JWE -> RE: Ship graphics (2/19/2009 3:36:05 PM)
ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker And this just some of the USN conversions. The Japanese possibilities are numerous as well. Can you list which conversions are now possible, Don? This is pretty interesting. Can’t do a full list till release, but generally – only a few Allied warships get to convert, mostly Clemson/Wickes and they go to APD, AVD, DM, DMS that sort of stuff. Most conversions are between/among auxiliary types and only like-to-like (C2 to C2, C2-S to C2-S). Bird/Lapwing can play between AM and AVP, some late war sub classes can convert to gunboat types, ACMs and YMSs are convertible, stuff like that. Same for Japan, like-to-like only. As for D Class, there is a Delhi in the class db, but since it never got to Pac, no ship points to it. Just your everyday, run-of-the-mill D types; Danae, Dragon, Durban, Dauntless. All get withdrawn eventually. We tried to keep things as real as possible, while still maintaining flexibility, in the release version. However, there are lots of nifty classes in the database that modders “can” access easily, if someone wants more “what if”.