly a year? Try nearly two years![:D]

And I can pretty much guarantee any wish list won't be considered until the first patch...and your wish list will come AFTER mine...[;)]

But, by now you've probably noticed that nearly everything that is coming in AE has been discussed by most of us before...so have at it!

pad152 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 1:59:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tallyho!

There have been 'wish list' and 'enhancement' sticky threads in this forum for years.
The announcement today said something like development has been going on for nearly a year (probably since Joe Wilkerson joined the team) - so I think a wish list now is a bit late [;)]

p.s. I think a couple of your wishes are already included [:D]

And there have been bugs lists from day one, some of which have been forgotten and still exist (like the sub transport bug, clicking through multiple item lists when a new window is opened, etc, etc, etc). It seems if a bug isn't reported 500 times it doesn't get fixed!!!

Bottom line, unless there is some real impovement in the AI an expansion pack with a 1001 new features won't mean much! [:-]

rtrapasso -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 2:08:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: pad152


ORIGINAL: Tallyho!

There have been 'wish list' and 'enhancement' sticky threads in this forum for years.
The announcement today said something like development has been going on for nearly a year (probably since Joe Wilkerson joined the team) - so I think a wish list now is a bit late [;)]

p.s. I think a couple of your wishes are already included [:D]

And there have been bugs lists from day one, some of which have been forgotten and still exist (like the sub transport bug, clicking through multiple item lists when a new window is opened, etc, etc, etc). It seems if a bug isn't reported 500 times it doesn't get fixed!!!

Bottom line, unless there is some real impovement in the AI an expansion pack with a 1001 new features won't mean much! [:-]

Well - consider that this is going to be a much more complex game, with different movement modes, different (more complex) loading routines... even if the AI is much improved - it will have a long way to go just to keep up with the quantum jump in the game complexity.

DD696 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 2:27:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: rtrapasso


ORIGINAL: pad152


ORIGINAL: Tallyho!

There have been 'wish list' and 'enhancement' sticky threads in this forum for years.
The announcement today said something like development has been going on for nearly a year (probably since Joe Wilkerson joined the team) - so I think a wish list now is a bit late [;)]

p.s. I think a couple of your wishes are already included [:D]

And there have been bugs lists from day one, some of which have been forgotten and still exist (like the sub transport bug, clicking through multiple item lists when a new window is opened, etc, etc, etc). It seems if a bug isn't reported 500 times it doesn't get fixed!!!

Bottom line, unless there is some real impovement in the AI an expansion pack with a 1001 new features won't mean much! [:-]

Well - consider that this is going to be a much more complex game, with different movement modes, different (more complex) loading routines... even if the AI is much improved - it will have a long way to go just to keep up with the quantum jump in the game complexity.

I hope you are not saying that for the 75% plus of us that play the AI that we should shelve it because the AI will only get worse. What would be the reason to purchase it then?

Big B -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 2:29:29 AM)

Wish list!? And it's not even out yet??!![X(]

pad152 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 4:09:30 AM)



Wish list!? And it's not even out yet??!![X(]

Well it's an expansion pack, not a new game, I don't think there's anything in the list that hasn't been posted before, just a friendly little reminder![;)]

pauk -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 12:36:35 PM)

geee...you can't read anything else on the board than AE...

10 threads about AE in first page...[:'(]

siRkid -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 3:02:12 PM)



geee...you can't read anything else on the board than AE...

10 threads about AE in first page...[:'(]



Arkady -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 7:24:48 PM)

Wish list:
Stacking limits...for almost everything, no more huge air armies on tiny islands please

Apollo11 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/8/2007 8:18:51 PM)

Hi all,



Wish list:
Stacking limits...for almost everything, no more huge air armies on tiny islands please

I think that's already in... it is in the press release "No overstacking small islands and atolls" - i.e. no more 5 divisions on tiny Midway!

Leo "Apollo11"

Bombur -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 1:13:21 AM)

-Ability to start a game before 1941 (I would suggest 1936) and to end a game after 1946 (maybe 1948???)

LowCommand -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 3:35:54 AM)

I second the desire to start before 1941 - I'm very intrested in what would have happend had it started in '37. I read somewhere that a newsreel photog got some shots of a Nip fighter outlined against the stars and stripes sinking a gunboat (Paraguay?) All this was part of the Rape of Nanking. Anyway, Rosevelt saw the film and said it would start a war, so it didn't get shown. My how things have changed. The Japanese ended up saying Sorry and paying damages and it all went away.

Lots of alternate history posibilities with this one. With a come as you are war, just us against Japan, things would have been very, very different. Also more surface action as AC were not anywhere near as deadly. Then there is Germany, Russia, etc. etc. etc.

Crimguy -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 6:46:37 PM)

Info windows to NOT be fullscreen + ability to highlight a piece of intelligence and have map focused on appropriate hex. Currently you have to rely on WitP Utility to get any sense of where things are happening.

Ability to move aforementioned windows so that you can see what's underneath.

While we're on it - how about incorporating some of the features from WitP utility into the game?

Splinterhead -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 7:19:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Apollo11

Hi all,



Wish list:
Stacking limits...for almost everything, no more huge air armies on tiny islands please

I think that's already in... it is in the press release "No overstacking small islands and atolls" - i.e. no more 5 divisions on tiny Midway!

Leo "Apollo11"

My read is that you can put them there but they will starve, ie. Ron Saueracker's idea of supply based limitation as opposed to your proposed hard code limitation, but "six of one, half a dozen of the other".

Andy Mac -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 8:08:49 PM)

Correct supply usage goes up a lot and they generate fatigue and disruption over time reducing combat effectiveness.

Apollo11 -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 8:47:05 PM)

Hi all,



Correct supply usage goes up a lot and they generate fatigue and disruption over time reducing combat effectiveness.

So that's the limits in WitP-AE for overstacking?

There are no hardcoded limits in a sence that they all simply can't be there in first place?

Please shed some more light on this - thnaks in advance!

Leo "Apollo11"

Ron Saueracker -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 9:02:44 PM)

I'm hoping the guys will add the ability to place units (land, naval, air) into more managable administrative formations, such as army groups and naval squadrons, to ease the UI burden on the player. For example, being able to form squadrons and divisions for ships so the player only has to select the larger administrative formation than individual ships.

Perhaps they have already done so given the size and range of the improvements.[8D]

Don Bowen -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 9:17:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

I'm hoping the guys will add the ability to place units (land, naval, air) into more managable administrative formations, such as army groups and naval squadrons, to ease the UI burden on the player. For example, being able to form squadrons and divisions for ships so the player only has to select the larger administrative formation than individual ships.

Perhaps they have already done so given the size and range of the improvements.[8D]

There's an answer for ship formations in the AE Naval Thread: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1637347

But basically, yes and no.

Yes, you can assign ships to sub-HQs within a major HQ.

No, you can not use this to group assign ships to TFs. It's purely a player organizational convenience (i.e. where's my ships).

Post in the scenario design thread(s) for the airdales and landlubbers.

Bahnsteig -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 10:46:34 PM)

I just hope AE will solve more old problems and won't bring more to the game.
My wish list would be too large :)

pauk -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 11:01:33 PM)

Wish list for Japanese side only:

- Jap player can build up Geisha houses. Such places will allow IJA to recuperate faster than IJ bases without Geisha houses.

Rainerle -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 11:19:10 PM)

(and apparently its not in AE)

halfway realistic weather system !!

Crimguy -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/9/2007 11:47:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bahnsteig

I just hope AE will solve more old problems and won't bring more to the game.

That's crazy talk.

ctangus -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/11/2007 2:12:20 AM)



- Jap player can build up Geisha houses. Such places will allow IJA to recuperate faster than IJ bases without Geisha houses.

I already asked, but it doesn't look like it will included. Clearly this new expansion is prejudiced against Geisha-fanboys! [;)]

Nomad -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/11/2007 4:19:46 AM)

I have an item that I think can be done. I would like a text file of all of the Japanese production for each turn. It seems to be an addition that would not take a lot of programming and shouldn't break the game if you miss something. Many times it is hard to figure out what factory did what.

Sonny II -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/11/2007 12:39:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: ctangus



- Jap player can build up Geisha houses. Such places will allow IJA to recuperate faster than IJ bases without Geisha houses.

I already asked, but it doesn't look like it will included. Clearly this new expansion is prejudiced against Geisha-fanboys! [;)]

Not true! The USO is not included so the situation is balanced.


BigBadWolf -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/11/2007 2:29:56 PM)

Ninja death squads and flying panda bears with laser shooting eyes, to help with those pesky B29s. :nods:

Andy Mac -> RE: WITP Admiral Edition Wish List (12/11/2007 3:19:42 PM)

Sorry guys as I said in land section I want to test what we have and make sure I am happy with it before I get to specific on this one.


ORIGINAL: Apollo11

Hi all,



Correct supply usage goes up a lot and they generate fatigue and disruption over time reducing combat effectiveness.

So that's the limits in WitP-AE for overstacking?

There are no hardcoded limits in a sence that they all simply can't be there in first place?

Please shed some more light on this - thnaks in advance!

Leo "Apollo11"

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