RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (Full Version)

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Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (1/31/2009 1:49:46 AM)

So I just finished merc mode and am starting on Vet. Takeing more time to playtest all the modes then I thought it would, So much to do so many games that call my name. Everythings been working pretty good so far imo. So I'm hopeing I'll get threw vet befor this weekend and be able to do up the mod update for ya'll by then. This will be my last update. Going to wait and see what the new patch changes befor I dig any deeper into the files to change things.

So to recap once again I R Not Dead. I've just been busy.

Much Love,

Rogue5108 -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/8/2009 7:50:34 AM)

I hate to be the Noob that asks the dumb question, but how do I install this Mod?  It seems like a great deal of work has gone into it, and I'm dying to try it.  I bought the game on CD, so none of the files are in Matrix folder.  I DL'ed and extracted it to the Hired Guns folder, but I'm not seeing any changes yet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  [&o]

Hard Sarge -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/8/2009 12:44:47 PM)

did you place the basic folder into the HQ folder ?

and you need to start a new game for the changes to take place

it is a very good mod

Rogue5108 -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/8/2009 3:56:21 PM)

I extracted the Mod into the folder Hired Guns is in, and it shows up there. I don't see a HQ folder.

Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/8/2009 9:40:06 PM)

The zip is the folder I used to pack up the mod. So it'll unzip if you tell the file to unzip to where ever it's going as "Hired Guns Reinforced" What you need to do is go into that folder and get the file called Basis and drop that into the hired guns main folder. It should if done right over write the files in there but I strongly suggest backing up your files befor hand. Just incase the patch comeing out needs any of the files I have changed.

So unzip the mod to your desktop or where every and go into the folder you'll see a Basis file and a readme. Take those to and drop them into your root hired guns folder. So for myself that would be C:\Matrix Games\Hired Guns. Then it'll over write whatevers there. Just once again backup your files.

I'll repack it for the next and final update to be less annoying. Cross my heart. Also as Hard Sarge said you need to start and new game. Also this mod at the moment in the version that is up only works on the newbie mode. Other two modes are comeing.

Much Love,

memphispt -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/9/2009 11:54:06 AM)

i need help with your mod ... i've installed the game, patched it to 17.001 and installed your mod and overwriten the files, but how do i know that the mod is working? i've completed the first and second missions (getting the papers and rescueing some guy) im up to day 3 or 4 and on the internet it's always the same wepons, same rifles same smgs, is this working as intended?
any help would be greatly appreciated

noname -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/11/2009 1:22:33 AM)

Reinforce, sorry to be dumb, Hard Sarge told me to get your mod but I can't find it. Very new to this and its confusing. Thank you

Hard Sarge -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (2/11/2009 1:28:00 AM)

go back to page one, first post, at the end of the post is a attactment, click on it and you while be asked to download it

pad152 -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/4/2009 10:34:06 PM)

Where can I get the latest version of this mod?


Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/8/2009 3:12:45 PM)

Latest Version was just posted today, March 8/09. I'm really sorry everyone it took me so long to get that out.. given its been sitting on my HD for like a month now. Real lifes been a vial beast, But I'll spare you that rant.

Mods up to 1.3 now, Be the last update too pending what gets changed in this upcomeing patch. *Prays for ACC indicators in game* Please read the notes for this mod I did some changes. Oh and it's good for all game modes now... But with the AI change they all play the same pretty well. Just moneys the issues. Anyways go too it and let me know if there's anything thats not there or broken. I can only playtest so much.

Much Love,

pad152 -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/9/2009 5:18:04 AM)

Thanks for the update![:)]

Hard Sarge -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/15/2009 8:04:27 AM)

thnak you, got it, love the BAR, thanks

Hard Sarge -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/15/2009 10:32:28 AM)

Shut gun slugs work good, got 3 clean kills with Dragon, 1 kill with a double shot, and about 4 wounded, in one battle
(of course, I really would of loved to of had a nade during that battle)

buckshot is pretty much, hit or miss

cakefart -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/18/2009 2:27:07 PM)

First if all,thanks reinforce for the mod and taking your time making this game better!!! [/makes a bow]

But just a quickie.

I installed the patch and now the damage modelling seems to be borked. My mercs do extremely little damage (2 or 4 with a SMG point blank,FMJ+AP+HP,to the head etc...) while the perps seem to do quite normal damage,especially in the close combat. Also when hit with bigger guns (shotgun,Mini14) the perps and mercs fly all over the rooms and yards...
Like literally bounces from wall to wall,even if the damage done is -4...

I wonder why I managed to fkuk things up?

I manually put all the files in their folders (like,opened the script folder,manually dragged the files from the patch folder etc..).

Wonder if I did fail at some point? The read me files explanation didnt help me because I am a retard... [:(]

Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/18/2009 2:42:30 PM)

You install the patch after you installed my mod?

If so then you'll need to remod the game as the patch overwrites some of the files I changed.

If not then try opening the zip and droping the full thing into the hired guns folder. It should/will prompt you to overwrite stuff, You may have missed a file. Or it could just be a run of bad luck. I nailed a tango the other day with one of the .50 sniper rifles and did 10 damage to him.

Much Love,

cakefart -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (3/18/2009 2:50:25 PM)

Ok. So I just drag the whole folder to the matrixgames/hired guns folder?
I think I might have borked in that area...

And no,it wasnt a stroke of bad luck...tried it about 5-6 times with the same results,the max damage was about 10 that I managed to score,but mainly 2 or 4,point blank.. And the ragdolling was a bit too Matrix for my tasted...heh..

Drakoon -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (4/13/2009 11:13:51 PM)

great job! just registered to say thank you

hope u r not dead and i look forward to more of your work!

Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (4/14/2009 12:43:47 PM)

Na I R Aint dead. :P

Waiting to see what the new patch comeing out does befor I see about doing anything else to the game.

Much Love,

dr. Hyde -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (4/19/2009 7:32:57 PM)

Great mod man! Great mod. [sm=00000436.gif]

Hard Sarge -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (4/25/2009 8:15:03 PM)

SHE gonna get mad you keep saying stuff like that :)

Foraven -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (4/29/2009 6:48:24 PM)

I found a small bug in your mod, the k43 don't have it's bullet, the entry in the ammo files is missing.

lwquade66 -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (5/22/2009 4:05:42 AM)

I have found a small problem with lists accys as laser and silencer but cannot attatch silencer. Otherwise a superb mod.

Foraven -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (5/22/2009 4:35:42 AM)


Foraven -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (5/22/2009 4:38:56 AM)

Well, i found a major bug with my AI, seem a small mistake had crippled it seriously. Just like every other AI bugs, it caused the AI to stall and take forever to process. Here a fixed AI, just paste it over the old one. I'm still working on the next version and i have a lot in store for it. But what i want the most is the AI to work as intended, and that is the hardest part, it's just too easy to mess it up...

Edit : Oups, this was meant to be posted in my thread...

JoeNapalm -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (5/27/2009 5:50:51 PM)


Yet another fan registering simply to say "Thanks!"

Oh, and you rock.

Carry on.


Anthropoid -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (6/17/2009 6:30:47 PM)

Didn't skim the whole thread, so sorry if this is already answered above. Might be to edit post #1 . . .

Is this mod updated to be compatible with the  1.08.00 patch?

Foraven -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (6/17/2009 9:37:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Anthropoid

Didn't skim the whole thread, so sorry if this is already answered above. Might be to edit post #1 . . .

Is this mod updated to be compatible with the  1.08.00 patch?

Short answer : No. Reinforce has not updated her mod in a while, not since i started mine at least.

Reinforce -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (6/18/2009 12:12:24 AM)

It does work with 1.08. But I would strongly suggest useing Foravens Mod to be honest. :P

It has much more in it then mine. This was more to get the ball rolling then anything, Plus I'm onto other things now.. damn you real life... damn you to... nm.

Much Love,

xeryx -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (6/18/2009 6:11:13 AM)

RL, always seems to put a damper on the modding world!! Who needs it anyway?..we can all just stay in our little boxes. 

Thank you Reinforce for your hard work!! you made many good improvements to the game, from what I can see.


Berty -> RE: Hired Guns Reinforced (7/14/2009 12:51:48 PM)


In the JA2 1.13 mod there was a facility where you could press a button and it would tell you information about the tile you had highlighted like the percentage chance to hit, the distance from your selected merc and the luminosity (although that one wouldn't really be applicable to Jagged Edge). 

I don't know if that would be a bit of a cheat at all, but I'd kind of like to know when I'm asking my guys to shoot a fellow in the head when all they can see is the top of his cheap toupé.  Maybe, in order for the game balance not to be thrown off, it could just tell you whether or not you had a clear shot at that body part?

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