RE: playable yet? Part II (Full Version)

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Dancing Bear -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/9/2009 11:48:56 AM)

Agree that sim dip and eco is the best, however, if you have the option to pre-program your rein during your dip, you have the option to toogle switch a "low alert" semi skipping peace mode, and the full monty during war, which gives the most flexibility.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/10/2009 2:58:38 AM)

You may have 7 players yelling about when to do so and when not to in that case........ As I said before though, anything will help

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/21/2009 2:08:19 PM)

Marshall, what are the odds of Matrix getting you some assistance on this project? I understand you are doing all one person can, and I whole-heartedly salute you for your efforts. However, it seems to be a depressing pattern for Matrix to release a game before it is ready, and then lack the resources or desire - I am not sure which - to correct the issues. In some cases, especially one this complex, it is clear every problem cannot be expected or play tested before release. My issue is that it has been over a year from when many of us spent our money on this product, and Matrix admittted there were issues;but correcting them still seems to be just your problem.   Yes, clearly the game is better than the first versions, due from what I can see almost all form your efforst, and in many ways "playable", but still not the quality product I expected for the price I paid.

Again Marshall, please do not take this as any insult or complaint towards you. Personally I think you are having more dumped on your plate than one person should reasonably expect.

Rocko911 -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/21/2009 5:41:58 PM)

I am confused, is this game a fun game and working? or is it a mess of a game. I am looking to add a grand strategy game that is not WW2 period as I have many of those. I fondly remember a game for the Commodore 64 called Colonial Conquest by SSI. Thanks for any information on this game and its positives and negatives.

pzgndr -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/21/2009 8:21:40 PM)

LRRP, the game is playable, it is working, and it is fun.  To a point.  The "bugs" are mostly issues where EiANW deviates from the original EiA boardgame rules.  Considering that EiANW started out as something different and is slowly being retrofitted to classic EiA, it remains highly debatable just how playable the game is.  If you are not fixated on the original EiA and can play this game on its own merits, then it's fine and only getting better.  Those who are fixated on the original EiA have been a miserable lot during this great adventure, but even they are slowly beginning to recognize that the game is improving and should eventually satisfy their demands.  Mostly, maybe.  On behalf of the rest of us enjoying this grand strategy Napoleonic wargame, the water's fine - jump on in.  A v1.06 update should be available shortly with lots of significant improvements.

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (2/21/2009 9:04:05 PM)

It's an enjoyable game if you don't mind the ultra slow pace and occasional game stopping/changing bugs that come with every new patch.

If you plan on playing solo, I would say wait. The AI is not yet up to speed. That said, I don't recommend playing solo anyways, this game was never intended for that. It's best to play a few AI games to get used to the mechanics and then dive right in with PBEM (just make sure you let everyone know you are a newbie :) ).

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/5/2009 4:15:34 AM)

well, knock me down to about 2.1 now. one game comes to a grinding hault when Spanish port guns refuse to fire.

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/5/2009 1:25:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: borner

well, knock me down to about 2.1 now.

Where were you before and how did you get that high?

The bugs are seemingly endless and major bugs are starting to pop back up here and there. Is this because the game engine was designed to be a different game? Maybe that was Matrix's big mistake, who knows.

At this point I am only still playing the game because I once had an obsession with it (and I imagine I still do) and I can't seem to let it go, despite every reason to do so. I SO want this thing to be good and it continously lets me down.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/6/2009 4:15:06 AM)

I had a period of looking at things from a "cup half full" point of view. Happens to the best of us sometimes..........   I guess that is the reason I am still playing, I do want this to work. It is so hard to find a decent group of 7 players that have free time every weekend. Besides, to me it's like voting, if you do not vote, you do not get to complain. I don't care if you are right wing, left, or center.

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/6/2009 5:03:02 PM)

Well, even a blind man can/could see where this thing is headed so I guess I will just poke my eyes out and follow along.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/8/2009 5:53:48 PM)

Here is another bug we are running into......  GB has control of Sweden )declared on by Russia, and Portugal, declared on by Spain. GB is at war with both France and Spain, and is having trouble using the minors in support of it's main fleet to hit both a joint Fr/Sp fleet in a SPanish port, and a French only port in LE Harve............ 

Marshall Ellis -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/9/2009 3:06:19 PM)

Having trouble?
Can you be a little more specific? :-)

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/10/2009 4:42:38 AM)

Marshall, this file was sent to you already and the game... Iromnan, is looking for a reply. Trouble? Fleets will not move together to attack the port.

Marshall Ellis -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/10/2009 12:25:27 PM)


Ironman??? I don't think this got to me??? Is there another name perhaps? I have a several games in my que.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/11/2009 2:59:10 AM)

I will ask the host to send it again

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/12/2009 5:16:47 PM)


It's totally playable if you don't mind going over the log each and every phase to make sure that your PP is being calculated correctly.

As far as I'm concerned if you happen to "win" a PBEM game of this thing, you shouldn't care since it's almost impossible to check and fix all the bugs that come up and even after a YEAR, this game still can't calculate PP correctly.

iamspamus -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/16/2009 10:28:02 AM)

AHHHH! NeverMan's back... [:D]

Aren't we on "Playable yet? Part III?




It's totally playable if you don't mind going over the log each and every phase to make sure that your PP is being calculated correctly.

As far as I'm concerned if you happen to "win" a PBEM game of this thing, you shouldn't care since it's almost impossible to check and fix all the bugs that come up and even after a YEAR, this game still can't calculate PP correctly.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/20/2009 4:54:37 AM)

Naw, haven't gotten around to starting that thread yet... although with the bug about having your capital occoupied could be a good reason to start it. I have to agree that your PP's being wrong is pretty inexcuseable. I know i do not check it all the time, I would hope the AI could at least do that right.

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/20/2009 3:13:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: borner

I know i do not check it all the time.

You might want to start to have a notebook and do everything by hand since the program doesn't seem to do a lot of things right. I know that for me, personally, it sucks to invest months and months (and going on year(s)) into a game just to realize that the most important part of the game wasn't being calculated properly.

StCyr -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/20/2009 3:23:42 PM)


even after a YEAR, this game still can't calculate PP correctly

don´t be that unfair, Marshall is doing a great job- for years now, and we all should be lucky if he goes on to do this great job for several more years- hurra!

edit: forgot this [&o][&o][&o]

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/21/2009 7:39:15 PM)

excuse me? How about being fair to the people that pain for this?

Ted1066 -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/21/2009 10:00:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: borner

excuse me? How about being fair to the people that pain for this?

I'm sure borner meant to say 'paid', but his typo works on sooo many levels [;)]

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/22/2009 4:14:19 AM)

sometimes not being able to type well has it's advantages.  Yes, Marshall is working hard. Yes, he should be commended for his efforts. That being said, this game was releases when???? and there are still issues as simple as tracking PP's for nations after a dozen major patches??????? I am tired of people talking about how we should be happy Matrix is "trying". I expect the product I paid for. I have not seen Matrix come back with any refurns for us that bought version 1.0 without it being a quality product.

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/22/2009 4:37:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: borner

excuse me? How about being fair to the people that pain for this?

I'm pretty sure that StCyr was being sarcastic.

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/22/2009 5:50:07 PM)

yes, you are right, my apologies... you would think I would be able to tell the difference!!!!!! [X(] 

NeverMan -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/22/2009 7:38:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: borner

yes, you are right, my apologies... you would think I would be able to tell the difference!!!!!! [X(] 

1. That's hard to do with type.
2. It's hard to do with so many apologists on here.

Gravit -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/28/2009 3:45:09 AM)

Do or do not, there is no "try".

For anyone even remotely considering spending money on this atrocity, AVOID THIS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I paid good money for a crappy product and have waited a year and each patch I try to play again and run into another major bug.

pathetic, just pathetic.  [:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@]

Oh wait, scratch what I just said.  This is a great game and I have an ""extra"" copy for sale that I would happily er I mean sadly depart with so please message me and I will jump I mean think about your offer.

Dancing Bear -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/28/2009 12:38:47 PM)

The game has been a great disappointment so far. A good dozen people I know jumped into the game when it first came out with high expectations. Now almost none of them want anything to do with it. I imagine that this is a typical statistic, and only 10% of the people who brought the game are still playing, and not because we don't want to play EIA, but because of poor quality in the product.

And it is not just the bugs, it is the incredibly slow speed of the game. I'm not saying that the Marshall is not willing to "stay the course" and fix the problems. He has been great, but he needs help. At a minimum Eric Rutins should set priorities for the Marshall that result in a better game of the majority of the players (Eric you are the marketing guy, you know that success for Matrix lies in a product that gives the consumers what they want, not what Matrix's wants or is only capable of). Almost an entire year was wasted in chasing the holy grail of an improved AI, which never had any chance of success. Every day spent chasing the AI meant another lost consumer. Now a year later, we still have a bugging slow game, and players that are left are very frustrated.

1.06 sounds like the game that should have come out a year ago. But now, there are only a few peolpe still willing to play, and almost none willing to buy 1.06. This game should be a marketers dream. 7 peolpe have to buy the PBEM game to play it, and for each group of 7 players, there is at least one that will persuade 6 of his friends into buying the game, so in theory Matrix only has to make a product we want, and it will sell with no marketing costs.

I suspect the only peolpe playing are those who did the original persuading. We have sunk our "capital" into not only buying the game, for ourselves, but getting our friends to buy the game. We'd love to be able to give them back their money, or better yet, tell them, that the game is fixed, and we want to start playing again. Give us the product we want, and we'll do the marketing for you. Sell us a product that we don't want (i.e. slow and buggy), and we'll still do marketing, but it won't be to your benefit (see above post and the 7,605 other posts before that on this thread).

Mr. Rutins, did you get that? Give us some sort of remedial action plan.

If we got the product we wanted, there still is a elite corps of players out there, that would hit the ground running, and get out there persudaing their friends to buy the game (again), but we need a product we can put our faith in.

pzgndr -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/28/2009 2:24:59 PM)


The game has been a great disappointment so far... Mr. Rutins, did you get that? Give us some sort of remedial action plan... If we got the product we wanted...

Yes, yes, yes, it has been a disappointment so far. Too long to get released, released too early "as-is" because that is what most in this forum wanted, and it has taken too long to get patches out to resolve all of the issues. But there is a remedial action plan as Matirx has repeatedly announced, and eventually we should all have the product we want. The alternative may well have been that the game was never released and might yet still be in development. Would the forum community have been any happier right now today if that had been the Matrix marketing decision??

The community response to this whole affair over the past many years has also been a great disappointment. Empires in Arguments! There is of course a lesson-learned for Matrix to never do this again. I do not agree that must always happen with every new game, and with something like this community involvement is a good thing. The MWiF model for game development appears better, but for EiANW there's no turning back the clock and undoing what has been done. Why waste energy bitching about the past? [8|]


Almost an entire year was wasted in chasing the holy grail of an improved AI, which never had any chance of success. Every day spent chasing the AI meant another lost consumer... This game should be a marketers dream. 7 peolpe have to buy the PBEM game to play it

If all certain folks want is a PBEM version for the classic EiA, then it is already available with VASSAL software. Is that really all you want? Then why spend money on a PC game knowing full well it is not what you really want and then proceed to complain about it?? That is a total bullsh!t argument. My heart goes out to everyone who made such a poor decision. Let's have a big pity party. Boo-hoo!! Here's a tissue. Fact is, as a PC computer game, Matrix knows full well there is an equally valid customer demand for AI computer opponents for those folks who play games solitaire or for those groups of players of less than 7 people. You don't like that? Then don't buy PC games and stick with VASSAL for PBEM software. Knock your socks off. Have fun.


1.06 sounds like the game that should have come out a year ago.

I agree and I am anxiously waiting for this to make an appearance! Hopefully all this juvenile "playable yet?" nonsense will end and the forum community here can move forward in a more rational and mature manner. But I doubt it; some cannot help themselves. Regardless, I and others continue to patiently wait for the game we still want and Matrix appears on track to eventually deliver. Unlike some, my entire life does not revolve around EiA and I have plenty of other games to keep me busy while I wait. [:)]

borner -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/28/2009 4:17:03 PM)

pzgndr, what I want is the product I paid for, not some beta test version that goes on forever. Matrix is on track? Ok, maybe, but for how long now? I am glad you are happy with the current state of the game, and that maybe, one day, Matrix will have a product out that works. Even worse, it seems they are more worried about making "improvements" to the naval system and such, before even getting the basic game working correctly. When you cannot even have PP's calculated correctly, it is not exactly a good idea to be talking about major changed to the basic game. just in my opinion mind you.

The main issue here is Matrix was happy to market the game as ready, and take my money. If you think this thread is so far out of line, stop posting here. Make another about how great you think things are, and see what level of posts you get on that one. As for the rest of us, this thread was started, as was another that Matrix closed, to allow players to compair notes and opinions on how fustrated we are at the poor quality product Matrix released, and the very slow rate of progress they are making on getting it fixed.

I truely hope one day to be as happy about this game as you are pzgnr. I have other games I play as well. This thread is just not for people who's whole life is EiA, and it is somewhat silly on your part to hint that we are only complaining as we live and breathe this game. (one might think you on the payroll of Matrix or something?) So you are saying that only those people that have no life are going to complain? that is just silly.

Matrix - as for the game itself, I bought this probably the first week it was released. I have kept in contact with many of the players form my first games. Many have given up, and most of the rest are fustrated as I am. I understand that all of us already paid for this product, and thus do not represent an additional source of revenue for Matrix. However, can we please get a clear update on exactly where things are, and what the main focus at this point is? I truley hope that it is on bug correction and not "enhancements" at this point. I think a clear update would do wonders for many of us. I know it would help my morale at this point. Thank you.

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