Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (11/20/2002 7:37:43 PM)
So far off topic it can't even be made out with binoculars, but last night I saw Harry Potter 2. And it made me think. There are sooooo many movies that try to be something, and do it the flashy popular way. And then there are a few that do it the right way, and they stand out so well for having done it just that way. Compare the movie Dungeons and Dragons to the film Harry Potter 2. With a name like Dungeons and Dragons you expect a certain type of film. After a lifetime of roleplaying games, I know, I expected a film that looked like the game, mostly. That Dungeons and Dragons looked nothing like that game was a major disappointment. Don't get me wrong, the film was good, it was just not worth making a fuss using the name of the game on it. There is more of the Dungeons and Dragons game in Harry Potter 2 actually. Magic, monsters, scary places, mysteries, dark forbidden secrets, nasty people. This is what I wanted when I went to see Dungeons and Dragons. Essentially Dungeons and Dragons was more or less the same as Pearl Harbour. The battle scenes were great I am sure, how can you go wrong with all those "special effects". Then again, I recently saw Windtalkers. The movie was based on a goood story notion, and then ruined with horribly inaccurate "special effects". There must have been "special effects" in Harry Potter 2, but you know, I was busy being impressed with how they made the movie "look right" to notice anything that jumped out as a "special effect" (well the flying car is of course cool, but that was hardly a diffficult stunt to film I am sure). That's why I get turned off with so many war movies that others are surprised I would slag. The film maker has essentially sold out to the lowest common denominator one to many times in the film in some cases. I have heard many complaints about Enemy at the Gates, for accuracy this and accuracy that. I think the film was done reasonable over all. I gave it 4 out of 5 though for only one reason. The producer "sold out" when he filmed that lass pulling down her pants. Lovely bare butt she had eh, but it was grossly out of place when measured against the rest of the film. I for one wish they would either make a movie all one way or the other. Either give me a man's war movie or a couple's war movie. But not both. I for instance will only watch Pearl Harbour if I have a woman with me. Otherwise, it will just not be worth my war movie dollar.