mbsports -> RE: Health of the Leagues (10/21/2008 10:21:50 PM)
MBFL is pretty solid - we have probably 27 guys in the pro league that are dedicated and doing things on a weekly basis for their team. We have a couple stragglers, so I always am trying to get new GMs for that league and for the other leagues as well. College we have about 20 GMs taking part in that. CFL gets very little activity from most GMs which is somewhat disappointing b/c I really love the CFL league and we have about 5-8 doing what they really should be doing there. CIS we have 5 guys in it. Overall you have good GMs and bad, I wish the community was a little stronger for CFL football in general, but it just isn't at a point like the NFL league where I can post a note somewhere and have 5 guys who want the team that night. Biggest thing I try to do is to make it the level of activity that the GM needs. If you're not able to set a weekly lineup I get that - we have lives and wives and jobs to take care of. If you're going to miss a draft, send a list - we do our drafts live so they are single day events. Overall I have a better read on each GM then the GMs probably think and I always know which guys are my hot seat guys that are most likely going to either bail or be replaced for inactivity.