RE: GPW v5 6-player (Full Version)

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Barthheart -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/18/2008 3:31:26 AM)

Turn 7 sent to AGC.

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/18/2008 8:06:06 PM)

Turn 7 sent to AGS. Still making pretty good progress despite the 10,000 mines on the roads every hex I move.[X(]

jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/19/2008 1:20:34 AM)

Turn 7 sent to Soviet North - meatgrinder around Kiev.

lomyrin -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/19/2008 6:51:40 AM)

Soviet north turn 7 done, sent to center.


jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/20/2008 11:57:19 PM)

Hey guys - who has the game? I think it's either Tom or Vic. Can you let us know?


tweber -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/21/2008 3:44:47 AM)

I sent to Vic

Barthheart -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/21/2008 9:24:01 PM)

Turn 8 sent to AGC.

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/22/2008 5:12:35 AM)

Turn 8 sent to army group south.

Soviet units are looking full strength now and Moscow is nearly in reach. I expect Tom's landmine retreat is about to end and my precious German forces are going to run into a Soviet wall.

By landmine retreat I mean Tom has managed to spare a lot of his forces from being destroyed by my faster German troops by planting dozens of mine units along the roads.

jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/22/2008 6:36:45 AM)

Turn 8 sent to Soviet NW

lomyrin -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/22/2008 7:44:03 AM)

Soviet NW turn 8 done, sent to Center.

Vic -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/27/2008 5:47:12 PM)

Send turn 8 to German NW like 5 days ago.

kind reg,

Vic -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/27/2008 5:47:58 PM)

I hope this arrived well. (i must admit i mailed it in a bit of a hurry)

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/27/2008 6:45:33 PM)

I haven't received it yet. It is either with Barthheart or he never received it.[&:]

jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/27/2008 6:54:18 PM)

Vic - can you pls re-send? Apparently AGC doesn't have it yet so either Vance has it for 5 days or he didn't receive it.


Vic -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/27/2008 7:19:18 PM)

Darn. If Vance didnt get it i will need to replay the turn, since i am not at home for this week.

Tom, can you resend me the turn already just in case i need to replay.

kind reg,

Barthheart -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/30/2008 5:14:26 AM)

Hi All,

I got the turn and sent it on t AGC today. Sorry for the delays but I'm on a business trip until Tuesday. Then I'm back until Sunday morning when I leave again for a week so it will be slow again then.

tweber -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/30/2008 7:56:54 AM)

You may want to share your password with you team mates if you will be out for a while to keep things moving

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/31/2008 6:15:37 AM)

Turn sent to AGS

jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/31/2008 4:44:22 PM)

Turn 9 sent to Soviet NW

lomyrin -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (3/31/2008 7:41:42 PM)

Soviet NW turn 9 sent to center.


tweber -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/1/2008 5:56:24 AM)

turn sent to Soviet South

Barthheart -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/2/2008 2:30:55 AM)

Turn 10 sent to AGC

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/2/2008 10:32:25 PM)

Turn sent to AGS.
Doesn't look like Moscow has a very warm welcome for my aproaching German army.[sm=fighting0043.gif]


jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/3/2008 5:09:09 PM)

Turn 10 sent to Soviet NW Fronts

lomyrin -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/4/2008 7:25:44 PM)

Sovier NW turn 10 done, sent to center.

Germans are pushing hard  and starting to besieg Leningrad from the southwest.  Demyansk has fallen.


Barthheart -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/5/2008 6:42:09 PM)

Turn 11 sent to AGC.

September is upon us... there's a slight chill in the air......

I leave for another short trip tomorrow at 6 am. Next weeks turns might be a little slow but only until next Sunday.

IRONCROM -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/5/2008 10:32:36 PM)

Turn sent to AGS

jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/7/2008 7:13:07 AM)

T11 sent to Sov NW

lomyrin -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/7/2008 7:12:40 PM)

SNW turn 11 sent to center

Bologoe is about to fall to the Germans. Leningrad is holding.


jjdenver -> RE: GPW v5 6-player (4/7/2008 7:14:27 PM)

By the way - I forgot to take screenshots of turn 11 so I'm going to reload my turn to get them. I guess that on turn 12 you will get a message that I reloaded turn 11 maybe? I really don't know how it works. But anyway - if you see it for turn 11 note that it was reloaded only after I sent it on to Lars so that I can get screenies.

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