Dancing Bear -> RE: playable yet? Part II (3/28/2009 12:38:47 PM)
The game has been a great disappointment so far. A good dozen people I know jumped into the game when it first came out with high expectations. Now almost none of them want anything to do with it. I imagine that this is a typical statistic, and only 10% of the people who brought the game are still playing, and not because we don't want to play EIA, but because of poor quality in the product. And it is not just the bugs, it is the incredibly slow speed of the game. I'm not saying that the Marshall is not willing to "stay the course" and fix the problems. He has been great, but he needs help. At a minimum Eric Rutins should set priorities for the Marshall that result in a better game of the majority of the players (Eric you are the marketing guy, you know that success for Matrix lies in a product that gives the consumers what they want, not what Matrix's wants or is only capable of). Almost an entire year was wasted in chasing the holy grail of an improved AI, which never had any chance of success. Every day spent chasing the AI meant another lost consumer. Now a year later, we still have a bugging slow game, and players that are left are very frustrated. 1.06 sounds like the game that should have come out a year ago. But now, there are only a few peolpe still willing to play, and almost none willing to buy 1.06. This game should be a marketers dream. 7 peolpe have to buy the PBEM game to play it, and for each group of 7 players, there is at least one that will persuade 6 of his friends into buying the game, so in theory Matrix only has to make a product we want, and it will sell with no marketing costs. I suspect the only peolpe playing are those who did the original persuading. We have sunk our "capital" into not only buying the game, for ourselves, but getting our friends to buy the game. We'd love to be able to give them back their money, or better yet, tell them, that the game is fixed, and we want to start playing again. Give us the product we want, and we'll do the marketing for you. Sell us a product that we don't want (i.e. slow and buggy), and we'll still do marketing, but it won't be to your benefit (see above post and the 7,605 other posts before that on this thread). Mr. Rutins, did you get that? Give us some sort of remedial action plan. If we got the product we wanted, there still is a elite corps of players out there, that would hit the ground running, and get out there persudaing their friends to buy the game (again), but we need a product we can put our faith in.