Seth -> (4/27/2002 3:43:02 AM)
I guess I'd say Das Boot. When I was little (late 70's-early '80's), I used to love 'Bridge at Remaghen (sp?)', and 'Sink the Bismarck'. I love the scene right after the Hood's demise when the officer turns to the admiral or whatever and says "The Hood's not there." How dashed unsporting of the hun, eh what? ;) I also like the Zulu movies because I always root against the British, unless they're in one of the Korean War movies, because killing communists is much better than opressing the poorly equipped natives. I actually like the Korean War movies. The poor guys went over there, fought for three years, and no-one remembers. Police action, my ***. I can only remember one title (Bridges at Toko-Ri), but that one I've only seen 5 minutes of (the part where the Duke and his buddy get it). The best part, aside from seeing a forgotten war, is that all those M-46's look much more convincing. Red Dawn would have to be one of the worst war movies ever, but I also really hated that weird one from the early 70's(?), where the Americans are in a castle, and the Germans try to attack it disguised as the fire depatment, and the insane deserters are walking around with a tambourine singing spirituals, but they get hit by arty, and....what the hell were they thinking!? God, that was a bad movie. Also nominated: 'Escuadron 451'. Mexican movie from the 50's about the fighter pilots who served in the Pacific. While they were able to dig up some reasonable facsimilies of the Mexican P-47's, the use of stock European footage for the Japanese targets (German SPG's in snow) and strafing runs (B-17's giving some poor city hell while an FW-190 cuts across the shot) had me laughing out loud. Then again, I watch Telemundo, etc. a lot, and I have never seen any good Mexican movies. I'd really love to see some of the minor nation's films. I have seen 'La Bataille des Rails' from France, but nothing else about any war. If only our crappy TV networks would show movies like they used to. Seth