vettim89 -> RE: Wake Landings! (2/5/2009 8:13:51 PM)
Breaking Silent Mode: My opponent Greasylake and I are palying the same mod as John and Dan. We have a HR limiting atolls to a max of 30,000 troops total in defense. Larry put 30,000 combat troops on Tarawa in our game no BF, no CD, etc. Well it took a Marine Div, 3 RCT teams, a Tank BTN, and an ENG RGT three weeks to dislodge them. So even putting more realistic troop levels did not make taking an atoll any easier. My concern is that with AE's troop limits, it will aloow a player to take a base, load it up with engineers until forts are 6 (the new max), then pull all the engineers in lieu of INF units and create an inpregnible fortress that the opposing player has no hope of breaking because AE's stacking penalites will disrupt his invasion force to the level of total ineffectiveness. Return to Silent Mode