PBEM cheat messages (Full Version)

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Herode_2 -> PBEM cheat messages (4/22/2008 10:04:44 AM)

Hi Vic,

I don't know if the bug is related to this one, but in this same game, 2 thins happen :

- my opponent tells me he has each turn a possible cheat warning with the Axis (me) opening twice his turns. Except for the first 2 turns (crash after the bug on turn 1, after an audio driver bug on turn 2), I did not have to re-open my turns.

- when I opened the last file received from my opponent, I had 2 "possible cheat warnings" : the first telling me the Allied players (my opponent) opened his turn twice, the second telling me that the Axis player (me !!) also opened his turn twice [:'(]

Vic -> RE: PBEM cheat messages (4/22/2008 10:49:40 AM)

hi herode,

try deleting your log.mlc file in the bin directory.

also could it be that you started a scenario as axis with sending an already played first turn (since you are making the same moves as you did in a previous game) to somebody?

kind regards,

Herode_2 -> RE: PBEM cheat messages (4/22/2008 11:58:46 AM)


also could it be that you started a scenario as axis with sending an already played first turn (since you are making the same moves as you did in a previous game) to somebody?

No : after the first crash, I reset the game from scratch and replayed all my moves. And as the game crashed during my turn 1, nothing at all was saved (at least not by me as a .pt2 temporary file...)

I'll try deleting the log.mlc file. Thanks !

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