witpDecoder 0.5 released (Full Version)

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Woos -> witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:26:59 AM)

A new 'major' version of witpDecoder is ready. This time it is Version 0.5

What is WitpDecoder?
A general explanation can be found at the beginning of the old witpdecoder thread. Preferably do not read too much of it as most of it is hopelessly outdated (thus this new thread).

Where do you get it?
Download the zip file from http://extweb.retsiemuab.de/witp/witpdecoder0.5a.zip and follow the instructions in the included PDF file.

If you used previous versions of witpDecoder, please install this in a new directory. It contains new a hsqldb and SWT version, major changes to the database schema which require reinitialization, and a new way to create a more readable map overview map (thanks to VSWG for the tip). You may want to copy any clusters.csv and clusterbases.csv file over from your old directory.

What's new?
From the latest version (0.4c) at least the following improvements where made:
  • A sidebar was added to the Map overview tab to show info on clicked on hexes (using pop-ups was considered a bit difficult)
  • An overview of the aircraft classes was added which allows sorting them after various criteria and also tells you where they are build (and how many you have researched yet).
  • The "Prefs" button in the leader tab finally works.
  • DB update routines where reworked (and should be faster now). So witpDecoder should no longer crash after excessive use of the "Load Batch" function. As a side effect changes to leader skills and completed ship repairs are shown in the shell window created at startup (if you are using witpdecoder.bat)
  • Future inconsistencies are no longer shown by default (although you can switch them on again).
  • Probably lots of bug fixes.
  • Any enterprising Java & SQL Programmer with too much time on his hands can write plugins for the Map overview tab to replace the current "Positioning test".

Future updates
This is probably the last 'major' release before the AE version. Unless lots of time mysteriously appears minor releases will only fix bugs and allow more than one plugin.

First picture: The "Ship Repair" mode of the "Map Overview" tab with the new sidebar.

wernerpruckner -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:30:02 AM)

does it now also work with vista ???

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:30:02 AM)

Did it ever not work with Vista? It's simply Java so there shouldn't be any problem.

Second picture: The new AC Classes showing all fighter like planes of the IJA.

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:32:08 AM)

Third picture: The new "Prefs" button in the leaders tab for faster query selection.


BTW, no support over Christmas, so keep your old version in case there is a major problem well hidden.

Helpless -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:34:06 AM)

Danke Woos!! [&o]

Downloading.. [:)]

Marc -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:40:25 AM)

Hello Woos,

there seems to be a problem with CHS scenario 157.
While initializing the error "Numeric value out of range" appears.

With version 0.4 this problem didn't exist.

Danke, für das tolle Tool.


bobogoboom -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 12:55:45 AM)

does it work with big b or do i need some extra files?

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 1:08:04 AM)


there seems to be a problem with CHS scenario 157.
While initializing the error "Numeric value out of range" appears.

Probably some problem with AC classes.
Can you PM me the WITP*.csv files which were created in witpDecoder's directory?

USSAmerica -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 1:23:08 AM)

Thanks for the Christmas present, Woos.  [sm=00000436.gif]

I have just started a CHS 155 PBEM game, so I'll be d/l and installing later this evening.  [8D]

bobogoboom -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 2:37:44 AM)

getting this error at startup.


Nomad -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 3:12:07 AM)

Thanks Woos. Just downloaded and set up a CHS 155 set. I love the new look and features.

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 3:21:03 AM)

You seem to be missing a Windows Graphics library. See the 'Why do I get "SWTException: Unable to load graphics library" using GC?' question on http://www.eclipse.org/swt/faq.php#nographicslibrary

1EyedJacks -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 5:16:37 AM)

Hi Woos,

Does this new version by any chance work with RHS EOS?

Eskil -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 9:10:33 AM)


Have been using v 0.4 while playing Guadalcanal (the official scenario 5) and this have worked fine. I get about fifteen error messages when I load the current savefile. However with v 0.5 I get an additional fatal errormessage at the end, Any idea what this is about?



Marc -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 11:22:47 AM)




there seems to be a problem with CHS scenario 157.
While initializing the error "Numeric value out of range" appears.

Probably some problem with AC classes.
Can you PM me the WITP*.csv files which were created in witpDecoder's directory?

I just downloaded the current version of scenario 157 and your tool works with it.
I had an older one that didn't work.
Thank you for your support.


Yava -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 1:31:43 PM)




there seems to be a problem with CHS scenario 157.
While initializing the error "Numeric value out of range" appears.

Probably some problem with AC classes.
Can you PM me the WITP*.csv files which were created in witpDecoder's directory?


"Numeric value out of range"

Same happens to me with scen 158... [:(]

RAM -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 4:34:50 PM)

yah, got the problem too, I'm trying to load a savegame of the scenario 157, got exactly the same error.

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 6:18:13 PM)


yah, got the problem too, I'm trying to load a savegame of the scenario 157, got exactly the same error.

Can't be since other people reported the problem during initialization, not during save game loading.

This is most probably a mismatch between the value range witpDecoder's database expect for some AC attribute and what CHS choose to set it to. Unless someone with this error sends me the generated WITP???.csv files from his witpdecoder directory I can't do anything about it. I got CHS 158c (due to some other issues) and with that the problems doesn't seem to occur.

Oh, and no fix before Christmas anyway, have a nice holiday.

VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 6:25:02 PM)

Works fine with CHS Scen 158 for me! [:)] Woos, whatever you did, it fixed the issue with daily resource/oil at "United States". [8D]

Thanks for the new version, and happy holidays!!

Roger Neilson II -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 6:38:51 PM)

Ok, its 158 that is not working for me. Have you fixed something so I need to download a new version?

Or did you send VSWG something that fixed it?


VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 7:01:28 PM)

I used the link above. What's the error message?

Roger Neilson II -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 7:31:43 PM)

Ok, I just reinstalled the programme to a clean folder. I have already installed to two other ones that worked fine.... base WITP and CHS 155. This is CHS158.

Picture of screen report attached. Here is the log file:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.mapviewPlugins.TestPlugin
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.am.<init>(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.H.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Not loading one/all plugins.
Could not create or initialize the databasejava.sql.SQLException: Numeric value out of range
java.sql.SQLException: Numeric value out of range
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.d.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ioreaders.c.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.d.b(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.at.run(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.u.d(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.i.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.gui.H.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Couldn't set up a working DB template. Bad, Bad.


Woos -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 8:06:27 PM)

Please see post 18.

BTW, the first Exception indicates that you didn't correctly install the de/retsiemuab/... directory containing the Plugin (or that I put it wrongly into the zip archive).

I made no changes to the zip files since I put it on-line yesterday. VSWG is talking about a beta version where he managed to find some errors (including the "USA base oil doesn't work" error which was caused by me being too blind to see that I programmed a "=" instead of a "+=". ;-)

Roger Neilson II -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 8:34:29 PM)

Its odd, as I have already installed the files into two other WITP file structures with no problem. So the install should be identical. The previous WITPdecoder works fine on the 158 scenario so I know everything is ok in terms of my set up. I will simply try again from scratch with a new download and see what that does.


USSAmerica -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 9:51:48 PM)

Two installations for my AI and PBEM games of CHS 155 are both working great for me.  [8D]

One question.  Is there any way to display "automatically generated" or bonus supply/fuel/oil/resources at bases, in addition to their industry generated amounts?  For example, the supply and fuel generated at San Francisco in stock.  There are a lot of these type bases in CHS.

Thanks again, Woos!  Merry Christmas! [:)]

Roger Neilson II -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 9:59:35 PM)

Numerous installs and reinstalls, deleting things and anything else I can think of have all failed to get this one working.

For the moment I give up.


VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/23/2007 11:37:25 PM)



One question. Is there any way to display "automatically generated" or bonus supply/fuel/oil/resources at bases, in addition to their industry generated amounts? For example, the supply and fuel generated at San Francisco in stock. There are a lot of these type bases in CHS.

Daily supply/fuel/oil/resources is recognized and displayed by witpDecoder! [:)] Or do you want to have them displayed separately?



I made no changes to the zip files since I put it on-line yesterday. VSWG is talking about a beta version where he managed to find some errors (including the "USA base oil doesn't work" error which was caused by me being too blind to see that I programmed a "=" instead of a "+=". ;-)

Yes, sorry for the confusion. This bug is fixed in the version posted in this thread. I'm using this new version, and it works fine with my CHS Scen 158 PBEM.

Roger Neilson II -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/24/2007 12:03:55 AM)

Well I can see no logical explanation why it won't work for me. V.4 works fine. I have created a new folder (in the right place) and about ten times now installed v.5 into there and run it... all with the same results. I have several times deleted the excel files that witpload creates in the scenario folder as well and watched them rebuild when I run v.5.

I have done exactly the same install for my CHS 155 and my base 15 scenarios in other installs and they both worked first time.

I can only think that there is some problem with the scenario files - if I load a new original scenario file will that mess up my game?


USSAmerica -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/24/2007 12:42:57 AM)





One question. Is there any way to display "automatically generated" or bonus supply/fuel/oil/resources at bases, in addition to their industry generated amounts? For example, the supply and fuel generated at San Francisco in stock. There are a lot of these type bases in CHS.

Daily supply/fuel/oil/resources is recognized and displayed by witpDecoder! [:)] Or do you want to have them displayed separately?

Maybe my understanding of the base screen for US in CHS 155 is wrong then. The base shows Oil Storage: 55000/6000, and the Oil industry at the base is currently: (499) x 1.

WitPDecoder 0.5 displays the following for the US base: United States: 6 (+2994)

Seems to me the Decoder display matches perfectly with the "Oil Industry" at the base. What then, is the /6000 displayed on the base Oil Storage? I took it to mean the same as SF in Stock, where there is Supply Storage and then "bonus" supply production at the base.

Anyone have any ideas that can clear this up for me? [:)]

VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder 0.5 released (12/24/2007 12:57:05 AM)



WitPDecoder 0.5 displays the following for the US base: United States: 6 (+2994)

The Industry tab displays only numbers for the entire cluster, not single bases, so I have no idea how you are able to see the production for "United States" alone - unless you use a separate cluster for this base only.

BTW, (499) x1 means 499 damaged oil centers, and 1 undamaged, so your total oil production by industry should be 6, for a total of 6006.


Seems to me the Decoder display matches perfectly with the "Oil Industry" at the base. What then, is the /6000 displayed on the base Oil Storage? I took it to mean the same as SF in Stock, where there is Supply Storage and then "bonus" supply production at the base.

You are correct, the /6000 means another 6000 oil arriving every day at this base. As I said above, this wasn't displayed correctly in V. 0.4, but it works fine for me now - are you sure you are using V. 0.5? Have you deleted all witp.* files before installing the new version?

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