Conf of the Rhine corps morale (Full Version)

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delatbabel -> Conf of the Rhine corps morale (1/22/2008 1:15:50 PM)

In the manual, and in the game up until the time the Confederation of the Rhine is created, Saxony, Baden, Wurtemburg, and a few others have corps with morale 3 for infantry and 4 for cavalry.  Once the Confederation of the Rhine is created the morale for those corps drops back to 2 inf / 3 cav.

Do I really need a save game for that?  It should be easy enough to verify.

Monadman -> RE: Conf of the Rhine corps morale (1/22/2008 5:33:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: delatbabel

In the manual, and in the game up until the time the Confederation of the Rhine is created, Saxony, Baden, Wurtemburg, and a few others have corps with morale 3 for infantry and 4 for cavalry.  Once the Confederation of the Rhine is created the morale for those corps drops back to 2 inf / 3 cav.

Do I really need a save game for that?  It should be easy enough to verify.

If you have one it would be nice and would help confirm and expedite the fix.



Monadman -> RE: Reporting Bugs (as of v.1.01) (1/22/2008 5:55:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Monadman



Hi Richard,

I´m not sure if this is a bug but I get the same output from the random numbers generated during forage. I was playing the french against AI.
Please look at my attachment



Do you have the actual saved game file that generated these numbers? It is always easier (and faster) for Marshall to fix problems when there is a file to work with.




Never mind, got it, those rolls are auto forage results that should have been written to the status panel as “Auto Foraged”



sw30 -> RE: spelling (1/22/2008 10:22:49 PM)

One more issue- I can't seem to create Garrisons anymore.  whenever I try to, I get an error dialog (windows dialog, not game dialog) saying "COULD NOT CREATE GARRISON" (caps rendered as displayed)

Is there a limit to # garrisons? if so, is it by country or total?

sw30 -> force listing (1/22/2008 11:44:01 PM)

Force listing menu is missing a column - A (artillery)
it makes the French and Russian artillery corps look empty.

btw, the French 4th Cav Corp is labeled as "IV", it should be "IVC"

Monadman -> RE: Conquered minor -> FS stand up (1/23/2008 3:14:01 AM)



For consistency, it might be best if minor country prisoners weren't available for reinforcement if one returns them after FS status.

Currently -- ex. France at war with Prussia, captures Saxon soldiers in battle, then takes Saxony -- he can then FS Saxony, and release the Saxon factors, and they're now available.


I cannot confirm there is a problem - the program does not allow for this scenario to occur. If France conquers Saxony, the prisoners are returned but if France declares Saxony a FS, those factors are not available for placement during the next reinforcement phase, they must be purchased during the economic phase.


Monadman -> RE: spelling (1/23/2008 3:14:47 AM)



One more issue- I can't seem to create Garrisons anymore.  whenever I try to, I get an error dialog (windows dialog, not game dialog) saying "COULD NOT CREATE GARRISON" (caps rendered as displayed)

Is there a limit to # garrisons? if so, is it by country or total?

If you have a saved game for that one it would help confirm and expedite any necessary fixes.



Grognot -> RE: Conquered minor -> FS stand up (1/23/2008 4:37:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Monadman
I cannot confirm there is a problem - the program does not allow for this scenario to occur. If France conquers Saxony, the prisoners are returned but if France declares Saxony a FS, those factors are not available for placement during the next reinforcement phase, they must be purchased during the economic phase.

Must have been fixed in 1.01beta (ran a quick test with a British invasion of Holland), as I've done this sort of thing in 1.0. Spiffy.

bresh -> RE: Conquered minor -> FS stand up (1/23/2008 12:11:49 PM)

Capital occupation ("Forced surrender"), as i read, a nation is forced to surrender if its capital is occupied and unbesieged. That sounds like a BUG to me.  Since it should only be forced if he low in stability, and cant pay upkeep, or no manpower collection ?
I heard in some games, GB supporting both Spain and Prussian and Austria with money for upkeep. To avoid surrenders.


DCWhitworth -> Depot Garrison (1/24/2008 12:56:35 AM)

I've got an interesting bug that doesn't seem to be on the list.

Playing 1.01 Beta PBEM game (played from scratch with that version). France at war with Prussia. France moves a corps into the Magdeburg area. In this area is a Prussian depot garrisoned with 1 factor and a Prussian Corps which is inside the city.

If I (as France) select 'Move unit INTO to OUT OF city' in order to siege Magdeburg, I get the error "City has no room for this unit".

If I select 'Transfer factors to/from garrison' it will allow me to select the Prussian depot and put factors on it and even take the Prussian garrison factor off into my French corps.

Then during the combat phase I attacked the depot, killing the garrison in a single round, but it generated a battle file, despite the fact I don't think there are any possible choices the Prussian can make.

I have a game file I can PM you if desired.

Monadman -> RE: Depot Garrison (1/24/2008 1:47:16 AM)



I've got an interesting bug that doesn't seem to be on the list.

Playing 1.01 Beta PBEM game (played from scratch with that version). France at war with Prussia. France moves a corps into the Magdeburg area. In this area is a Prussian depot garrisoned with 1 factor and a Prussian Corps which is inside the city.

If I (as France) select 'Move unit INTO to OUT OF city' in order to siege Magdeburg, I get the error "City has no room for this unit".

If I select 'Transfer factors to/from garrison' it will allow me to select the Prussian depot and put factors on it and even take the Prussian garrison factor off into my French corps.

Then during the combat phase I attacked the depot, killing the garrison in a single round, but it generated a battle file, despite the fact I don't think there are any possible choices the Prussian can make.

I have a game file I can PM you if desired.


I was able to duplicate what you found (ugly).

Thanks again


zaquex -> RE: Reporting Bugs (as of v.1.01) (1/24/2008 7:01:36 AM)

I would not go so far as to say that this is bugs as it might very well be intended "deviations". This is however possibly game breaking changes that have a huge impact on not only game balance but also on how the game must be played compared to EiA/EiH - im also worried that they open up for exploits that are unintended and unwanted by both players and developers

1)     Occupation of a major powers capital should not in itself force that major power to surrender.

2)     After an unsuccessful attempt to relieve a besieged city, the siege should resume.

3)     There is a suggestion that the condition requiring a month’s uninterrupted and unbesieged occupation of a minor’s capitol as    per EiANW 10.7 is not implemented as stated.

DCWhitworth -> RE: Reporting Bugs (as of v.1.01) (1/24/2008 12:16:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: zaquex

I would not go so far as to say that this is bugs as it might very well be intended "deviations". This is however possibly game breaking changes that have a huge impact on not only game balance but also on how the game must be played compared to EiA/EiH - im also worried that they open up for exploits that are unintended and unwanted by both players and developers

1)     Occupation of a major powers capital should not in itself force that major power to surrender.

2)     After an unsuccessful attempt to relieve a besieged city, the siege should resume.

3)     There is a suggestion that the condition requiring a month’s uninterrupted and unbesieged occupation of a minor’s capitol as    per EiANW 10.7 is not implemented as stated.

1) I agree completely with this. IMO it makes Prussia in particular practically unplayable.

2) Not sure.

3) I believe this is implemented correctly. I am virtually certain the issue is that when a garrison is wiped out the system does not (as it probably shouldn't) place a garrison from the besieging force. So therefore the capital has *not* been occupied. You *can* immediately place a garrison but I think some people are waiting until their next movement phase to do so and since only at that point is the capital occupied for conquest purposes there is a perceived delay in conquest.

The issue is probably that some people think the elimination of the garrison is enough to fulfil the condition of "unbesieged occupation of a minor’s capital", it isn't, you need to place a garrison or your own.

Cunctator -> RE: Reporting Bugs (as of v.1.01) (1/24/2008 3:33:17 PM)

I'm not sure but occupation happens not only if you put a garrison inside the capital city but also if one of your corps remains unbesieged in the province for a full turn.

Am I wrong?

DCWhitworth -> RE: Reporting Bugs (as of v.1.01) (1/24/2008 3:47:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cunctator

Am I wrong?

Sorry but I believe you are. The only effect the corps has is to stop the lapse of war as per rule 6.15. If you *start* a turn with a garrison in the capital and a corps in the unconquered country, you will be able to move the corps out and still conquer the minor as the potential lapse only occurs in the diplomatic phase but conquest comes at the end of turn,

DCWhitworth -> Movement Bug or Manual Error (1/24/2008 5:20:39 PM)

If the Winter Movement option is selected the manual states that "all costs for movement are doubled".

BUT it seems to still only charge 1 MP to cross a river into an area containing unbesieged enemy corps.

This has hit me rather badly in a game I'm playing, lost a corps, two depts and probably Hanover when I thought they were safe [X(]

Monadman -> RE: Movement Bug or Manual Error (1/24/2008 5:26:24 PM)



If the Winter Movement option is selected the manual states that "all costs for movement are doubled".

BUT it seems to still only charge 1 MP to cross a river into an area containing unbesieged enemy corps.

This has hit me rather badly in a game I'm playing, lost a corps, two depts and probably Hanover when I thought they were safe [X(]

Yeah, but not “extra” costs (i.e. crossing arrows).

Will clarify. Thanks


Grapeshot Bob -> Supply Tracing Error (1/25/2008 12:03:56 AM)

Please see the attached thread for a possible bug in tracing of supply lines.

The error is demonstrated near the end of the thread.


Grapeshot Bob -> Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 12:06:03 AM)

Please see this thread for a probable bug in the surrender settings.

The bug is shown at the bottom of the thread.


bresh -> RE: Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 3:02:00 PM)

Just played some testing, and i notiched I cant lend a corps with leader to my ally ?
I Do hope thats a bug !

That seems to tip the balance of the game even more, when we do not have combined Movement. (And allied supply payment).

Please say its a bug !


Monadman -> RE: Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 3:49:59 PM)



Just played some testing, and i notiched I cant lend a corps with leader to my ally ?
I Do hope thats a bug !

That seems to tip the balance of the game even more, when we do not have combined Movement. (And allied supply payment).

Please say its a bug !


Disputed but not a bug. That’s the way it was coded in.

Use another thread and go to town on it. [;)]


zaquex -> RE: Reporting Bugs - bug: where am I? (1/25/2008 4:58:37 PM)

I have found something that can give the most strange and varied results depending on how you play it.

Im playing France, im at war with Austria after supporting Bavaria from an Austrian DOW.

In the last turn i moved the Bavarian corp from Munich to Linz capturing a depot that i used as supply i also have a depot in Munich. Then I moved the Bavarian corp in to the city of Linz and marched Napoleons stack to Munich and ended my turn.

Now the fun starts.

Next month I move last, in Austrias land phase he moves a cav corp to Linz and moves in to the city.

Its France land phase.

I assume the Bavarian corp is besieged, and yes it is out of supply, but when I look at Linz the Austrian corp is listed as in the city and the Bavarian corp as Besieging unit(city).

I march Napoleons stack towards Vienna but I get stuck in Linz, i have 3 move left but cant leave Linz. Appearantly the Austrian cav corp is stopping me from continue, as it should. But wait... Napoleons stack is out of supply, strange I have a depot next door in Munich.

And it gets even more wierd.

I move the "besieged" Bavarian corp out of the city!?! and back in to the city and push end turn...

Enter combat turn and there is a yellow marker on Linz, a battle can be resolved there, i click on Linz to resolve it.

"Attack the besiegers of Linz?" I press yes. The Bavarians have appearantly decided to break the siege without the help of Napoleon.

I lose the battle, Bavarians have low morale, apperantly The Bavarians retreat in to the city and siege is resumed.

I press the attack city button. "Siege of Linz" The Bavarians are now breaching the city walls. Again The Bavarians morale fails, but at least the are still beseiging. And all the time Napoleon refuse to help his Bavarian allies, he must be lazy.

I reload the game, try some different things, reload again...

Some of my findings:

The Bavarians can leave the city and if they do they can use the Munich depot, same is also true for Napoleons stack. All corps are now also free to continue to vienna.

The Bavarians can enter and leave the city as many times as they want, if any of Napoleons corps enter Linz they are unable to leave the city again.

If the Bavarians have left the city its possible to place a depot in Linz.

If I end the the land phase with Napoleon and the Bavarians outside the city no combat takes place.

If i decline to attack the besiegers the first time, and click attack city the troops curently in the city attacks the besiegers

I cant detach factors to create a garrisson regardless if im in or outside the city.

If i win the battle and the Austrians retreat the Bavarians are still beseiging units(city) and it doesnt matter if i leave the city and enter again, still beseiging units(city)

If i lose my attack on the besieger and move out of the city and press attack city i get a message "city either unoccupied or friendly"

So where is my troops and who is besieging who?

I can provide saves if wanted.

ndrose -> RE: Reporting Bugs - bug: where am I? (1/25/2008 5:31:40 PM)


I've seen some of these things too. At least some of them are being addressed. Not being able to move your corps, for instance, is a bug caused by having a minor corps in the city, and I gather is related to the other question, which is who is inside and who is outside the city. For some reason, the program categorizes units as "friendly" or "enemy", so that if you have forces inside a city that belongs to somebody else (unceded province or minor not yet conquered), they show up as besieging forces, which can have some weird results.

Nathan Rose

zaquex -> RE: Reporting Bugs - bug: where am I? (1/25/2008 5:50:10 PM)

Somehow the program is confused about who is beseiging who. And different tests get gets different results, probably depending on what it tests for first.

That my movement is blocked is caused by the program beleiving the Austrian corp is besieging. That the Bavarian corp can move out of the city indicates that the program thinks its besieging. That Napoleons stack is out of supply is probably caused by the province being flagged as besieged rather than the corp etc

bresh -> RE: Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 7:11:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Monadman



Just played some testing, and i notiched I cant lend a corps with leader to my ally ?
I Do hope thats a bug !

That seems to tip the balance of the game even more, when we do not have combined Movement. (And allied supply payment).

Please say its a bug !


Disputed but not a bug. That’s the way it was coded in.

Use another thread and go to town on it. [;)]


Well to me its a major break in the balance as i see it.
My points from Allianced view, noway to help allies without supply line.
Cant send corps+commander which in EIA you could let him pay supply, or if you lend corps he could control.

And not increased number of depots. Thats the major reason France gets more depots, since he doesnt need the alliances.
Not to mention the Captital-force surrender issue.

Ballance issue seems really screwed.
Major ballance breaking feels like bugs to me to be honest.


Murat -> RE: Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 8:20:48 PM)

Informal peace bug here:

Was not
„X Fixed: Informal peace setting clears when leaving the screen

in the beta. Just FYI.

Monadman -> RE: Surrender Settings Error (1/25/2008 8:39:31 PM)



Informal peace bug here:

Was not
„X Fixed: Informal peace setting clears when leaving the screen

in the beta. Just FYI.


Yes, we got that one and you will see that fix in the 1.01b patch.



Mardonius -> RE: Limitation on Loaning Cossacks etc (1/25/2008 8:49:49 PM)


Per Marshall, as per the feudals, one can not loan freikorps, Cossacks, and Insurrection Corps. These should be fixed to be loanable to reflect combined movement. Marshall did not say anything about guerrillas but I suspect they also can not be loaned. For them to be able to be fully effective they, too, would need to be loanable.

thank you for the consideration,

Monadman -> RE: Limitation on Loaning Cossacks etc (1/25/2008 9:23:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mardonius


Per Marshall, as per the feudals, one can not loan freikorps, Cossacks, and Insurrection Corps. These should be fixed to be loanable to reflect combined movement. Marshall did not say anything about guerrillas but I suspect they also can not be loaned. For them to be able to be fully effective they, too, would need to be loanable.

thank you for the consideration,


The program currently allows for cossacks and freikorps to be loaned. Will add the others to the bug list.



eske -> RE: Limitation on Loaning Cossacks etc (1/26/2008 12:15:04 AM)

How about leaders? Can they be loaned? Of course they would need to be attached to a loaned corps...

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