Lebatron -> RE: patch update (1/8/2008 7:19:46 PM)
ORIGINAL: Marshall Art One thing that keeps bothering me is the way the Combined Arms modifier can be activated by simply putting one single Tank, Arty or Tac. Bomber into the mix (in most cases there is no shortage in Infantry). Example: Japan building their single-armour or more general the big land-unit stacks with just one air unit. I wonder why 55 Infantry, 25 Artillery can gain sudden boost because of only one tank and/or one Tac. air in reality. Should't there be a limit on the number of units that actually can gain the modifier? For example: take the type of unit required for the CAM that has the least number of units in combat and give only say twice as many units of all types the CAM? Out of 10 Inf, 5 Arty, 2 Tanks and 1 Tac. air only 2 each of the Inf, Arty, and both Tanks and the Tac.air would get the CAM. I also feel that simply having more tanks than the attacker should not prevent the attacker from gaining CAM (besides having all required units present). Historically, The Germans had less tanks than both France/UK in 1940 and Russia thoughout but still succeeded. Any thoughts? I had tried during development to convince Joel to use a more realistic CAM. One idea of mine was to add a tiered point structure like +1,+2,+3 bonus depending on force % compositions. The better balanced the higher the bonus, but Joel felt that was to complicated. Fair enough. In the end, what we got works well enough to encourage the building of tanks. In Japan's case, the token tank thing, as Lucky1 puts it, is easy for the Russians to counter by using two tanks. If China is the target, so what, let Japan have its +3. I'll add this suggestion to help balance force mix a little further which stays in spirit with the standard CAM rules. Add this additional rule. Rule 4) the attacking force has at least as many bombers as the Defending Force. This is similar to rule 3) the Attacking Force has at least as many armor units as the Defending Force. This rule would encourage the building of more bombers, especially for Russia. If Russia uses 2 tac air to support an army, that would force the Germans to use 2 bombers themselves to get CAM.