rexmonday -> (10/14/2000 5:11:00 AM)
actually... I don't think they are as tough as in SPWW2ver2.?. They fire more incendiaries in that version and really lit up the sky.
Have you noticed how they sometimes fall prey to the old multiple tube artillery bug - if you fire them as indirect fire on a hex they can see (with the Z key), the second set of 'tubes' (the flame rockets) sometimes defaults to a previously targeted hex. If nothing else this can balance out their MIGHTY POWER. I was running a couple of short games as tests with them after seeing your posting, and yes, I incinerated a couple of my own scout units. I can accept this readily for rocket munitions - they aren't famed for their accuracy (correct me if I am wrong).
Going up against the USSR in '41 they didn't fare as well as you made them - the tanks sometimes just shrugged off incendiary rockets. They dealt pretty well with infantry though - send a couple targetted at the enemies rear most hexes and try and destroy their HQ before the game really begins. Against a force of UK infantry in the desert, well there were a couple of survivors, but they won't have wanted to sit too close to a fire ever again. Very nice for clearing out infantry in the desert. A hint - use the HE rockets as indirect fire, rather than targetted (ie. Z key not T key) and aim them into the centre of a platoon: they generate a lot of collateral damage this way.
Still, they are not as BAD as in Spww2