RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (Full Version)

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Charles2222 -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/10/2008 3:29:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl


ORIGINAL: Charles_22
Careful Mike. I presume trollelite has proved himself to be in your disfavor early on, but I don't have that as a benefit or problem. His logonid certainly isn't indicative of unbiased reason, though the post you are criticizing, in my estimates, is very untroll-like indeed. He actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about to me, even if it is mere opinion. I wouldn't expect anything other than opinion, even if it is very well reasoned from such an enormous analysis; I certainly wouldn't attempt it. You will also notice where he states the game is "becoming" meaningless. Yes, that's EOY of '45. Actually rupd offers no such successful counter-claim, as rupd's game is still in EOY '44. Will it still be of much meaning EOY '45?

I was being carefull. When DD696 offered us his viewpoint on "PBEM's not going the distance" he at least backed it up with a statistical analysis of the AAR reports to support his claim. TROLLELITE has simply provided us with his "assertions" on the relative strengths of the Japanese and the Allies. I can "assert" that the Sun will rise in the West tomorrow..., but that doesn't make it so.

And I thought RUPD's counterpoint was valid. TROLLELITE seems to think that the game is over when the Allies start becoming stronger..., and RUPD was saying he was still having a good time in 1944. TROLLELITE's view comes across as one of "The Allies have gotten too strong for me to beat on..., so let's quit and start over". He even states it himself "Most Japs players simply quit after those months. A matter of fact." That may be a truth, but it's a sad one. Why should anyone want to play the Allies in that case? Get "beat on" until you can finally halt Japanese Expansion..., then hear "I've had my fun---I quit. Oh, and this game is unbalanced in your favor."

I definitely see opposing the notion that it's good to quit when you're not is the superior position, to simplify the argument. As well, I don't see how he need make some statistical analysis. If I had done that, would you respond the same way? I often go what I call feel or rythmn in this game, perhaps he does too, no matter anything else that may occur. I think his broad analysis is fairly accurate, though I think his '45 one is inaccurate, that is if you're only taking the allies into account, because there's no way anybody in war goes from 1000% to 2000% in 6 months to a year, but then if IJ is hit pretty hard, and the allies are still ramping up strongly, it can get very bad, especially since some of the wiped out units at the very end for IJ won't be able to come back.

Despite what trollelite has stated elsewhere, and I don't follow him to know, his post is quite conservative other than the huge force increase in late '45. He only states that it is accurate to assume that playing IJ in '45 is 'becoming' meaningless. Perhaps he reached that viewpoint, no only because it's accurate ingame, but also because one normerly plays games to have some hope to win, and like I've already known about the war in the Pacific, nevermind this game, it's a VERY lopsided arena to have much of any fascination with entertaining the idea that one side had a chance. At least in East Front campaign games Gerry and Rusky often ebb and flow between having advantages, and both can win for quite a while.

So why is it so difficult to accept the idea that the game is largely lost for IJ when it starts? And trollelite didn't even make that assumption here, though he may had elsewhere. Perhaps he thinks he's playing a wargame he knows little about, to where he dreams he has a chance? In any case, he is quite correct that the game is historically so one-sided late, as it should be, unless IJ was just perfect in virtually everything, that there's little meaning left for the IJ player except to be a punching bag, and, if what I heard about the kamikazes is true, they won't even come close to their historical effectiveness. And don't forget the abombs either.

Now you can equate the early allied disadvantage to the later IJ disadvantage, but you're forgetting something, or, you have never played IJ, or intend to. That is, when the allies are doing poorly they have hope to get stronger. When IJ starts losing it, there's no hope anymore, especially 45ish. That's just the way it is. Every city can get nuked to the stone age, your forces aren't growing and they're probably rapidly declining; the USSR enters the fray, etc. What's the point in playing when you no longer have countermeasures to 20 CV's or more and cannot defend any airspace? Wow putting two divisions on some atoll and seeing how long they hold out, that must be worlds of fun. Now I'm making a stronger point than he did, which is part of my whole original point, that you are over-emphasizing what was a very minor portion of that post. You would be quite spot on if he made the funeral march for IJ in '43 , but he didn't do that. So, if you require some bloated statistical analysis to not think him an utter turnip head, where is you statistical counterpoint? I'm not really trying to come down on you Mike, I would like you to just see how your past experience with him is clouding your perception of what otherwise is a good post on his part in this case, even if he dare not get as statistical as someone else.

For all those IJ players who quit too early, is it even remotely possible that the allied plpayer was also throwing everything unhistorically into the front because he could? See what kind of allied player reaction you get when an IJ player does the same thing? Yes, though the allies will get stronger, they quit, because the IJ player is being too ahistoric and gamey. Even there, it is somewhat of a different situation. The allies know they aren't going to lose anything in the situation of their gamey over-powerful attack late, but for IJ it may often be the only way to build enough advantage to offset somewhat the later disadvantages. As the allies though, it should feel pretty dumb to leave some CV's or armies back home doing nothing when you know IJ can't do anything anyway. I would suggest that both sides alwasy kept soemthign at home, no matter the perceived advanatge, simply because they dont' know everything we know in this game. they had no idea how many allied troops would be raised on US invasion, nor if the populace would insurrect or what not. No idea of the kamikazes or how much divisions either side would raise.

goodboyladdie -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/10/2008 4:24:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie

Hi Charles

I suggest you read some of t's boastful rantings before you leap to his defence. The boy has an ego. He may be as good as he thinks, but he is certainly no better than GH as he claims elsewhere. His loading of HRs to remove any early Allied advantages certainly help him have his "fun". I am enjoying watching his game, but I cannot read his AAR as he winds me up too much. I am not surprised that people are starting to have a little bit of difficulty holding their tongues...

The main point of what I was trying to make, is that sometimes we forget that otherwise irritating people can sometimes come up with gems. I don't think they're encouraged to overcome their bad habits of whenever they do, and come up with what I viewed as a good one in this case, if we never give them a break to keep reminding them of their disbehavior all the time.

I also posted to show just how one can easily let our past views of their posts, obscure every particular post they may have. It may be entirely true that Mike was looking at the post objectively and just thought it was trash anyway, but it sure sounded like just a way to punish somebody who elsewise might often be misbehaving. So see how differently I viewed it? His logonid told me something, but I had never noticed him stand out, but then I don't read AAR's anyway. Surely there are at least times where we should take a good idea for what it is worth, and disregard that we may be wanting to give them yet another spanking? I don't see why anybody who has got on the downtrodden list, would ever want to post again if that is the case, but maybe that's the entire purpose to harangue people when they are general misbehavers, to get them to not post anymore. Just throwing out some possibilities out here mind you. I saw Mike responded, but haven't read it yet.

And who are you to preach? People tend to get what they deserve. Everyone can make the odd misjudged post and the majority of people tend to ignore/forgive those. Everyone has bad days. Hopefully posters learn from the reactions to their post and become better forum citizens, but some people do not. It is not wrong for people to lose patience with persistent "offenders", be they friend or foe...

Mike Scholl -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/10/2008 8:46:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles_22
That is, when the allies are doing poorly they have hope to get stronger. When IJ starts losing it, there's no hope anymore, especially 45ish. That's just the way it is.

My point was that this is not much of a "hope" if your opponant is going to quit the moment it happens. Not knocking you or your viewpoint, Charles..., it's just I've seen a lot of AAR's where the Japanese Player launches off in a fantastic series of offensives making full use of every piece of "hindsight" available, and every weakness in the game system---then quits when "the fun" is over. I'm sure some of the Allied Opponants don't mind..., but I see it as very "selfish". There are also AAR's where the Japanese player is "gutting it out" in spite of the odds piling up against him...., and they seem to be having a good time "snatching small triumphs". I suppose it's a matter of taste.

castor troy -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/10/2008 9:02:34 PM)

Itīs hard to find a "good" opponent that sticks to the game (if there arenīt any bugs that make it unplayable or a mod that seems not to be working as expected). I had Japanese opponents quit on me in 42 because they splitted KB and lost a couple of carriers for nothing in return. Then the game mostly ends due to real life issues. A couple of weeks later you recognize people looking for new opponents... oh well... I also had an Allied opponent just vanishing and never answering my mail nor pm. Though he vanished with the game being in late 43 with him as the Allied not even having taken back a single base... [8|] vanished... but he still plays on someone else...[8|]

If the AI would only be half as smart as a human opponent I would never play PBEM again...

Mike Scholl -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/10/2008 10:30:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: castor troy
If the AI would only be half as smart as a human opponent I would never play PBEM again...

There is a lot of truth in this. Unfortunately it's probably years in the future. At least you've made a start at "whittling down" your potential PBEM opponant list. Good luck in your search...

niceguy2005 -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 2:33:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Most Japs players simply quit after those months. A matter of fact.

[:D] To bad it didn't work out that way in real life for Japan.

Deep in some military complex we find General Hideki Tojo hunched over his laptop scanning the situational reports. Sitting in the darkened room the monitor's glow is reflected softly of his thick glasses.

"Cr@%!" he thinks to himself. "Look at all those battleships, cruisers, aircraft and divisions." He scrolls over the screen looking at his rapidly shrinking empire, reminiscing on the glory days of the Army's victories. His face darkens as he recalls the victory cries of BANZAI, now fading into the distant past. "The Imperialist Dog Americans don't play fair!" he thinks throwing the mouse across the room. Then suddenly his face brightens and his mouth fixes into a rye grin, "but just maybe if I stop answering my emails they will just go away."

trollelite -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:15:17 AM)

You know, those Japs, they are madman...[:D]

Goering at least think Americans could only make Kuehlschrank, but Japs knew better! Still they made the war. And not against Russia! Pity, with Russia now with A bombs, I dont suppose the vast plain would return to the hand of Asians any time too soon. Think that, they could become masters of those vast virgin lands, with all those resource and oil,  and instead they choose suicide, and now they are bargaining with bears for some pathetic rock island.

trollelite -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:16:22 AM)

Einmalige Chance, we would say, to become masters of world. Germans at least made a try.

Mike Scholl -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:16:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: niceguy2005


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Most Japs players simply quit after those months. A matter of fact.

[:D] To bad it didn't work out that way in real life for Japan.

Deep in some military complex we find General Hideki Tojo hunched over his laptop scanning the situational reports. Sitting in the darkened room the monitor's glow is reflected softly of his thick glasses.

"Cr@%!" he thinks to himself. "Look at all those battleships, cruisers, aircraft and divisions." He scrolls over the screen looking at his rapidly shrinking empire, reminiscing on the glory days of the Army's victories. His face darkens as he recalls the victory cries of BANZAI, now fading into the distant past. "The Imperialist Dog Americans don't play fair!" he thinks throwing the mouse across the room. Then suddenly his face brightens and his mouth fixes into a rye grin, "but just maybe if I stop answering my emails they will just go away."

TRUTH. After the fall of the Marianas any rational Japanese Government would have said "Well, we gave it our best shot..., but all we're doing now is getting a lot of innocent people killed to save the asses of the Militarist Idiots who started the war" Unfortunately, instead of a "rational government", the "Militarist Idiots" were still running things.

trollelite -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:21:31 AM)

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

trollelite -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:34:51 AM)

Make Japs side stronger and make player of this side not feel total desperation even he lost a large part of KB,  simply make your game survive longer, and make you spend less time always finding new Jap player, and make you hear less frequently that kind of stupid excuse "sorry i am too busy to continue this game any more".

This actually works to your favor, too. I hope those AFB could realize this simple fact.

trollelite -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:42:50 AM)



Last thoughts. This is a war-2 simulation computer wargame. It is neither chess, nor a re-enactment. Take it for what it is, and use it for what it can provide.

I agree this. But, even this is not a chess, it is no real war, either. And not supposed to be the same as history. Or we could simply read history books.

To John 3rd> No, you are not gonna get chance like Lee in his later campaign if you opponent is really good. I would like to show you this , if only all my Japs players could survive longer and not quit or defeated in months (game time).

Summer 1942 seems to the deadline an averge Japs player could survive in my game. And I am not supposing I am top player. Think what savage beat most Japs player would get from those really elite ones.

Capt Henry_MatrixForum -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 4:50:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

It almost sounds like you're looking for a new scenario that doesn't start until 1945. From the allied player's perspective, knowing that the game has an end date hard coded, what would be their motivation to start a game in 1941 where they couldn't even move against Kwa until 1945? I think a modded short scenario would give you the experiences you are looking for. Another option would be a fantasy scenario that significantly weakens Japan in 1941 and significantly curtails American industrial potential. Then you could have both sides trying to assume offensives with something closer to parity.

ny59giants -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 5:03:20 AM)

I sounds like Trollelite should be playing a "what if" designed scenario. Go to RHS website and download the EOS or go PM Nemo and do his "Empire Ablaze" mod where the Japanese start out a lot stronger and the Allies get more later on.

I play WitP to learn and have fun. I want to see if I can do better with historical forces what was done IRL.

Right now, I'm playing only as the Allied player and in some ways I'm doing better and some ways doing worse. The Japanese does have the advantage of hindsight and can use that to his advantage early in the game. I cannot eliminate that. From what I can see, stock and various mods have positives and negatives. I am looking forward to AE for the possibility of reducing some of the game quirks and allowing me to enjoy the game more.

Mike Scholl -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 5:48:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

Huh! Niceguy and I were talking about the actual history of the real war. No idea what you're talking about.

Mike Scholl -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 5:52:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Make Japs side stronger and make player of this side not feel total desperation even he lost a large part of KB,  simply make your game survive longer, and make you spend less time always finding new Jap player, and make you hear less frequently that kind of stupid excuse "sorry i am too busy to continue this game any more".

This actually works to your favor, too. I hope those AFB could realize this simple fact.

How about us "History Fan Boys" who just want the basic game to reflect the basic realities of WW II? I'm sure several of the "modders" will be quick to provide the "Hirohito has a Wet Dream" scenario you seem to want within a few weeks of AE's release.

Capt Henry_MatrixForum -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 6:20:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Make Japs side stronger and make player of this side not feel total desperation even he lost a large part of KB,  simply make your game survive longer, and make you spend less time always finding new Jap player, and make you hear less frequently that kind of stupid excuse "sorry i am too busy to continue this game any more".

This actually works to your favor, too. I hope those AFB could realize this simple fact.

How about us "History Fan Boys" who just want the basic game to reflect the basic realities of WW II? I'm sure several of the "modders" will be quick to provide the "Hirohito has a Wet Dream" scenario you seem to want within a few weeks of AE's release.

From a developer's perspective, it would seem to me (and I admit I'm very ignorant) that any wargame dealing with a factual period in history is much easier to develop for "History Fan Boys" and probably should be developed along historical lines. At least there you have a target for what the game will be and data on which to create the game. Some modders tweak the data to be more "historical" and others want pure fantasy. But I think I'm agreeing with Mike in saying that we need to start with a historical basis. If we don't want history, why do we then use a map of the Pacific and have the Japanese fight the Allies? Having said that I prefer the basic historical approach (I've played one stock PBEM and am currently playing a mirror CHS PBEM) I do enjoy playing around with the EOS and Empires Ablaze mods, as well as some of my own fantasy mods. I've really enjoyed stregnthening Allied airpower in 1941, just to get immediate clashes. I know it likely makes the mod unplayable after five or six months, but I enjoy those few months and then try something new.

castor troy -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 9:16:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

you kill weaklings before summer of 1942 as Allied?? [:o] lol, wonna make a bet about 10.000 Euro about a game ... stock ... that you wonīt kill me at all when I play the Japanese side... I asure you it would be the opposite...

oh man, youīre a couple of times too self confident, I tell you that... I donīt know if Iīm the only one who has that feeling but your arrogance is something I havenīt seen for a long time...

Ursa MAior -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 11:20:03 AM)

It is not arrogance. IT IS HUBRIS! [;)]

Besides dont feed the troll!

castor troy -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 11:43:45 AM)

The greatest WITP player ever that "kills weaklings" [8|] just lost two CVEs and got Kaga bombed also. This with a cap of 236 Zeroes (go play risk... 236 Zeroes on Cap... [8|]).

And then???? IT WAS BECAUSE OF BAD DIE ROLLS..... [sm=00000280.gif][sm=00000280.gif][sm=00000280.gif]

Charles2222 -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 1:05:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl


ORIGINAL: Charles_22
That is, when the allies are doing poorly they have hope to get stronger. When IJ starts losing it, there's no hope anymore, especially 45ish. That's just the way it is.

My point was that this is not much of a "hope" if your opponant is going to quit the moment it happens. Not knocking you or your viewpoint, Charles..., it's just I've seen a lot of AAR's where the Japanese Player launches off in a fantastic series of offensives making full use of every piece of "hindsight" available, and every weakness in the game system---then quits when "the fun" is over. I'm sure some of the Allied Opponants don't mind..., but I see it as very "selfish". There are also AAR's where the Japanese player is "gutting it out" in spite of the odds piling up against him...., and they seem to be having a good time "snatching small triumphs". I suppose it's a matter of taste.

I agree completely. It just appears that you equate the allied down period with the IJ down period, and the two are quite different indeed, though with only a cursory glance they might be thought of as equal bad times.

Yes, that is pretty funny, that the allied player doesn't have much hope of a happy time if the IJ player will abandon, but then he doesn't know for sure they will abandon either. So if you're playing with Kid Dynomite, as the IJ player, you then have to not be "too good" or he will quit, but soon as you relaize that, why bother playing further and instead beat him to the quitting punch? Man that's got to be antsy for those caught up in the "will my opponent quit" syndrome. I would say don't adjust to it. I suppose the sane way to handle that is that your only chance for victory may be in making them quit. Because otherwise, to play something of an inept game so they won't quit, isn't putting your full strength to the test anyway and is just piddling around.

So, did I comment on the reverse situation earlier, whereas allied players quit because the IJ player concentrates his forces too strongly? What do think about that? Surely, that's somewhat of the same situation as you described for the allied player. He would have to not play "too well" so the allied player wouldn't quit. So, the best thing to do is play either side the best you can, aside gamey tactics (abandoning China for IJ, isn't a gamey tactic either as I'm viewing it now) and manage something of a win, or get the other person to quit. It takes some work, but I think one can manage the game well enough to convince yourself that making the other guy quit is basically a surrender (but with concessions for the emporer of course[:D]).

Actually come to thnk of it, the making the other guy quit, is the only feasible way that IJ can win, but what do they win when they do that? Are they then masters of China and Australia maybe? Or masters of India and DEI? What part of the allies surrenders when your allied opponent quits? Surely not all of the allies. I guess it doesn't matter, but I think that is a valid point, that the only hope for IJ is to not only be pretty aggressive early, but to be willing to do something very out of context with what happened in WWII. They have to strip some place to overwhelm another, thereby making the opponent quit possibly. Naturally, of course, the allied opponent will fight this as "cheating" or some such nonsense, but then won't have a problem doing something of the same thing themself.

If you had control of the entire IJ war machine, why would you stick fairly regimentally to what you already know will fail? No, you have to take your country as a whole and decide what some theatres that IJ engaged in just aren't worth your time, or should be dealt with last. So if that altered strategy should involve putting at least half their total forces directly against the USA early on, you can see how very many allied players wouldn't stand for that, claiming they didn't have the resources or it's cheating or some such, but if you're going to command their entire military, and at least want to knock a major power out of the war, then it's going to take a lot more than just a PH raid. If the USA is conquered, then that's probably the end of the game, whether an allied player would keep playing after that or not. The USSR, even if entering at the historic period, could take IJ as well, but probably the game doesn't give enough soviet power to really conquer IJ pretty much on their own.

Charles2222 -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 2:00:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie

Hi Charles

I suggest you read some of t's boastful rantings before you leap to his defence. The boy has an ego. He may be as good as he thinks, but he is certainly no better than GH as he claims elsewhere. His loading of HRs to remove any early Allied advantages certainly help him have his "fun". I am enjoying watching his game, but I cannot read his AAR as he winds me up too much. I am not surprised that people are starting to have a little bit of difficulty holding their tongues...

The main point of what I was trying to make, is that sometimes we forget that otherwise irritating people can sometimes come up with gems. I don't think they're encouraged to overcome their bad habits of whenever they do, and come up with what I viewed as a good one in this case, if we never give them a break to keep reminding them of their disbehavior all the time.

I also posted to show just how one can easily let our past views of their posts, obscure every particular post they may have. It may be entirely true that Mike was looking at the post objectively and just thought it was trash anyway, but it sure sounded like just a way to punish somebody who elsewise might often be misbehaving. So see how differently I viewed it? His logonid told me something, but I had never noticed him stand out, but then I don't read AAR's anyway. Surely there are at least times where we should take a good idea for what it is worth, and disregard that we may be wanting to give them yet another spanking? I don't see why anybody who has got on the downtrodden list, would ever want to post again if that is the case, but maybe that's the entire purpose to harangue people when they are general misbehavers, to get them to not post anymore. Just throwing out some possibilities out here mind you. I saw Mike responded, but haven't read it yet.

And who are you to preach? People tend to get what they deserve. Everyone can make the odd misjudged post and the majority of people tend to ignore/forgive those. Everyone has bad days. Hopefully posters learn from the reactions to their post and become better forum citizens, but some people do not. It is not wrong for people to lose patience with persistent "offenders", be they friend or foe...

So what do you deserve goodboyladdie? Would you like me to that instrument of so-called fair play on you? You needn't worry. I have more than enough training to know that to do that is to only stain myself, and then we have two people stained, and if anything the overall situation is only worse than before. It's too bad you aren't seeing that.

Basically I am just getting tired of people taking potshots at alleged naredowells. Why? Well here's the perfect example. I enter the thread, having no ill feelings for trollelite at all, and then so many want to spew his faults to me, and then end up largely destroying the thread in so doing. You know what? Maybe I have nothing against him and some of you guys are trying to cause that very thing? Maybe I even treasure when the alleged naredowells act in sanity as he did here. It seems to me quite logical, though not foolproof, that if you treat the naredowell as a human being when they are actually doing well, that maybe they will grow to like it and improve, but if all people want to do is constantly hang a carboard sign on them saying they are unclean, I don't see them being made any better by that; and still we're often staining ourselves in the process. Why not give the guy some space when he is more lucid? Is it going to kill anybody, that one of the perhaps least regarded pulls off something good? For shame. Save the ire for when he's bad, not when he is good or neutral. If he's all that bad, just report him, just make sure to not use this thread as an example of him misbehaving, because it won't even come close to cutting it.

Charles2222 -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 3:00:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: castor troy


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

you kill weaklings before summer of 1942 as Allied?? [:o] lol, wonna make a bet about 10.000 Euro about a game ... stock ... that you wonīt kill me at all when I play the Japanese side... I asure you it would be the opposite...

oh man, youīre a couple of times too self confident, I tell you that... I donīt know if Iīm the only one who has that feeling but your arrogance is something I havenīt seen for a long time...

I think he meant what was at the tail end of his sentence instead of the beginning (notice the contradiciton). I think it was meant to be two seperate thoughts. So he seems to be in the second sentence stating that he is tired of average allied oppoents in the summer of '42 losing so bad to his IJ. Surely you guys realize that english doesn't appear to be his primary language?

goodboyladdie -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 6:07:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: goodboyladdie

Hi Charles

I suggest you read some of t's boastful rantings before you leap to his defence. The boy has an ego. He may be as good as he thinks, but he is certainly no better than GH as he claims elsewhere. His loading of HRs to remove any early Allied advantages certainly help him have his "fun". I am enjoying watching his game, but I cannot read his AAR as he winds me up too much. I am not surprised that people are starting to have a little bit of difficulty holding their tongues...

The main point of what I was trying to make, is that sometimes we forget that otherwise irritating people can sometimes come up with gems. I don't think they're encouraged to overcome their bad habits of whenever they do, and come up with what I viewed as a good one in this case, if we never give them a break to keep reminding them of their disbehavior all the time.

I also posted to show just how one can easily let our past views of their posts, obscure every particular post they may have. It may be entirely true that Mike was looking at the post objectively and just thought it was trash anyway, but it sure sounded like just a way to punish somebody who elsewise might often be misbehaving. So see how differently I viewed it? His logonid told me something, but I had never noticed him stand out, but then I don't read AAR's anyway. Surely there are at least times where we should take a good idea for what it is worth, and disregard that we may be wanting to give them yet another spanking? I don't see why anybody who has got on the downtrodden list, would ever want to post again if that is the case, but maybe that's the entire purpose to harangue people when they are general misbehavers, to get them to not post anymore. Just throwing out some possibilities out here mind you. I saw Mike responded, but haven't read it yet.

And who are you to preach? People tend to get what they deserve. Everyone can make the odd misjudged post and the majority of people tend to ignore/forgive those. Everyone has bad days. Hopefully posters learn from the reactions to their post and become better forum citizens, but some people do not. It is not wrong for people to lose patience with persistent "offenders", be they friend or foe...

So what do you deserve goodboyladdie? Would you like me to that instrument of so-called fair play on you? You needn't worry. I have more than enough training to know that to do that is to only stain myself, and then we have two people stained, and if anything the overall situation is only worse than before. It's too bad you aren't seeing that.

Basically I am just getting tired of people taking potshots at alleged naredowells. Why? Well here's the perfect example. I enter the thread, having no ill feelings for trollelite at all, and then so many want to spew his faults to me, and then end up largely destroying the thread in so doing. You know what? Maybe I have nothing against him and some of you guys are trying to cause that very thing? Maybe I even treasure when the alleged naredowells act in sanity as he did here. It seems to me quite logical, though not foolproof, that if you treat the naredowell as a human being when they are actually doing well, that maybe they will grow to like it and improve, but if all people want to do is constantly hang a carboard sign on them saying they are unclean, I don't see them being made any better by that; and still we're often staining ourselves in the process. Why not give the guy some space when he is more lucid? Is it going to kill anybody, that one of the perhaps least regarded pulls off something good? For shame. Save the ire for when he's bad, not when he is good or neutral. If he's all that bad, just report him, just make sure to not use this thread as an example of him misbehaving, because it won't even come close to cutting it.

Maybe I do deserve criticism Old Chap. If I do, then I am more than happy to accept and apologise as you are always fair and balanced when you post. The only thing I objected to was that you seemed to be judging Mike unfairly. As you will see from the current crop of sarcasm, the forum regulars all seem to have run out of patience with this particular individual at the same time. This is what I was trying to draw your attention to in the hope that you would put Mike's seeming attitude in context. I applaud your stance, but I also object to being judged/preached to. It is your right to express your opinion and also your right to do what you feel you can to lift the tone and perhaps add balance. All I am saying is that people have a right to express themselves when they have had enough. Humour often allows alleged offenders to see their own faults when criticism fails. If that does not work then bless Matrix for the green button. I have only ever had to use it once, but I am glad that it is there should I ever need assistance in cheek turning.

castor troy -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/11/2008 8:06:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: castor troy


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

you kill weaklings before summer of 1942 as Allied?? [:o] lol, wonna make a bet about 10.000 Euro about a game ... stock ... that you wonīt kill me at all when I play the Japanese side... I asure you it would be the opposite...

oh man, youīre a couple of times too self confident, I tell you that... I donīt know if Iīm the only one who has that feeling but your arrogance is something I havenīt seen for a long time...

I think he meant what was at the tail end of his sentence instead of the beginning (notice the contradiciton). I think it was meant to be two seperate thoughts. So he seems to be in the second sentence stating that he is tired of average allied oppoents in the summer of '42 losing so bad to his IJ. Surely you guys realize that english doesn't appear to be his primary language?

English isnīt my primary language either, nor do I think that Iīm good at English. Thatīs why Iīm using all kinds of different smileys, trying to make people not getting me wrong. If you use an online dictionary you can surely express yourself and donīt piss people off because of the stuff you write. I said itīs arrogance but I may miss the right word in English.

Itīs obvious that people find it "strange" the way trollelite is posting. Normally this SUB-forum is a very polite, interesting and friendly place to be. Posts like his in the recent past arenīt matching the threads you "normally" find here. Itīs just like with marky, it seemed there were more than 3 people finding it strange the way he posted. And now it seems there are more than 3 people finding it again strange how trollelite is posting. As I said, this SUB-forum is REALLY SPECIAL and I want to thank all the great people here for what they have made out of it. I have never dreamt about playing a computer game for more than 3 years (this HOURS every day). Nor could I ever imagine to visit a forum every day for such a long time as "normally" the forums Iīm used to are mostly posts like those from trollelite in the recent past or the ones marky used to post.

And Iīm saying this as someone that is known to be RANTING about MANY things...

aztez -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/12/2008 12:41:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: castor troy


ORIGINAL: Charles_22


ORIGINAL: castor troy


ORIGINAL: trollelite

Well, perhaps we pursue different goals. As allies player, I would like to have a much stronger IJA and IJN. It would be huge fun to struggle for Kwa and Marianas in 1945, against best opponent, not killing weaklings before summer 1942 again and again. Really tired of average allies opponent.

I am more than ready to accept a Japs victory, not only in version of game definition but a real one, too, should my opponent show great skills. Of course I want some chance of victory of my own too, should I take Japs side.

you kill weaklings before summer of 1942 as Allied?? [:o] lol, wonna make a bet about 10.000 Euro about a game ... stock ... that you wonīt kill me at all when I play the Japanese side... I asure you it would be the opposite...

oh man, youīre a couple of times too self confident, I tell you that... I donīt know if Iīm the only one who has that feeling but your arrogance is something I havenīt seen for a long time...

I think he meant what was at the tail end of his sentence instead of the beginning (notice the contradiciton). I think it was meant to be two seperate thoughts. So he seems to be in the second sentence stating that he is tired of average allied oppoents in the summer of '42 losing so bad to his IJ. Surely you guys realize that english doesn't appear to be his primary language?

English isnīt my primary language either, nor do I think that Iīm good at English. Thatīs why Iīm using all kinds of different smileys, trying to make people not getting me wrong. If you use an online dictionary you can surely express yourself and donīt piss people off because of the stuff you write. I said itīs arrogance but I may miss the right word in English.

Itīs obvious that people find it "strange" the way trollelite is posting. Normally this SUB-forum is a very polite, interesting and friendly place to be. Posts like his in the recent past arenīt matching the threads you "normally" find here. Itīs just like with marky, it seemed there were more than 3 people finding it strange the way he posted. And now it seems there are more than 3 people finding it again strange how trollelite is posting. As I said, this SUB-forum is REALLY SPECIAL and I want to thank all the great people here for what they have made out of it. I have never dreamt about playing a computer game for more than 3 years (this HOURS every day). Nor could I ever imagine to visit a forum every day for such a long time as "normally" the forums Iīm used to are mostly posts like those from trollelite in the recent past or the ones marky used to post.

And Iīm saying this as someone that is known to be RANTING about MANY things...

Well said castor. Nether do I expected to be here now. It now more than 3 years and I'am still visiting this place.

Personally I think these forums consist 99% with good solid people and I think that is special.

Just got back from home and heading to bed. Just wanted to comment this first. Oh... and ctangus you get your new turn back tomorrow.

TommyG -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/12/2008 1:15:33 AM)

I have played almost 20 PBEM games, mostly as the allies. and I thought I had the game engine pretty well down. Well I'm here to tell you that AN EXCELLENT JAP PLAYER WILL ALWAYS GET AN AUTOMATIC VICTORY AND SHOULD TAKE INDIA AND ONE OR BOTH OF AUSTRALIA OR NEW ZEALAND BY THE FALL OF 1942. By expertly using the modifying effect of exp, leader skills, fatigue, supply ect., a very good player can have more than 30 fully equiped Japanese divisions with assult levels of more than 400 running over the allies before fort levels and experience can start to balance out. An allied air base with 100 Hurricanes or P-40s will be lucky to get 50 in the air against the same number of A6Ms and will likely lose a third and have another third disabled. The next day 90 A6Ms will show up with the same number of bombers and destroy the disabled planes on the ground. On day three, the allies no longer have an air presence. The next day the navy shows up and pretty soon another significant base is white with a red dot. If there is a way of stopping it, I havn't found it. In CHS it is even worse because the zero can not be destroyed. Even against the AVG, the superior planes, leaders and numbers that those modifiers allow, will knock those 72 beautiful specimens out of the air in less than a week.
My solution so far has been to sulk, wimper, complain, and wait for AE. But, I salute those of you Japanese players who have this game wired.

Knavey -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/12/2008 1:26:03 AM)

Who would win...Hirohito or trollelite? 

Now that would be an interesting matchup.

I miss Hirohito, he sure had some ideas.

USSAmerica -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/12/2008 1:55:04 AM)



Who would win...Hirohito or trollelite? 

Now that would be an interesting matchup.

I miss Hirohito, he sure had some ideas.

Stop! [:D]

You're killing me! [8D]

Knavey -> RE: The relative strength of both sides in WITP (1/12/2008 2:18:49 AM)

I know there is no way you would have used that Block button on Hiro...WAY too much entertainment.

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