pasternakski -> RE: Obligitory Initial Impressions Thread (7/24/2008 11:53:47 PM)
I just coughed up the dough for this, and I guess this is the best place (so far) to offer observations about glitches, bugs and such. I have just noodled around in this and the manual for a little while, and I like what I see so far, but there are a few things that need to be addressed (there are some little things, but these will do for now, until later). 1. In the manual, under Diplomacy on pages 57-58, some tester or other reviewer questions were left in that need to be removed. I noted a few editing glitches that could stand some attention, but I'll get around to those some other time, as there are no critical matters. This manual is a very good job, by the way, well written, concise, properly idiomatic, and nicely presented. I am having some difficulty understanding the way national government type and alliance orientation work, but I suspect that will become clear on experience with the actual game mechanics. 2. No Malta? You've got to be kidding. No Malta in a game covering World War II in Europe? C'mon. 3. In the game startup screens, various of the choices (filters and human/AI control in particular) disappear after being accessed for the first time. You can still click on them by estimating their position with the mouse cursor, but this needs to be fixed. Again, there's a lot here to like, from what I've seen so far. As Erik said, it reminds me a lot of CoS, which was one of my favorite games until my technology advanced to the point where my computer wouldn't run it anymore. Looks good. I don't mind the map and much prefer the NATO counters. The little 3D deedliebobs leave me absolutely cold. The handling of HQs by merely attaching a leader to an already-existing unit is an absolutely inspired simplification. I just hope it's not too difficult to keep track of where everybody is. I mean, I would hate to lose track of where Patton got off to. A leader list indicating current assignment would be useful (maybe there already is one, but I haven't gotten that far yet). Auf wiedersehen - fur jetzt...