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Zap -> Usernames (5/18/2008 5:56:43 AM)

I've noticed all the inventive usernames. But, I understand, many who are here on these boards have other usernames on other boards. Any particular reason for that?

2nd question: Why did you choose your particular name? Might be interesting to find out why.

Go ahead and reveal the real reason behind the name but just don't tell us your really Elvis![:D]

Oh mine is simple, it's the first three letters of my last name. Since elementary school everyone is given a nickname. The kids in class thought it was cool to call us all(brothers and cousins) Zap. So it stuck.

Zakhal -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 8:33:15 AM)

My username is the same in almost all other boards. Infact what google gives from my name 99.9% relate straight to me (kind of neat/weird/somthing). Thats atleast a year ago when I tested it and now it seems the same with icq search. It can all change though of course but the name is not very "popular" so perhaps it wont happen. Atleast no other person in the world seems to have used it for ten years atleast.

In -96 I was "designing" a name for my corpse collecting necromancer in zombiemud. At the sametime from tv there was this program about jackals in desert which eat corpses. Z is a nice startletter for wizards (old I know) so Zakhal it became finally.

Elvis lives!

Grell -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 2:49:35 PM)

Hi Zap,

Mine came from playing Everquest. I wanted a name that was kind of English Literature and was mixed with my name, hence Grell.



Hertston -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 3:11:52 PM)



I've noticed all the invintive usernames. But, I understand, many who are here on these boards have other usernames on other boards. Any particular reason for that?

Anonynimity. It would take less than a minute to find out exactly who and where I am from "hertston" should anybody wish to do so. I'm not worried about this place, or indeed any specialist wargaming site, but on others I tend to use something else. I've had 'hertston' for thirty years, long before going online obviously. I always thought it was quite easy to work out where it comes from, so I won't tell! [:D]

Brigz -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 8:33:56 PM)

I guess my user name is self explanitory. I use my real name in defiance of the anonymity fear that most people have. Anyone that really wants to can find out all about you regardless of what name you post under. There is no anonymity on the internet. I've been posting with my real name for over ten years and never had any problems. I figure it keeps me honest too. If I'm using my real name I think twice about what I write. But I can also understand the fun factor of having a user name. Gives people a chance to be creative or act out their fantasy's. It's fun to see what people can come up with. Kind of like personalized licence plates or fighter pilot nick names.

sterckxe -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 11:38:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dave Briggs
I guess my user name is self explanitory. I use my real name in defiance of the anonymity fear that most people have. Anyone that really wants to can find out all about you regardless of what name you post under. There is no anonymity on the internet. I've been posting with my real name for over ten years and never had any problems. I figure it keeps me honest too. If I'm using my real name I think twice about what I write. But I can also understand the fun factor of having a user name. Gives people a chance to be creative or act out their fantasy's. It's fun to see what people can come up with. Kind of like personalized licence plates or fighter pilot nick names.



Eddy Sterckx

alaric318 -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 11:55:12 PM)

well, a game only can apply to yourself and, only maybe, to these that want play with you, golden rule of engagement, all my usernames are self-playing, choosing from imagination and being a role player and arbiter for near 10/15 years too helps and open the mind, in example, the same way that chess gives mental agility as swordmanship gives hand agility, too, indeed is what image or presence you want to give to the people, maybe user names or nicks are as tattoos, tattoos are very good if them make from some aspect of your spirituality remarkable,

it is my oppinion,

best regards,


junk2drive -> RE: usernames (5/18/2008 11:55:45 PM)

See my thread on 10 years on the www.

For years I had company provided autos. That went away in the late 80s. We had at least one decent car/truck in the household but I managed to collect a few tired, old, cheap, rides for myself. Around the time that I had to setup my AOL account, my Dutch neighbors were always poking fun at me for driving junk cars. Their son would play Adam Sandler's Piece of S*** Car out the house window when I was outside working.

I tried junk2drive at AOL and surprise, no one else was using it. I could use my real name but there is a Canadian politician that could be confused with me.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 12:55:08 AM)

NeverWinter Nights.   When I played it.   On all other forums its- Razorbacjac-I am from Arkansas and a Razorback fan.  PIG SOOUIE-Razorback![:D]

cdbeck -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 2:31:17 AM)

Because "DaL33Tn00bK1ll3r" was taken. [:D]

Actually, I have a friend who used to use the moniker "Son_of_Cato" as his AOL callsign. I love Southern French history, and I love the Albigensian Crusade, so I named myself after Simon de Montfort (whose son, incidentally, is also named Simon de Montfort). It works because Simon's son Simon, led the Baron's revolt against Henry III in England, making the name have nice resonance.

I am known as Baelthazar on other boards, taken from my World of Warcraft name which, I am sad to admit, is inspired by my wife's obsession with Julien McMahon on Charmed.


Zap -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 3:18:09 AM)

I asked you before the reason behind your name. The reason I was so curious.
As a young 24 old I went on Pilgrimage to Monfort, France. There was a well known Saint who came from there. He was called St. Louis of Monfort. Just a note of trivia.

Mac67 -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 3:31:59 AM)

Mac is a nick I have been going by since long before t'internet was invented. Derived from my surname.

67 is the year I was born. A vintage year for coolness [8D]

The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, and The Velvet Underground all released their debut albums in that year.

Oh, and some scally's from Liverpool released an album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The first stone in the road to Prog Rock, damn their souls to hell!

As to my real first name....

Don't make me get my screwdriver out[sm=00000643.gif]

cdbeck -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 6:16:02 AM)

Cool Zap! I don't know if the town Montfort-sur-Meu (which looks lovely) is connected to the Montfort family or not. I would guess not, as I believe the name just designates they owned a Hill Fortification. Nice connection though! Apparently that Saint is the 18th century pioneer of Mariologies, studies of Mary. Cool!

Mac, couldn't see the vid. Seems it is not available in my country... [:(]


HansBolter -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 3:33:35 PM)

Being a huge fan of tank combat and a bit of a Germanophile I chose to hide behind the moniker of one of Germany's top tiger tank aces.

Yogi the Great -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 5:11:19 PM)

Yogi was a nickname given to me way back in early grade school.  It was more or less related to my long difficult last name.

As for "the Great" the forum for whatever reason wouldn't take just Yogi.  Thats ok though as it sort of fits the wargamer topic,  [&o] Others probably should pay homage to me, and I really am quite Great [:D]

Joram -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 6:35:32 PM)

I got mine from a book I read twenty some odd years ago.  When I got into online gaming (with Doom no less) I chose Joram and kind of stuck with it ever since. 

Joshuatree -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 6:35:45 PM)

@ Junk2drive: "my Dutch neighbors were always poking fun at me"
Oh, do say hello to them will'ya? [:D]  still better would be; "goedendag, hoe gaat het met u?" [:'(]  (goodday, how are you doing?)

As to my nick Joshua... well apparently Joshua has been taken on this board since the year 2000.... wonder who that might be. Joshua is my nick all over the web, when it's taken I'll use Joshuatree. I've been using it now for 10 years or longer now on the web, actually since the very first "Counterstrike" mod came out. Back in those days when you logged in as a Counterstrike player you received automatically the name: "Chicken-Moron" [:D]  I didn't know that at the time, so I wondered what idiot used that name.... untill I figured out it was me! [X(] Quickly changed it to "Joshua".
Ah, the good old days of Counterstrike when you still had "gun-kicking" [:D] (at the end of a round the surviving players gathered all the guns left at the battlefield at the spawning point, so when you re-spawned you had this big heap of weapons to choose from, AWESOME!) 

anarchyintheuk -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 11:32:09 PM)

Used the name on MUD called ronin. Sex Pistols was on during registration. Pretty much all she wrote.

JeF -> RE: usernames (5/19/2008 11:57:24 PM)

My nickname is the compression of my real first name : Jean-François.
Because it is composed and quite long, everybody call you : J-F (pronounced Jay-eff or Gee-eff) or Jeff.

Seems inventive ? Don't think so. I once met a guy who uses exactly the same trick, for the very same reason.



simovitch -> RE: usernames (5/20/2008 2:37:36 AM)

Simovitch was the Serbian General who helped King Peter II oust the pro Nazi Yugoslavian Government in March 1941.

I started on the Battlefront message boards around when CMBB was released and I chose it as a not-so-clever Russian sounding twist on my real name, which is Yugoslavian as well.

PunkReaper -> RE: usernames (5/20/2008 4:42:57 PM)

Dont Ask!

BvB -> RE: usernames (5/20/2008 6:57:45 PM)

I have used Baron von Beergut since snail mail wargames back 35 years ago in my army days. When I started meeting people on prodigy to do pbem wargames around 1994 and when started in 1999 I used it and found I got opponents more often just out of them getting a chucke from the name.

andym -> RE: usernames (5/20/2008 8:39:57 PM)

i used to use "Thrud The Barbarian",what a guy![:D][:D][:D][:D]

Brigz -> RE: usernames (5/21/2008 4:35:34 AM)



i used to use "Thrud The Barbarian",what a guy![:D][:D][:D][:D]

I swear, eveytime I see your user name I think of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz saying, "Auntie Em, Auntie Em".[:D]

ilovestrategy -> RE: usernames (5/21/2008 4:38:12 AM)

Well, I think you can guess the reason behond mine!
On "The Witcher" and " Elder IV Scrolls Oblivion" forums I use the named "fantasyjunkie" for the same reason.

Marauders -> RE: usernames (5/21/2008 9:59:19 AM)

My football league team was the Marauders, and I post a lot in the Maximum Football area. 

I use Marauders or Marauder on most PC football game boards.

Someone already had the singular Marauder here, but it looks to be not used. 

andym -> RE: usernames (5/21/2008 10:17:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dave Briggs



i used to use "Thrud The Barbarian",what a guy![:D][:D][:D][:D]

I swear, eveytime I see your user name I think of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz saying, "Auntie Em, Auntie Em".[:D]

you should see me in a skirt and red shoes![:D][:D][:D][:D]

Capt. Harlock -> RE: usernames (5/21/2008 10:41:36 PM)


I've noticed all the inventive usernames. But, I understand, many who are here on these boards have other usernames on other boards. Any particular reason for that?

2nd question: Why did you choose your particular name? Might be interesting to find out why.

Well, why not? For one thing, different boards ask you to reveal differing amounts of personal information. I have a profile on which does NOT specify a preference for any particular Japanese animation, unlike my profile here. The reason being that I want to be able to post without appearance of bias on the various animation series.

Motomouse -> RE: usernames (5/22/2008 12:52:55 AM)


Sarge -> RE: usernames (5/22/2008 3:06:02 PM)


Why did you choose your particular name? Might be interesting to find out why.

I’ll give you one guess Zap [:)]

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