dravazed -> RE: Patch 1.04 (9/16/2008 3:47:30 PM)
Question: When 1.04 does appear, will it resolve the Vista compatibility issue? I am specifically wondering whether I will be able to uncheck the "disable desktop composition" box and "run as Windows 98/ME". Anyone know? As to discs and such, I make this offer: if anyone is willing to burn one for me (we don't all have that capability, nor are internet cafes available), I'd happily pay the postage and cost of the CD. I'd need to know how to install it, unless that was somehow on the disc...but otherwise, that would seem to solve the Godzilla download problem. Someone privately offered to do this, and I'm much appreciative...but I strongly feel I should pay for any expenses involved. Update: I'm still hoping Jason or someone will address the question about compatibility, when there's a moment to do so. On the other part, the CD--I just want to thank the several people who have privately contacted me, offering to do this for me. I don't want to get sloppyfaced about it, but you know, it really is impressive that people would do this, unbidden, for a complete stranger. I hope I remembered to thank everyone privately, but if I failed to do so, please accept this as my heartfelt expression of appreciation. I'm currently communicating to someone who lives in a nearby state, so we'll see what transpires. In any case, it won't hurt me to wait awhile more.