Correct me if I'm wrong... (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's World at War: A World Divided >> Mods and Scenarios


Peeking Duck? -> Correct me if I'm wrong... (1/9/2008 4:50:50 PM)

Firstly, I've read through I believe every thread in the modding forum and no one has mentioned this. I would like to separate the WA. If this has already been in another mod please can you point me there, or if it is impossible then please help me not waste precious time. After reading the modding bits in the manual it seems this could be done, although with quite a bit of effort. If I can not separate the two as I have suggested, then what are the alternatives?


Lebatron -> RE: Correct me if I'm wrong... (1/9/2008 5:23:14 PM)

This was brought up in the WAW forum. Always by those that were new to the game and not used to having the Western Alliance so closely coupled. The short answer to your question is no. It would not work in this game very well. The only way it could be pulled off would be to couple the Chinese nation with all British and Commonwealth assets. But then you would get the Chinese and British moving and teching like they were one nation. That problem could be solved, not ideally, by removing the Chinese factories and every unit type save the militia. You wouldn't want Chinese super fighters or 7/7 infantry would you? Anyway Viola! the basics to through together a crap mod.

I got to ask, are you an Axis and Allies player? I was a vet of that game, and a member of the popular forums for it until WAW came out. Since then, I never looked back. Anyway, I find that those who played A&A have this prejudice, if I can call it that, for a split up Western Alliance. Would you prefer it that the British and US attack at separate times so they can't coordinate their strength? This game is balanced with that in mind, and A&A strategy depends on the opposite. It's not necessary to shoe horn the way other games handle US/Britain forces into this one, because the way it works here is very satisfactory once you get over your initial prejudice of it. 

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