DEB -> RE: unrealistic air combat... (7/25/2008 11:06:00 PM)
ORIGINAL: pasternakski quote:
Ike, fer chrissake, can't you just let it go? I mean, the horse has been shot, thumped, beaten, ground, breaded, fried, fricasseed, whipped, honked, tailored, whacked, beaten some more, pureed, shredded, pounded, mortar-and-pestled, nuked, decontaminated, disembowelled, shellacked, torpedoed, and beaten some more. Agreed, but IKE99 is not the only one still here plugging their point of view ( & it's more than me too). Like you, every one wants the last word so they can claim victory. By the way is this your second "comeback" or third? quote:
I don't see a single person here disputing your contention that night carrier air operations were possible, and sometimes attempted, in the Pacific theater in WWII. Disagreed. Several have said they were not possible & all their subsequent comments still support that view, and indeed carry it into general night time ops. quote:
What they are saying, impliedly if not directly, is that such operations were not anyone's preferred mode of launching airstrikes from their carriers, and the primary reason was that severe operations losses were feared in exchange for lack of effective results. UV allows night carrier air operations almost off-handedly, and however they are represented by that game, Matrix has given you an exact pronouncement of what the prospects for change are: none. Thats not how I read the comments made. However, I agree that Night Air OPS from Carriers are neither sides "cup of tea". As to the in game effects I do not know, except that I hope they are reasonably allowed for. Some feel thats not the case, but as it applies to both sides I couldn't care less as long as it's not as effective as day- time raids.